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spot based on ****** (ca.6.075×10 g) equals to (in order of magnitude) that based on ******-Ag
CNP samples (ca. 5.087×10 g). Similarly, the quantity of ****** lighted by the laser spot based on ****** (ca.1.944×10 g) equals to (in order of magnitude) that based on ******-Ag CNPs (ca. 1.717×10 g). Take the SERS detection of ****** for example: For the SERS detection of ****** based on ******-Ag CNPs, the probe volume is considered a focal [b]“tube” with a waist diameter of 90 ?m and a depth of ca. 1cm. By using the concentration of ****** (0.08%) one can determine the quantity of ****** molecules contributing to the Raman intensity ( (1000+60) ×10 ×0.08% × ? (45 ×10 ) ×1×10 / [(1000+60)×10 ] ~ 5.087×10 g). For the SERS detection of ****** based on ******, supposing that all the ****** molecules adsorbed on the surface of ****** evenly, one can determine the quantity of ****** molecules contributing to the Raman intensity (~ (50) ×10 ×1.5% × ? (45 ×10 ) / ? (5 ×10 ) ~ 6.075×10 g).
[b] L. Baia, K. Gigant, U. Posset, et al. Appl. Spectrosc, 56 (2002) 536.
(2) Response to comment: In the experimental results section does not appear how the SERS
measurements on ******-NPs were performed.
Response: We are very sorry for our negligence of introduce how the SERS measurements on ******-Ag CNPs were performed in the experimental results section. As Reviewer suggested that we have made complementarities of this experimental process in the section of 2.3 of the revised manuscript. (the section of 2.3, 16-20 lines)
(3) Response to comment: A significant comparison between the SERS activities of ******-NPs
and ****** substrates is not possible based on what reported in the paper. For instance, is the
number of NPs lighted by the laser spot equals for ******-NP and ****** samples? The authors have to make clear to the reader what they are comparing. Moreover, the normal Raman of ****** and ****** in solution and/or in solid state in fig. 3 would be helpful to understand the effect of the metal-analyte interaction.
Response: We are very sorry for our unclear description of what the SERS activities of ******-NPs
and ****** substrates are comparing. In Fig 3 of the original manuscript (Fig 8 in revised manuscript ), we mainly want to tell the reader the ******-Ag CNPs are unfit for the SERS detection
of ****** and ******, compared to the ******s prepared by electrostatic self-assembly with the
******-Ag CNPs. That is, the SERS effect of ******-Ag CNPs for ****** and ****** is much weaker than that of ******. According to the Reviewer good question (“is the number of NPs lighted by the laser spot equals for ******-NP and ****** samples?”), we have calculated the number of NPs lighted by the laser spot for ******-Ag CNPs and ******s. The calculation results show that the number of NPs lighted by the laser spot is not equal for ******-Ag CNPs and ******s. One can calculate the concentration of the
******-Ag CNPs in Ag colloid is ca. 1.26×10 /m according to the electrochemical reaction in our work. For the SERS detection based on ******-Ag CNPs, the probe volume was considered a focal “tube” with a waist diameter of 90 ?m and a depth of ca. 1cm. By using the concentration of ******-Ag CNPs in Ag colloid (1.26×10 /m ) one can determine the number of NPs lighted by the laser spot (1.26×10 × ? (45×10 ) ×1×10 ~ 68.011×10 ). For the SERS detection based on ******, by supposing that the distribution of the NPs on the surface of ****** is uniform, one can determine the number of NPs lighted by the laser spot ( ? (45 ×10 ) /? (200 ×10 /2) ~2.025×10 ). It can be seen that, the number of NPs lighted by the laser spot for ******-Ag CNPs is more than that for ******s. However, the experimental results show that the SERS effect of ****** and ****** on ******-Ag CNPs is much weaker than that on ******s, indicating that the SERS activity of ******s is better than that of ******-Ag CNPs. As the Reviewer suggested that, we have recorded the normal Raman scattering of ****** and ****** in solid state, as shown in Fig 2A(c) and Fig 2B(c), respectively. Very weak Raman signals are observed from solid ****** and ******. We know that Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool that gives precise information on the vibration energies of molecules, and can provide the fingerprint for unique chemical identification. However, the Raman scattering cross section of most biological
macromolecules is extremely small, which causes the Raman signals of biological [c]macromolecules are very difficult to obtain . Thus, in this paper, we attempt to obtain new SERS substrates to solve this question. Such as the Ag nanofilms prepared by using electrostatic self-assembly with the ******-Ag CNPs in this work. 图略
Fig. 2. (a) Raman spectrum of (A) solid ****** and (B) solid ******. SERS spectra of (A) ****** and (B)
****** solution adorbed on (b) ******-Ag CNPs and (c) ******, respectively.
[c] R.Kumar,H.Zhou,S.B.Cronin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (2005) 223105.
(4) Response to comment: It is quite expected that larger EM enhancement occurs on aggregated NPs adsorbed on the glass slide with respect to the un-aggregated ******-NPs. As far as I understood, the key point of the paper is the fabrication of ****** with interparticle regions of ca. 300 nm where the ****** and ****** molecules can be located, leading then to intense SERS signals. Therefore, this new substrate should be compared to other silver nanofilms which do not present these cavities, in order, also, to give some evidences to the previous hypothesis, which is a mere speculation based on the results reported in the article.
Response: As the Reviewer suggested that we have checked the new substrate with another silver
nanofilm which dose not present these cavities. Fig.3a (following) shows the SEM image of a
common ****** prepared using coupling agent of cysteamine and common Ag NPs on the surface of the glass slide. It shows that the average size of the particles on the surface of this common ****** is ca. 75 ± 5 nm, which is much smaller than that (200 ± 50 nm) of the
particles on the surface of the new ****** prepared using electrostatic self-assembly with ******-Ag CNPs (Fig.3b). Meanwhile, single layer of Ag nanoparticles is observed and no lots of
nano-scale regions are formed on the surface of the common ******. Fig.4 (following) shows the SERS spectra of ****** solution (1.5 %, 50 ?L) on this common Ag nanofilm (Fig.4 a) and the new ****** (Fig.4b) with a diameter of 1 cm, respectively. It shows that the EM enhancement occurs on the common ****** is weaker than that on the new ******. Meanwhile, striking spectral differences are seen in SERS spectra at 812, and 1022 cm , indicating that the orientation of the adsorbed ****** molecules is different on these two ******s. We think that it is mainly related to the surface characteristics of this new Ag nanofilm. On the surface of the new ******, the average size of the aggregated particles is up to ca. 200 ± 50 nm, which is much larger than that of the common ******. It improves the adsorption ability of the ****** molecules onto the surface of the new ****** effectively. Meanwhile, lots of nano-scale regions with the size of ca. 300 ± 50 nm are formed between the adjacent nanoparticles on the surface of the new ******, which makes ****** molecules can be embedded in effectively. It implies that the presence of nano-scale regions on the surface of the new ****** is an important factor for SERS effect of biological macromolecules. 图略
Fig.3. SEM image of the ****** prepared by using coupling agent of cysteamine (a) and by
using electrostatic self-assembly with ******-Ag CNPs (b) on glass slide.
Fig. 4. SERS spectra of ****** solution (1.5 %) on (a) the common ****** prepared by using
coupling agent of cysteamine and common Ag nanoparticles and (b) on the ****** prepared by
using electrostatic self-assembly with ******-Ag CNPs, respectively.
(5) Response to comment: The SERS spectra showed in fig. 5c is doubtfully assigned to ******. I suggest to the authors to carry out control experiments so that to rule out the presence of impurities on their silver film. In the following paper is reported the SERS spectrum of Citrate anion on silver NPs: Title: Anomalous Raman bands appearing in surface-enhanced Raman spectra Author(s): Sanchez-Cortes, S; Garcia-Ramos, JV Source: JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 29 Issue: 5 Pages: 365-371 Published: MAY 1998
Response: We are very grateful for your providing of the reference above. We have read this reference carefully. As Sanchez-Cortes et al. reported that the ions and new molecular species
resulting from the reduction of the metal will remain in the colloid system (especially in the citrate colloids), which has an obvious impact on the SERS of the analyte. Thus, in our present work, we employed the method of electrolysis to obtain ******-Ag CNPs, and employed the method of electrostatic self-assembly to obtain ******s. In our experiment of preparation of ******-Ag CNPs, ****** was not employed act as reducing agent in order to avoid the effect of citrate anion on the SERS of the analyte recorded on the surface of the new ******s.Considering the Reviewer’s good instruction, we have carried out a control experiment. In this control experiment, we have checked the Raman scattering on the surface
of the new ********s prepared under the same conditions, as shown in following Fig .5. The experimental results show that the effect of the impurities on the surfaces of these ******s on the SERS of the analyte is negligible. Meanwhile, as reported by Sanchez-Cortes et al., the Raman spectrum of solid citrate is shown [d]in Fig. 6 a. We can see that the main SERS bands of solid citrate recorded by us (Fig. 7) are close to the Raman bands of solid citrate reported by Sanchez-Cortes et al. 图略
Fig.3. Raman spectra of the surfaces of the different ******s (a, b, c, d) prepared using electrostatic self-assembly with ******-Ag CNPs. 图略
Fig. 6. Effect of excitation wavelength on the SERS background of an aggregated citrate colloid:
(A) FT-Raman spectrum of solid citrate (λex=l 064 nm); (B) FT-Raman spectrum of aqueous citrate (2 M, λex=l 064 nm); (C) FT-SER spectrum of the aggregated colloid after addition of NO3
(0.05 M) (λex=1064nm); (D) SERS spectrum of the same sample with excitation at 514.5 nm. 图略
Fig. 7. SERS spectra of ****** based on ****** prepared by using electrostatic self-assembly with ******-Ag CNPs.
[d] S. S. Corte and J. V. G. Ramos. Anomalous Raman Bands Appearing in Surface-Enhanced
Raman Spectra. JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY. 29 (1998) 365.
Special thanks to you for your good comments and suggestions!
Dear Editors and Reviewers.
We have tried our best to revise and improve the manuscript and made great changes in the
manuscript according to the Reviwers′good comments. And here we did not list the changes but
marked in red in revised paper.
We appreciate for Editors/Reviewers’ warm work earnestly, and hope that the corrections will
meet with approval.
Once again, thank you very much for your comments and suggestions.
We look forward to your information about my revised papers and thank you for your good comments.
Yours sincerely, R.M. Liu
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