2015年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题汇总 下载本文

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金融货币危机 financial and monetary crisis

金融违规行为 Financial irregularities /improprieties 金融危机 financial crisis

金融衍生物 financial derivative 金融中心 financial center

金融自由化 financial liberalization 金融租赁 financial lease 劲射 power shot

紧身的衣服 tight-fitting clothes

金税工程 the Golden Tax Project (a national taxation computer network)

近水楼台先得月 \come, first served; A water-front pavilion gets the moonlight first--the advantage of being in a favored position.\金丝猴 golden monkey

紧缩银根 tight money policy; monetary restraint

金无足赤,人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect. 进项税 input tax

进项税信贷 input tax credit 进修班 class for further studies 金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home 禁渔期 closed fishing seasons

禁渔期 closed fishing seasons; fishing moratorium; fishing ban 金元外交 dollar policy

紧张局势 tense situation;tension

禁止在任何地方、任何环境进行一切方式的释放核能的核武器试验保爆炸 prohibit any nuclear weapon test explosion which releases nuclear energy at any place and in any environment 金砖国家 BRICS countries (The BRICS countries - originally Brazil, Russia, India, and China, and now South Africa - have turned out to be a source of global economic development and essential to future generations. 金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国、以及新加入的南非)已成为全球经济发展的动力,对未来的发展至关重要。) 紧追 cling to, shadow, thunder on one's trail (手机键盘上的)“井” 字符 hash sign, number sign 经办人 operator

净产值 net output value; net value of production; net production value

经常项目顺差 favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account 经常性贷款 commercial lending 经常性支出 running expenses 净成本 pure cost; net cost; flat cost

经过长期不懈的努力 through protracted and unremitting efforts 靖国神社 Yasukuni Shrine

经济刺激方案 economic stimulus bill (US President Obama will sign the $787b economic stimulus bill, which has been passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate, Tuesday in Denver, a White House official has said. 美国国会众议院和参议院先后通过总额为7870亿美元的经济刺激计划,据白宫官员称,总统奥巴马将于周二在丹佛签署该法令。) 经济担保书 financial guarantee

经济的持续高速发展 sustained and rapid development of economy

经济的持续、快速、健康发展 sustained, rapid and sound development of the economy

经济的社会化、市场化、现代化 socialization, marketization and modernization of the economy 经济发展模式 economic development model (The annual government work report delivered at the Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress by Premier Wen Jiabao has proposed new strategies and thoughts about promoting urbanization, which will trigger the explosive expansion of domestic demands and help the transformation of economic development models. 温家宝总理在十一届全国人大三次会议上做年度政府工作报告时,提出了推进城市化的新战略和新思想,指出城市化将引发国内需求的突破性增长,帮助推进经济发展模式的转变。) 经济繁荣 economic boom 经济房 low-cost housing 经济封锁 economic blockade 经济复苏 economic resurgence 经济杠杆 economic lever

经济过热 overheated economy; overheated development of the economy

经济和技术合作 ECOTECH cooperation (Economic and technology cooperation) 经济核算 cost accounting 经济滑坡 economic downturn

经济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone 经济结构调整 economic restructuring

经济结构战略性调整 strategic restructuring of the economy 经济开发区 economic development zone 经济良性循环 a beneficial economic cycle 经济林 cash tree

经济全球化 economic globalization; economic integration 经济渗透 economic infiltration

经济师 economic engineer; economic manager; economist 经济实体 economic entity 经济失调指数 misery index

经济适用房 economically affordable housing

经济适用墓 affordable grave (Low-income earners in Beilun, Ningbo, will get affordable burials amid complaints of soaring funeral costs, Qianjiang Evening News reported Wednesday. Many people keen to get a nice posthumous home for their deceased relatives say people can no longer afford to die. 据《钱江晚报》周三报道,宁波北仑区为解决殡葬高消费问题,将面向低收入者推出“经济适用型墓地”。碰上殡葬,很多人为了让过世的亲人走得安心,都想找块好墓地。可贫困家庭却又出不起这个钱,以致出现了“活得起,死不起”的说法。) 经济特区 special economic zone(SEZ)

竞技体育 competitive sports 经济调整 economic restructure

经济头脑 commercially minded people; people with business sense 经济危机 economic crisis

经济萧条 economic depression; economic slump; business depression 经济效益 economic returns;economic efficiency 经济一体化 economic integration

经济责任制 economic responsibility system

经济增长点 growth engine;economic growth point 经济总量 economic aggregate

精简会议 cut down the number of meetings to make them shorter 精简机构 streamline government organs

精简、统一、效能的原则 principle of simplified administration, unified action and higher efficiency

经济承包制 management contract system 警戒水位 warning level; danger level 京剧票友 Peking Opera fan

京剧人物脸谱 types of facial make-up in Beijing opera 敬老院 home for the aged; seniors' home 精品 competitive products

景气产业 thriving business;thriving industries;thriving economy 精神食粮 nourishment for the mind; intellectual food

精神损失费 mental damage compensation (On April 26, 2010, Chen Bentao received the recorded footage and a letter asking him to return the money besides a mental damage compensation of 50,000 yuan. 2010年4月26日,陈本涛收到了部分录像光盘和一封信,信中要求他还钱,并赔偿5万元精神损失费。)

精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress; develop socialist culture and ethics 精神文明 cultural and ideological progress 精神支柱 spiritual pillar 景泰蓝 cloisonné

境外就业 be employed abroad

境外投资 outbound investment (The Chinese government will continue encouraging outbound investment while attracting foreign investment in 2010 for \the country's economy, a government official has said. 一位政府官员说,为了保证国家经济“稳定和相对快速”的发展,2010年中国政府会继续鼓励境外投资,同时吸引外来投资。) 境外消费(服务贸易) consumption abroad

镜像站点 mirror sites (The WikiLeaks website was also shut down after apparent political pressure on service providers, but WikiLeaks said there were now 750 global mirror sites meaning the data so far released remained readily available. 在服务器提供商公然受到政治压力后,维基解密网站也关闭了。但该网站称目前已在全球建立750个镜像站点,这意味着还有大量信息即将曝光。)

竞选辩论 election debate

竞选委员会 election committee;election board 竞选运动 election campaign