(湖北专用)高考英语一轮复习 板块十一 第3册 Unit1~2 That must be a r 下载本文

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大纲版(湖北版)2011高考一轮英语复习课下作业 复习板块十一 Unit1~2 That must be a record! &Crossing



1.I couldn't ________ my work last night with the party going on upstairs.

A.set down C.care about

B.center upon D.concentrate on

解析:句意:昨晚,楼上举行晚会,这使得我无法聚精会神做功课。concentrate on sth.“专心致志于”。set down“写下,记下”;center upon“把……当作

心”;care about“关心,在乎”。


2.Julia left the company because she found the job frustrating,and felt she wasn't

________ anything there.

B.accomplishing D.conveying

A.attempting C.confirming




3.The evidence ________ me in my opinion that they are lying.

A.confuses C.controls



解析:句意:这个证据证实了我的看法:他们在说谎。confuse“使迷惑,使为 难”;confirm“证实,确认”;control“控制”;confess“承认,坦白”。 答案:B

4.________ Tom and Jill,ten other students of this class took part in the sports meet.



B.But D.As well

C.Apart from

解析:此题关键在ten other students“另外十个学生”,apart from在此处相



5.No one________the matter in the Committee meeting that afternoon.

A.brought down C.brought up

B.brought about

D.brought back

解析:bring up 提出,抚养,呕吐。句意:那天下午没有人在委员会上提出这 事。bring down降低;bring about 实现,引起,造成;bring back 归还,使回



6.(2007·山东高考)I have offered to paint the house______a week's accommodation.

A.in exchange for C.by means of

B.with regard to

D.in place of

解析:in exchange for “作为交换”;with regard to “至于,关于”;by means of “通过……的方式”; in place of “代替”。句意:我提出愿意粉刷房子,



7.He had ________ realized that he was not good learner of music, so eventually he

made up his mind to move to the study of medicine.

A.recently B.gradually C.immediately


解析:句意:他渐渐认识到自己不适合学音乐,因此最终下决心学医。 答案:B

8.Modern technology has now broken the law of seasons, and farming is no longer

________ weather and temperature.

B.by means of D.in terms of

A.in the name of C.at the mercy of

解析:句意:现代技术打破了季节规律,农业再不受到天气和气温的影响。 答案:C

9. You can't have a hot bath—the water will ________.

A.give off C.run out

B.use up

D.bring in

解析:语境:水快用完了,不能洗热水澡。 答案:C

10.The house was ________ between midnight and 7a.m., said the detective


B.broken into D.looked into

A.burst into C.turned into

解析:句意:那个侦探很自信地说,盗贼是半夜到上午7点之间破门而入的。 答案:B


(2010·泰安模拟)You must burst into laughter when you hear your friends

their wish to you by saying:“Good good study,day day up”,which


is a most interesting sentence.When I first read the similar sentence“Long time no see”from an

American friend's email,I also laughed.I thought it was a

perfect __1__ of Chinglish.

Later on,my friend told me that it is a standard American __2__.I was too __3__.Her

words could not __4__ me at all.So I did a search on www.google.com.To my surprise,

there are over 60 thousand web pages __5__ “long time no see”.This sentence has

been __6__ used in emails,newspapers or any other __7__ places.Though it is informal,

it is part of the language that Americans use __8__.__9__,if you type this phrase in

Microsoft Word,the software will tell you that the grammar needs __10__. Nobody knows the __11__ of this Chinglish sentence.Some people __12__ that it came from Charlie Chan's movies.In the 1930s,Hollywood movie makers successfully

__13__ a famous Chinese detective named“Charlie Chan”on wide screens,__14__ liked to teach Americans some Chinese __15__.“ Long time no see”was his trademark.Soon it became a __16__ phrase.

Some scholars __17__ America to a huge pot of stew.All kinds of culture

are __18__

together,and they __19__ the color and taste of each other.Language is usually the first

thing to be __20__ in the mixed stew. 1.A.word
