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alleviates all feeling of heaviness. The four natures are effective in treating disease through being opposite in nature to them.
4. Chinese Hospitality 中国人的待客之道
A. 到中国人家里做客总感觉他们招待得很隆重。女儿请客,父亲作为主人,在饭桌上几乎没吃什么,只是隔一会儿就劝酒。母亲一直在厨房里忙着,不加入我们。这是老礼数。小孩子被赶到邻居家,以便客人吃得尽兴。有些人家则逼着孩子给客人唱歌或背诗。上一大桌菜,还说,“没什么东西,凑合着吃吧。”
I always feel spoiled to be a guest in a Chinese household: It is the daughter’s treat. Her father, as a host, did not eat much but was constantly proposing a toast. Her mother was busy cooking in the kitchen without joining us. That was an old tradition. The kids are sent to the neighbors so the guests can have a peaceful meal. Some hosts instead force their children to perform a song or recite a poem. Even though they prepared a sumptuous meal, the hosts would still say, “We don’t have much, so please bear with us.”
B. 这就是中国人的待客之道:把最好的东西拿出来招待客人。西方待客的目的是交流而非表现待客的热情。中国人待人热情的目的通常是为了表现自己懂礼节,而非想使客人满意。主人执意为客人布菜而不管你是否爱吃,因为他至少树立了待客有礼的形象。现在情况不同了。更多人喜欢自在随意而非刻意礼貌。
That is Chinese hospitality. People want to bring out their best food to welcome the guests. Westerners want to socialize with the guests rather than simply showing hospitality. Chinese hospitality is meant to show the politeness of the host rather than keeping the guests happy. The host may insist on putting food on your plate, despite the fact that you may not like certain food. At least the host gives the impression that he is very hospitable. Things are different now. More and more people prefer a relaxed atmosphere rather than showing hospitality just for the sake of it.
C. 在餐厅,中国消费者会点一大堆食物。他们贪吃吗?不。这是因为“好面子”的价值观。请客人外出吃饭并不简单地被看做“一起吃顿饭”,而是为了加强友
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好关系和做生意。一次宴请因此被看做是一项大投资。这种现象背后的原因很简单,主人觉得如果一餐结束时所有的菜被吃光了,客人会以为主人很吝啬。 At a restaurant, Chinese customers would order too much food. Are they greedy? No. It is because the Chinese attach a lot value to the concept of “keeping face”. When inviting guests and friends out to dinner, the Chinese do not view it simply as “dining together”, but to strengthen friendly ties and to do business. A big banquet is therefore considered a good investment. The reason behind the
phenomenon is simple: the hosts take it for granted that if all the food is gone at the end of the meal, their guests might think they were stingy.
5. A Hectic Holiday 忙碌的长假
A. 中国人每年有2次长假,十一和春节,每次假期7天。但越是长假, 人们就越忙碌,特别是交通部门,旅游和服务行业。回家是春节长假的一个任务。每个家庭都想团聚。独生子女们要为去谁的父母家过节发生争执。他们往往达成妥协,在双方家里各呆几天,因此年轻夫妻不得不花很多时间在路上奔波。 China has two long holidays, each extending over a week. They are National Day and Spring Festival. But the longer the holidays, the busier the people are, especially those in traffic management, tourism and the service industries.
Going home is almost an obligation during Spring Festival. Every family wants to have a reunion. Many young couples who are the only child of their respective families will argue about whose parents they should spend the holiday with. More often than not, they would reach a compromise by spending a few days with each family. In this case, the young couples may have to spend a lot of time on the road.
B. 改革开放使国人有更多可支配收入。国庆人们纷纷出国旅行。不像美国旅客在度假胜地住上几日,中国游客喜欢购物并在旅游景点照相。多数游客并非为自己购物,而是为亲戚,家人和同事买纪念品。中国游客喜欢与朋友分享海外
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Thanks to economic reforms, Chinese people have more disposable income now. They like to go sightseeing overseas on National Holidays. Unlike the American tourists who usually spend their holidays at a resort for days on end, Chinese tourist prefer shopping and taking pictures of the well-known scenic spots. Many people buy right souvenirs at affordable prices for relatives,, family members and colleagues rather than shopping for themselves. Chinese people like to share the joy of overseas travel with friends. The same is true with taking pictures. Photographs are proof to show others that they have been to may places.
C. 有人说中国人工作时像玩,玩时像工作。黄金周期间基本上还是这种情况。许多人仍然不知道如何休假。忙里偷闲的意思是,休闲是偷来的,而不是应该的。飞速发展的经济引发了中国的旅游热潮。 中国团队游的激增,成为旅游区重要的收入来源,同时也造成了对国人的微词:喧哗,无礼,对当地文化无知。
Some critics say that, many people who were at work acted as if they were on a holiday, and for those who were on a holiday, they acted as if they were at work. This is still more or less the case during the golden week holidays. Many people still do not know how to spend a holiday. Chinese people like to “steal” some leisure out of a busy schedule which makes it sound like leisure is not something people deserve. China’s rapid economic growth has fostered a tourist boom. The surge in package tour groups from China, an important source of income for the tourism region, is also giving rise to an unflattering stereotype: the loud, rude and culturally naive Chinese tourist.
6. The Significance of Chinese Paintings 国画的含意
A. 中国人绘画用毛笔蘸墨汁或颜色,灵巧地挥洒纸上。画家用深浅浓淡的点和线构图。与水墨画相比,源于宫廷的工笔重彩的特点是细腻的画法,对细节的描绘以及丰富的色彩。中国画题材大致相同:牡丹、梅花、山水、林中小屋
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The Chinese do painting with brushes, dipping their brushes in ink or paint, and then skillfully wielding them. Painters produce pictures on the paper with lines and dots-- some heavy, and some light, and some deep, and some pale. In
comparison to ink and wash painting, fine brushwork, minute attention to details and rich elaborate coloring characterize meticulous heavy color paintings that originated from palace paintings. Chinese paintings have similar subjects: peony, plum blossoms, mountains, creeks or cottages. The objective of most painters is purely entertainment and self-cultivation. To exhibit their paintings at public functions is probably the climax of their painting careers.
B. 中国画有一个特点:强调绘画的教育功能。早在两千年前,人物画就被政府机构广泛用作宣传工具,表彰忠臣烈士,批判乱臣贼子。唐代的士大夫们把绘画创作纳入儒家的思想体系。宋代政府出版了官方画谱,对绘画功能提出要求,并论述了十类绘画存在的价值和意义,涵盖宗教思想,儒家理论和政权统治。
The educational function is a unique feature of Chinese paintings. Human
profiles were universally used as a propaganda method to either glorify heroes or condemn traitors by authorities 2000 years ago. Tang Dynasty officials brought painting into Confucian ideology. The Court of the Song Dynasty published an official guide to paintings, which raised criteria for paintings, defined the value and significance of its ten categories, covering the fields of religious beliefs, Confucianism and state power.
C. 在官方画谱里,山水画存在的价值是能描绘五岳;瓜果花鸟有敬神的作用。绘画因此起到以物比人的教化作用。比如,牡丹和孔雀表现富贵,梅兰菊竹比喻高人雅士,松柏象征忠贞。而文人眼里的竹子代表正直、质朴,兰花代表谦虚和怀才不遇;松树代表自强不息。文人画的山水取决于画家的个性和修养。 According to the official guide of paintings, the purpose of landscape paintings was to portray the five mountains, while fruit and birds were used to exemplify or eulogize the Gods. In this case, the subjects were used as references to people in order to deliver moral messages. For example, peony and peacocks
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represented wealth and fortune; Plum blossoms, orchids, chrysanthemum: and bamboo represented elegance and accomplishment; and pine trees and cypresses symbolized loyalty. Artists also give meaning to the subjects they pain. Bamboo symbolizes integrity and simplicity; the orchid symbolizes modesty and misfortune; and pine trees symbolize never giving up. Landscape painting depends on the painter’s personality and self-cultivation.
7. The Role of Opera 戏曲的作用
A. 中国人喜好戏曲,就像英国人喜好足球,西班牙人喜好斗牛一样。传统社会里,除了娱乐,戏曲还有普及文化和教化社会的作用。戏曲的题材多取自历史典故,民间传说和古代小说。它宣扬传统的价值观和伦理道德。比如扬善惩恶,忠孝仁义,贬斥忘恩负义。戏曲填补了文化教育的不足,特别是在农村地区。
To Chinese, opera was the vital entertainment, like sports for the British and bullfighting for the Spaniards. In a traditional Chinese society, opera was also used as a vehicle to spread knowledge and ethics, civilizing the society. Most operas were based on historical events, folklore, or classical novels. They promoted traditional values and moral principles, such as punishing evil and
eulogizing the good, loyalty and kindness, and the denunciation of the ungrateful. Operas were able to fill the gaps in education and teaching, especially in an agricultural society.
B.清朝,京剧在众多地方剧种中脱颖而出,成为中国主要剧种。京剧融合了歌唱,舞蹈,表演和杂技的舞台艺术。在人物形象的塑造上使用特殊的表现手法。所有的角色到按照其性别,个性,年龄,职业和社会地位类型化,叫行当。在角色类型的基础上,形成了一套程式化的表现方法,诸如服装和脸谱。 In Qing Dynasty, Peking Opera over took all other folk operas and became a national entertainment. Peking Opera is a theatrical art that incorporates
singing, dancing, acting and acrobatics. It uses special imagery in the creation of characters. All roles are classified in several role types according to sex,
personality, age, profession and social status, in the general term “hangdang”. Based on the role types, a complete set of standards has been formed for aspects such as costumes and facial makeup.
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