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图15 权限控制效果图
List list=(List)session.getAttribute(\ Set
d.add(<%=f.getId() %>, <%=f.getFatherId() %>,
'<%=f.getName() %>','<%=f.getConnurl()%> ','','Main');
public void doFilter(ServletRequest arg0, ServletResponse arg1, FilterChain arg2) throws IOException, ServletException
{ HttpServletRequest request=(HttpServletRequest)arg0; HttpSession session= request.getSession(); List list=(List) session.getAttribute(\ String uri=request.getRequestURI(); if(uri.endsWith(\
arg2.doFilter(arg0, arg1); }else{ if(list==null){ request.setAttribute(\请正常登录系统!\ request.getRequestDispatcher(\ }else{
arg2.doFilter(arg0, arg1); } } }else{ arg2.doFilter(arg0, arg1); }
4.2 系统的测试
4.2.1 测试的目的和作用
许多领域内专家也极力主张软件测试的目的主要是在于发现软件错误,希望在软件开发生命周期内尽可能早的发现尽可能多得bug。这种认识源于我们没有办法对软件进行完全测试,即对程序的正确性进行完全证明,但遗憾的是,我们至今还没有使用的技术做到这一点。包括E.W.Dijkstra指出“测试只能证明程序有错, 不能保证程序无错”。所以,人们认为能够发现程序缺陷的测试是成功的测试,测试的根本目的就是为了发现尽可能多地缺陷。然而不幸的是,这种对软件测试过分单一的阐述和解释会带来两个原则性的问题。 4.2.2 测试原则
中国软件评测中心的测试原则就是从用户和开发者的角度出发进行软件产品测试的,通过我们的测试,可以为用户提供放心的产品,并对优秀的产品进行认证。 为了达到上述的原则,那么需要注意以下几点:
(8).妥善保存一切测试过程文档,意义是不言而喻的,测试的重现性往往要靠测试文档。 4.2.3 测试方法和步骤
软件测试方法: 第一种方法是黑盒测试,第二种方法是白盒测试 。
软件测试步骤: (1)单元测试(模块测试) (2)子系统测试(3)系统测试(4)验收测试(5)平行运行。
6 致谢
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The Design and Realization of Campus Network Secondhand Merchandise System Based on Web
(School of Computer and Information Engineering, Anyang normal university, Henan,
Anyang, 455002)
Abstract:This system is a set of platform software of the campus-wide system secondhand transaction. It adopts the JSP/J2EE technique, and programmed with Java programming language. It also adopts the B/S development mode, which is based on Web and popularize in recent years. It runs in internet ways. Only when the server install this system and the client can visit it, browse and release some secondhand conveniently and speedily when they go on-line. And so it dispenses with such operation as the complicated installing, installment and support in traditional C/S mode. At the same time, it uses the Java language which towards the OOP(object-oriented programming).So the system has the specific property of towarding OOP, irrelevant with the platform ,the Java language’s support to the network programming technique makes the system have high practical value.
The system development is divided into three parts. That is using JavaBeans to process business logic; using JSP+HTML+JavaScript and Servlet to process interface; and visiting the SQL Server 2000 database through JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
Keywords:JSP;JavaBeans;Java;B/S请删除以下内容,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!An arbitrary title given to a funerary work from ancient Egypt called pert em hru, the translation of which is \day,\Heliopolis, Thebes, and Sais, differing only inasmuch as they were edited by the colleges of priests founded at these centers. Many papyri of the work have been discovered, and passages from it have been inscribed upon the walls of tombs and pyramids and on sarcophagi and mummy-wrappings. One very complete copy is on display at the Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy. It is undoubtedly of extremely early date; exactly how early it would be difficult to say, but in the course of centuries it was greatly added to and modified. It contains about 200 chapters, but no complete papyrus has been found. The chapters are quite independent of one another, and were probably all composed at different times. The main subject is the beatification of the dead, who were supposed to recite the chapters in order that they might gain power and enjoy the privileges of the new life. The work abounds in magical references. The whole trend of the Book of the Dead is thaumaturgic, as its purpose is to guard the dead against the dangers they have to face in reaching the other world. As in most mythologies, the dead Egyptian had to encounter malignant spirits and was threatened by many dangers before reaching his haven of rest. He also had to undergo judgment by 第24页