译林英语4A新教材unit 1~4 期中复习测试卷(有听力和参考答案) 下载本文

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( )1.A. basketball B. football C. table tennis D. jump ( )2.A. can B.can’t C. play D.swim ( )3.A. well B. good C. sad D. fly ( )4.A. many B. any C. little D. have ( )5.A. family B. father C.football D. funny ( )6.A. elephants B. horses C. dogs D.monkeys ( )7.A. sixteen B. eleven C. nineteen D. fifteen ( )8.A. pineapples B. grapes C. mangoes D. bananas ( )9.A. run B. swim C.jump D. skate ( )10.A. make a fruit salad. B. our fruit salad C. make a cake D.a hot cake

二、听录音,判断所听句子与所给译文是否一致,相符打√,不相符打×。(1′×5= 5分)

( )1.你会打篮球吗? ( )2.我也不会游泳。 ( )3.他溜冰很好。 ( )4.我有许多球。

( )5.你有多少个玩具狮子?


( )1. A. Yes , he can . B. Yes , she do . C. Yes , she can . ( )2. A. Yes ,I do . B. No , I can’t . C. Yes , I can . ( )3.. A. I have fifteen . B. I have some basketballs . C. No , I don’t .

( )4. A. I have twelve . B. I’m fine . C. I am twelve . ( )5. A.Yes,it is. B.Yes, please. C.It ‘s a box.


Hello! My _______ is Tom, I’m _______ _______ old. I can play _______, I can’t play _______.This is Lucy, She’s my sister. She’s nine. She can play _______ _______. She can’t _______. That’s my brother, peter. He’s four. He can’t play football. He can _______ and




1. 玩具动物_____________ 2. 喜欢熊猫________________ 3. 有一个菠萝___________ 4. 看一看______________

5. 打篮球_____________ 6. 多少_________________

7have a try 8. 许多乒乓球

9.can’t fly 10. Don’t be sad


1. I have some . 2. Mike can very well .

3.Can you ?

4. I like .

.5. I would like two .


1. Do you like ______(monkey)? Yes, I ______( do) 2. I’m twelve ______(year) old. 3. I can ______ ______ ( football). 4. I have some______(pie).

5. How many toy______( car) do you have? 6. Do you have ______(some)apples? 7.I can't run______(either).


( )1. ______ these toy animals.

A. see B. Look at C. Look ( )2. Do you have______ grapes?

A. some B. a C. any ( )3. ——Here you are. ——______

A. Thank you B. Ok C. All right ( )4.——______ footballs do you have?——Thirteen. A. How nice B. many C. How many ( )5. Can you ______?

A. swim. B. swims. C. swimming

( )6.——Can Mike play table tennis? —— Yes, ______. A. I can B. he can’t C. he can ( )7. Do you like ______?

A. a egg B. an egg C. eggs ( )8.—— ______ you like a pie?——Yes,please. A.Do B. Would C. Can ( )9. Let ______ make a fruit salad

A. is B.us C. are ( )10.Can you _____?

A.play a football . B .play basketball . C.play the table tennis



( )1. What do you have? A. Sure. ( )2.How man toy elephants can you see? B. Yes,I can.

( )3.Do you like cars? C. I have a toy car. ( )4.Can you run and swim?. D. No, I don’t ( )5.Can I have a look? E. Fourteen.


1.like you that do tiger ___________________________________________

2.toy you have any do cars ___________________________________________

3.can’t brother basket my play ___________________________________________

4.at that look dog toy ___________________________________________

5.play you table can tennis ___________________________________________.



(?) (?)

(.) (.)


( )1.Look at this lovely pandas. ___________

( )2. How many orange would you like?. ___________ A B C

( )3.I don’t like apples, too. ___________