2020届高三《新题速递·英语》12月第03期 (考点03完形填空) 下载本文

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It is 5 am and it’s too dark to see the fields of volcanic rock and trees on either side of the highway. But over the lights of my car, I get a taste of the ____21____ I’m really here for, as a few stars Pierce (渗透) the inky ____22____ sky.

Today our relationship to the universe is largely connected byes ____23____, such as telescopes and NASA assignments. But for thousands of years, humans could ____24____ look up on a clear night to be ____25____ at the bright spots that stretched (延伸) directly over them.

But over time, we’ve ____26____ ourselves from our sky, building a covering of artificial light between ourselves and the dark depth of space. Our ____27____ , neon signs (霓虹灯), and other electric lights are increasingly flooding the night sky and ____28____ the stars. ____29____ , about one third of the world’s population cannot see the Milky Way from where they live. And some can’t even recognize it. The sense of wonder for the night sky _____30_____, and that means something vital to humanity is lost as well. That’s why I’ve dragged myself out of bed hours before _____31_____. Like 99 percent of Americans, I live with _____32_____ pollution and I’ve never seen a truly night sky. So I’m here to _____33_____ my first glance. As I _____34_____ out of the car, I _____35_____ raise my face up towards the sky, worrying whether I can make it. There it is, _____36_____ across the sky as far as I can see. The Milky Way is so vivid that my eyes don’t even have to _____37_____ the dark to see it. I expect to feel the _____38_____ of the sky, perhaps as though I’m falling into a bottomless hole. Instead, the blanket of stars above me is so thick that it is hard to _____39_____. In black and white, the whole scene feels surreal. As I get back in the car, I pass a _____40_____ that says “Never Stop Looking Up.” 21. A. view 22. A. clear 23. A. emotion 24. A. completely 25. A. depressed 26. A. excused 27. A. shops 28. A. covering

B. issue B. black B. survey B. hardly B. frightened B. distanced B. decorations B. beating

C. event C. blue C. imagination C. simply C. confused C. freed C. streetlights C. unlocking

D. cause D. dirty D. technology D. rarely D. amazed D. defended D. buildings D. reflecting


29. A. Moreover 30. A. increases 31. A. sunrise 32. A. noise 33. A. turn out 34. A. step 35. A. formally 36. A. putting 37. A. adjust to 38. A. length 39. A. test 40. A. note

B. Instead B. disappears B. dark B. air B. search for B. look B. confidently B. walking B. turn to B. width B. weigh B. sign

C. Therefore C. struggles C. sunset C. waste C. apply for C. wonder C. nervously C. cutting C. depend on C. depth C. catch C. letter

D. Meanwhile D. pours D. dusk D. light D. figure out D. think D. casually D. stretching D. throw away D. strength D. measure D. signal

21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. 【答案】

A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. B 【解析】

本文为一篇记叙文。记叙了作者到户外寻找繁星的故事。 【21题详解】

考查名词辨析。句意:灯光照在我的车上,我领略到了美丽的风景。A.view 视图;B.issue 问题;C.event 事件;D.cause 原因。作者来这是来寻找繁星的美景的。故选A项。 【22题详解】

A.clear 干净的;B.black 黑色的;C.blue 考查形容词辨析。句意:我真的在这里,就像几颗星星穿透漆黑的天空。 蓝色的;D.dirty 脏的。通过前面的inky“漆黑的”以及整句几颗星星穿透可知应该是“黑色的”天空。故选B项。【23题详解】

考查名词辨析。句意:今天,我们与宇宙的关系在很大程度上是通过望远镜和美国宇航局的任务等科技联A.emotion 情感;B.survey 调查;C.imagination 想象;D.technology 技术,系在一起的。科技。从后面的telescope和NASA assignment可知是通过“科技”将人类和宇宙联系起来。故选D项。 【24题详解】

考查副词辨析。句意:但几千年来,人类仅仅只要抬头仰望晴朗的夜空,就会惊奇地发现眼前闪亮的星星布满他们头顶的星空。A.completely 完全地;B.hardly 几乎不;C.simply 简单地;D.rarely 很少地。词句存在对比,根据句意,可知几千年以前,我们仅仅抬个头就能惊讶于眼前闪亮的星星布满他们头顶的星空。故选C




考查动词辨析。句意:但几千年来,人类仅仅只要抬头仰望晴朗的夜空,就会惊奇地发现眼前闪亮的星星布满他们头顶的星空。A.depressed 沮丧;B.frightened 害怕;C.confused 困惑;D.amazed 惊讶于。be amazed at为固定搭配,意为“惊讶于……”故选D项。 【26题详解】

考查动词辨析。句意:但随着时间的推移,我们已经远离了我们的天空,在我们自己和黑暗的太空深处之A.excused 原谅;B.distanced 疏远;C.freed 释放;D.defended 辩护。间建立了一层人造光。从整句话的理解可知,我们是使自己远离了星空(distanced),在人类和星空之间建造了一层人造灯光。故选B项。 【27题详解】

考查名词辨析。句意:我们的街灯、霓虹灯和其他电灯正越来越多地充斥着夜空和星空。A.shops 商店;B.decorations 装饰;C.streetlights 路灯;D.buildings 建筑物。从霓虹灯和其他的电光源“other electric lights”,可以推断出此处所填的为electric lights中的一种。故选C项。 【28题详解】

考查动词辨析。句意:我们的街灯、霓虹灯和其他电灯正越来越多地充斥着夜空和星空。A.covering 覆盖;B.beating 跳动;C.unlocking 解锁;D.reflecting 反射。从前面这些光越来越多地涌向夜空,可以得知后面是遮盖住了星星。故选A项。 【29题详解】

考查副词。句意:因此,大约三分之一的世界人口无法从他们居住的地方看到银河系。A.Moreover 此外;B.Instead 代替;C.Therefore 因此;D.Meanwhile 与此同时。光遮盖住了星星,导致世界三分之一的人口现在从他们居住的地方是看不到银河了,前后具有明显的因果关系。故选C项。 【30题详解】

考查动词辨析。句意:对夜空的惊奇感消失了,这意味着对人类至关重要的东西也消失了。A.increases 增加;B.disappears 消失;C.struggles 挣扎;D.pours 倒下。从后半句也消失了“is lost as well”,可知前面说的是对于夜空的惊奇感消失了。故选B项。 【31题详解】

考查名词辨析。句意:所以我在日出前几个小时就把自己从床上拖了起来A.sunrise 日出;B.dark 黑暗;C.sunset 日落;D.dusk 黄昏。看星星肯定是在黑夜里看,所以这里肯定是在日出之前。故选A项。 【32题详解】

A.noise 噪音;B.air 考查名词辨析。句意:像99%的美国人一样,我生活在光污染中,从来没有见过真正的夜空。


空气;C.waste 废物;D.light 灯。根据前面段落的描述,可知是光污染。故选D项。 【33题详解】

A.turn out 出来;B.search for 寻找;C.apply for 申考查动词词组辨析。句意:所以我来这里寻找我的第一束光。请;D.figure out 画出。作者来是寻找繁星的。故选B项。 【34题详解】

考查动词辨析。句意:当我从车里走出来时,我紧张地抬起头来,面朝天空,担心自己能否成功看到星星。A.step 步骤,跨出;B.look 看;C.wonder 想知道;D.think 思考。从后面作者抬头看向夜空,可以得知作者从车子里出来。故选A项。 【35题详解】

考查副词辨析。句意:当我从车里走出来时,我紧张地抬起头来,面朝天空,担心自己能否成功看到星星。A.formally 正式地;B.confidently 自信地;C.nervously 紧张地;D.casually 随便地。从后面“ worrying”一词可以看出作者还是很紧张地抬头,担心看不到星星。故选C项。 【36题详解】

考查动词辨析。句意:就在那里,一直延伸到我能看到的天空。A.putting 推;B.walking 走;C.cutting 切;D.stretching 延伸。从“as far as I can see”可以得知此处是延伸开来。故选D项。 【37题详解】

A.adjust to 考查动词词组辨析。句意:银河是如此的生动,以至于我的眼睛甚至不需要适应黑暗就能看到它。调整,适应;B.turn to 转到;C.depend on 取决于;D.throw away 扔掉。根据句意,我的眼睛部署要调整,适应就能够看到。故选A项。 【38题详解】

A.length 长度;B.width 宽考查名词辨析。句意:我希望能感受到天空的深邃,也许就好像掉进了一个无底洞。度;C.depth 深度;D.strength 强度。从后面的一个无底的深洞可以得知作者是想感受这个星空到底有多深邃。故选C项。 【39题详解】

A.test 测试;B.weigh 考查动词辨析。句意:头顶的星星像一张毯子,是如此厚重以至于很难测量星空的深度。称重;C.catch 捕获;D.measure 测量。头顶的星星像一张毯子,是如此厚重以至于很难测量星空的深度。故选D项。 【40题详解】

考查名词辨析。句意:当我回到车里时,我路过一个牌子,上面写着“永远不要停止抬头”A.note 注释;B.sign 签名,标牌;C.letter 字母;D.signal 信号。根据句意,当我回到车上的时候,我经过了一个标牌,上面写着“永




阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

My grandparents lived in a town in Michigan. Every summer I stayed with them as a young child. I came from the 41 but loved the small place where they lived. People there knew everyone else, their kids, their pets and their ancestors. The bond with them continued to grow 42 I grew older.

My grandma was 43 at making something exciting by hand. She would make little sandwiches and we'd have tea parties. She'd plant flowers and carefully 44 them. She'd 45 sweaters for her grandchildren as well as making beautiful 46 for each one. I remember the small thimble (顶针)she would use while doing her needlework. 47 her thimble on her finger, she'd remark, \

A few years ago my grandma 48 at the age of 91. After attending her funeral, I realized how 49 our lives had changed. I missed her very much. When my birthday came, I was feeling 50 because there was no card from my grandma. But what happened later made me feel that she was 51 that special day with me. While I was arranging some 52 pillows that my grandma had made, I 53 felt something inside one pillow. It was small and 54 I moved the object to a seam (接缝)and I carefully opened it. To my delight, out 55 a tiny silver thimble!

How 56 it was to find something that had been a part of her. Not realizing it had fallen off her finger, my grandma 57 it in that little pillow for me. I carefully laid the thimble along with the other things I had 58 over the years, which reminded me of the pleasant 59 of her.

I heated the tea kettle and made some tea, using my best china, as my grandma always did, and enjoyed my tea and my grandma's 60 . What a wonderful birthday that was! 41. A. building 42. A.as

B. cottage B. though B. angry B. tend B. buy

C. city C. that

D. town D. if D. poor D. cut D. make D. bikes D. Removing D. passed away D. slowly D. surprised D. wasting D. broken D. gladly


43. A. mad 44. A. watch 45. A. mend 46. A. books 47. A. Buying

C. good C. pick C. wash C. quilts

B. houses B. Placing B. fell ill

C. Collecting C. dropped in C. slightly C. thrilled C. planning C. colorful

48. A. called on 49. A. quickly 50. A. upset 51. A. sharing 52. A. tiresome 53. A. eagerly

B. shamefully B. worried B. thinking B. ugly

B. carelessly C. suddenly