内容发布更新时间 : 2025/2/8 20:01:45星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
MDT Modular Formation Dynamic Tester模块式地层动态测试器(组件式动态地层动力学测试仪)
MER Maximum Efficient Rate mkwh milk white MIT 多道感应测井仪 MMBBL metric million barel
MMS Minerals Management Service MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPERM 核磁共振渗透率
MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度
MRGC Multi-Resolution Graph-based Clustering
MRIL Magnetic Resonance Imager Log核磁共振成像测井 MRILWD magnetic resonance imaging logging while drilling MR_KLAMBDA_PERMS Timur/Coates Permeability MRP Magnetic Resonance Porosity
MSIP Modular Sonic Imaging Platform 模块化声波成像平台 msl mean sea level
MTSA Master Technical Services Agreement M/U make up,mount up
MUSD million United States Dollar MW: Mud Weight (ppg)
NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马 NGS Natural Gamma Spectrum
NIDC National Iranian Drilling Company NIOC National Iranian Oil Company NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NSP 防磨补心 NTG Net to Gross OBM Oil Based Mud
OBMI Oil Base MicroImage tool OCM operating committee meeting
ODP overall development plan总体开发方案 OGWC Original Gas Water Contact OOC Oil On Cuttings
OOIP original oil in place 原始石油地质储量 OPS operations
OWC oil water contact
P90 which represents the realistic low side P50 the Median value range
P10 representing the realistic UPSIDE for the prospect.
P16H_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 2 MHz, Environmentally Corrected,
P16L_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 400 KHz, Environmentally Corrected,
PCG: Pipe connection Gas (%)接钻杆气 Pd dew point
PD permanent datum
PDAT Permanent Datum
PEMA Pesquisas Minairas de Angola
PETRANGOL Companhia de Petroleos de Angola
PEX Platform Express (The Platform Express toolstring includes either the AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool or High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde (HALS) as the resistivity tool. The Three-Detector Lithology Density (TLD) tool and Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log (MCFL) are housed in the High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde (HRMS) powered caliper. Above the HRMS are a compensated thermal neutron and gamma ray in the Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde (HGNS) and a single-axis accelerometer.) PHIE Effective Porosity PHIE Multimin Porosity pl poorly??
PML ParaMagnetic测井公司 PMS positioning motor system PNC 脉冲中子俘获测井 POOH pull out of hole POOW pull out of well POS Possibility of Success PPG pond per gallon Prodn production
PSA production sharing agreement PSIA pound per square inch apparent
PSDM prestack depth migration叠前深度偏移 PSTM prestack time migration
PTB interval Permian-Triassic boundary interval P/U pick up PV: Plastic Viscosity
RADOUTR 井眼的椭圆度
Rd deep investigate double lateral resistivity log 深双侧向电阻率测井 R/D rig down
RHOB-CORR gas corrected Neutron Density RIH run in hole
RMR risked mean reserve
RMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井 ROP: Rate of penetration (m/hr) ROR Rate of Return
ROV remotely operated vehicle RPM Rotations per minute
Rs shallow investigate double lateral resistivity log 浅双侧向电阻率测井 R/S/C Rotary/Slide/Circulation(Directional Drilling)
Rt true formation resistivity. 地层真电阻率 RT real time RT Rotary Table R/T running time
RTE Rotary Table Elevation R/U rig up
Rxo flushed zone formation resistivity 冲洗带地层电阻率 S3 Surface Sensor Waveform 3
SBM Oil Based Mud’ (OBM) included synthetic oils . SBT 分区(扇段)水泥胶结测井仪, SC Service Contract
SCAL special core analysis特殊岩心分析 SDC Sonangol Data Centre SG specific gravity
Shear AMP Shear Amplitude横波幅度 Shear ATTN ShearAttenuation横波衰减 SHT Surface Hole Temperature SICP Shut in casing presure
SIDP Shut in drill pipe presure关井钻杆压力 SOM Self-Organization Map Clustering
SONANGOL Sociodade Nacional Combustiveis Angola SP spontaneous potential 自然电位 SPP: Stand pipe Pressure(psi) SPD South Pars Drilling SRVC SERVICE COMPANY st stonely ST side track
Star Imager 微电阻率扫描成像 STAR-II 声电组合成像测井 STD stand 立柱 STDS stands
STT 送入工具 suc sucrosic SWAL 横波声波测井仪
SWD Seismic While Drilling
SWF shallow water flow Swb saturation of bond water Swm saturation of movable water Swirr saturation of irreducible water T2 Dist T2分布数据
TBRT thin bed resistivity tool薄层电阻率 TCL Thorium Clay – Global TCM technical committee meeting
TCRT 过套管电阻率测井仪 TD: Total Depth (m)
TDEP HNG Coin Msg River Depth TENS Cable Tension
TG Trip Gas TG: Total Gas (%) TH thorium 钍
THP tubing head pressure TIM 公司
VDL VPC VSI VSP-WD Vertical Seismic Profile While DrillingWBM WEC WH WHP WOB: WTHP X/O XPT-A XRD YP: ΦR
Temporary Joint Venture Arrangement for Operating Purposes Tough Logging Conditions pipe-conveyed system Three-Detector Lithology Density top of cement test pressure 总孔隙度
Rotary Torque KIb*ft) True Vertical Depth (m)
True Vertical Depth Subsea true vertical thickness together with uranium 铀
Photoelectric absorption cross-section United Arab Emirates underground contour unrisked mean reserve U.S. Geological Survey
ultrasonic imager超声波成像仪
Variable Density Log vertical proportion curve Versatile Seismic Imager
Water Based Mud
Well Evaluation Conference well head
well head pressure Weight on Bit(KIbs)
well tubing head pressure cross over 大小头, 转换接头 Xpress Perssure Tool-A X-Ray diffraction Yield Point
calculated porosity from resistivity with Archie formula