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The Extra Phrases and Short Sentences of the Key Words

Unit 2

1.rid[rid] v.relieve from vt.使摆脱;使去掉free from,

struggle karate格斗会空手道;年 Mutual Struggle相互斗争;相互角力 Bitter Struggle苦战中;痛苦努力 expand employment扩大就业面

expand folder展开资料夹;展开文件夹;展开或关闭文件夹 expand memory扩充内存;扩展内存 debarrass

get rid排除;摆脱;处理掉;然后摆脱 rid of除掉;除去;摆脱 cuff rid摆脱袖;被赶走的袖口 get rid of摆脱,除去 got rid ofv. 免除,除去,摆脱 get rid off摆脱,去掉

n.riddance 摆脱;驱逐;解除

2.struggle ['str?ɡl]

vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎 apply oneself, labor n.努力,奋斗;竞争

effort, competition, pain, trial, war

n.1. an energetic attempt to achieve something

2. an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals) 3. strenuous effort

v.1. make a strenuous or labored effort 2. to exert strenuous effort against opposition 3. climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling 4. be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight

internecine struggle窝里斗

struggle through挣扎着度过;奋力通过;熬过来

Constant Struggle不断奋斗;不断争斗;不断的斗争;斗争不断

ArabIsraeli struggle中东战争 struggle vi斗争

struggle for为…奋斗;为…争斗 struggle against与…作斗争,和…斗争 struggle with与…斗争 class struggle阶级斗争 power struggle权力斗争 struggle on挣扎下去

adj. struggling 奋斗的;努力的;苦斗的 n. struggler 奋斗者;斗争者

v. struggling 努力;斗争;竞争(struggle的ing形式) 3.expand[ik'sp?nd]

vt.扩张;使膨胀;详述 dwell on, enlarge on vi.发展;张开,展开 grow, go way

v.1. extend in one or more directions 2. become larger in size or volume or quantity 3. make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity 4. grow stronger

5. exaggerate or make bigger

6. add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing 7. expand the influence of

Expand All全部展开;扩展所有的;展开所有;显示所有文件 expand enrollment扩招;扩大招生 Expand Information扩展信息

expand operation压缩扩展操作 expand stage黏胶片扩展夹片台 expand marquee扩展圈选 expand market开拓市场 expand into扩大为

expand domestic demand扩大内需 expand on详述

expand all全部展开;显示所有文件;扩展所有的

adj. expanded 扩充的;展开的

expansive 广阔的;扩张的;豪爽的 expandable 可膨胀的;可张开的 expansionist 扩张主义的 expansible 能扩张的;会膨胀的

adv. expansively 辽阔地;可扩张地 n. expansion 膨胀;阐述;扩张物

expanse 宽阔;广阔的区域;苍天;膨胀扩张 expansionist 领土扩张论者;扩张主义者 expansiveness 豪爽;广阔;可膨胀性 expansionism 扩张主义;扩张政策;膨胀主义 expansivity 扩大性;膨胀系数;可膨胀性

vt. expanded 扩大(expand的过去式)

4.thanks to 【由于,幸亏 just that, owing to】

thanks to由于

Thanks Be To God感谢神;感谢是对上帝;感谢上帝 Thanks You To感谢您对

thank [θ??k] gratitude or show appreciation to

vt.感谢be grateful to, be obliged to n.感谢appreciation, acknowledgment int.谢谢merci, danke, arigato

Thank you谢谢;谢谢你;感谢你;三克油 Thank goodness谢天谢地;幸亏;感谢;感谢善 thank offering感恩的供品;感恩祭;感恩奉献 Thank Him感谢他;感谢祂;感恩 thank to幸亏;为感谢;感谢来

Thank Patronage谢谢惠顾;多谢惠顾;感谢惠顾 Thank everyone谢谢大家;感谢大家 Thank Adopted感谢采纳;感激采纳 So Thank所以把握今天;所以感谢 thank you for为某事感谢 thank you very much非常感谢 thank you so much非常感谢你 thank god谢天谢地,幸亏 give thanks感恩;致谢;感谢 thank for感谢

thank heaven谢天谢地

adj. thankful 感谢的;欣慰的

thankless 不感谢的;忘恩的;不领情的

adv. thankfully 感谢地;感激地 n. thankfulness 感激 satisfied with

be quite satisfied with对……感到很满意 Be Satisfied With That请知足

Be satisfied with the results得到满意的结果

be satisfied with my work我的工作满意 You will be satisfied with你会满意


adj.1. filled with satisfaction 2. allayed

adj. satisfactory 满意的;符合要求的;赎罪的

satisfying 令人满意的;令人满足的 satisfiable 可以满足的;可使满足的

adv. satisfactorily 令人满意地

satisfyingly 使人满意地

n. satisfaction 满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪

satisfier 致满足物;满意因子 satisfactoriness 令人满意

vi. satisfy 令人满意;令人满足

vt. satisfy 满足;说服,使相信;使满意,使高兴 satisfy['s?tisfai]

v.1. fulfil the requirements or expectations of 2. make happy or satisfied 3. fill or meet a want or need

vi.令人满意;令人满足 turn up trumps

vt.满足;说服,使相信;使满意,使高兴 meet, fulfill, fill, please, reason

satisfy oneself彻底搞清楚;证明;彻底弄清楚;彻底弄明白Might Satisfy可以满足 Satisfy Users满足用户 Satisfy Requirement满足需求 customs satisfy顾客满意度 satisfy of使确信 satisfy herself饱餐一顿 Not Satisfy不满

satisfy one's needs满足某人的需要

satisfy the examiners(英国大学)考试刚刚及格

6.equip[i'kwip] v.1. provide with (something) usually

for a specific purpose

2. provide with abilities or understanding

vt.装备,配备prepare, provide equip with装备;配备;以;装置

Auto Equip自动换装;主动换装;自己主动换装 EQUIP SPEED出枪速度 Standard equip标准配置 Spray Equip喷撒设备;喷淋系统 Retail Equip售货设备

Surveillance Equip监视设备;监控设备 Finishing Equip光整设备;表面处理设备 Airport Equip机场设备

n. equipment 设备,装备;器材 equipage 装备,用


7.export[ik'sp?:t, 'eks-, 'eksp?:t]

n.commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country

v.1. sell or transfer abroad

2. cause to spread in another part of the world

n.输出,[贸易]出口;出口商品 output, exit vt.输出,[贸易]出口 output, bulk out

export credit 出口信贷;出口信用;入口信贷;口信贷 Export Contral出口管制

Export Finance出口信贷;出口融资;出口押汇

Export permit出口许可证;出口许可;输出许可;输出许可证

export account出口往来帐户;出口帐户

Export All导出所有;全部导出;导出全部;导出一切 export sales外销;出口额;其中出口产品销售收入;外贸销售

export documents出口单据;出口单证;出口证明

Export Selected选择输出;输出选择的;输出当前选择;导出n.1. commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country

2. an imported person brought from a foreign country the lead role was played by an import from Sweden they are descendants of indentured importees

3. the message that is intended or expressed or signified 4. a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be import trade进口贸易 parallel import平行进口 import agent进口代理商 import substitution进口替代 import duty进口税

import licence进口许可证;进口执照 选定对象

import and export进出口;导入和导出;输入和输出 export trade出口贸易;出口商 export commodities出口商品 export tax出口税 export market出口市场

import and export corporation[经]进出口公司 export license出口许可证 export sales外销

export enterprise出口企业

export processing zone出口加工区 export agent出口代理;出口代理商 export control出口控制,出口管制 export product出口产品

export credit insurance出口信用保险;输出信用保险;出口信贷保险

export price出口价,出口价格 export licence出口许可证,输出许可证 export declaration出口申报单 export department出口部;外销部

adj. exportable 可输出的;可出口的

n. exporter 出口商;输出国 exportation 出口 import [im'p?:t, 'imp?:t]


5. having important effects or influence v.1. bring in from abroad 2. indicate or signify

n.[贸易]进口,进口货;输入;意思,含义;重要性 significance, stress, value, weight, meaning vt.输入,[贸易]进口;含…的意思 to input, type in vi.输入,[贸易]进口 to input, type in

import surcharge 进口附加税;进口附加费;入口附加费;入口附加税

Import entry 进口报关;进口报关单;入口报关;报进口 Import Department进口部;入口部;进口处;出口部 import agent进口代理商;口代理;代理进口;进口代理 Import price进口价格;进口价;出口价;进口代价

import permit进口证;进口许可证;输入许可证;进口准许证import licensing进口许可;进口专利权;进口签证;进口允许Import Contract进口合同;进口;入口合同;入口合约 GRAY IMPORT灰色进口;灰色入口

import and export进出口;导入和导出;输入和输出 import and export corporation[经]进出口公司 import from从…输入;从…进口 import tariff进口关税

import tax进口税

import declaration进口报单;进口声明书 import permit进口护照;进口准许证 import quota输入限额 import data输入数据 import price[经]输入价格 net import净进口 import licensing进口许可

adj. important 重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的 adv. importantly 重要地;大量地;有名望地;自命不凡地n. importance 价值;重要;重大;傲慢

importer 进口商;输入者 importation 进口;输入品


v.1. mistake one thing for another

2. be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly

3. cause to feel embarrassment 4. assemble without order or sense 5. make unclear or incomprehensible 6. make unclear, indistinct, or blurred

vt.使混乱;使困惑 cloud, discombobulate be confuse糊涂;惑乱