高考总复习·英语(浙江专用)试题:第一部分基础考点聚焦综合过关检测7 下载本文

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(2016·云南师大附中适应性考试)For twenty years, I saved all my college course notes and textbooks: that’s a lot of paper.

Worse, it’s not easy to carry them around—and trust me, they aren’t light—on at least seven moves. Yet I never once looked at them. They sat in our basement, covered in a thick layer of dust. If books and papers could wonder, they’d wonder why they were still under our stairs after all those years. When would the Big Day come?

Well, the Big Day eventually did arrive; only it was different than expected. My wife, always more accepting changes than I am, finally talked me into clearing out the entire mess.

The pain I experienced was also unexpected. What hurt me was to come across those terrible papers I’d written, which reminded me of my poor study habits, and an embarrassing lack of comprehension. It was great to get rid of them. But it was also a clearing of personal history.

At first, I struggled with this. The truth was in the record that my books, my notes, and my papers were primary source materials, documenting an important time in my life. To clear them out was to clear out the truth.

What I’ve learned since taking this leap is that the process is more important than the truth. I feel as if much of my real education during my college years isn’t in the documents but now in me.

So I am glad to free myself of this physical burden. And what’s better is that I don’t need to look back to those painful moments. They belong to the past.

You might want to consider doing something similar, either under the stairs of your basement or in your mind.

What is the personal rubbish piling in your life? Clear it out and make your life awesome. 【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。 下决心清除堆积多年的大学课本和笔记时, 作者从开始认为“清除了过去的记录就清除了过去的历史”到最终明白“过程才最重要”的道理。

1.Why was the author finally determined to desert all the college materials? A.Because his wife persuaded him to. B.Because they were of no use at all. C.Because they were heavy on the moves. D.Because they occupied space too long.


A 解析:细节理解题。 根据文章第三段的第二句“My wife...finally talked me into clearing out the entire mess.” 可知, 作者的妻子最终说服了作者, 故选A项。

2.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to? A.The past experiences.

B.The wasted college-related materials. C.The rubbish in the basement. D.Physical and psychological mess.

D 解析:代词指代题。 根据文章最后两段中的“either under the stairs of your basement or in your mind” 以及“What is the personal rubbish piling in your life?” 可知, it 指代的是物质上和心理上的垃圾, 即D项正确。

3.What would be the best title for the passage? A.Let It Go B.Sort It Out C.Give up the Past D.Forget the History

A 解析:标题归纳题。 结合全文内容可知, 本文主要讲述的是该放弃生活中的“垃圾”的时候, 我们就应该任凭它去, 并且文章在篇末点题, “Clear it out” 是关键词, 故A项最适合作文章标题。



The Tropical Paradise Holiday

Welcome to St Anna, our tropical paradise just off the coast of Latin America. You can spend two weeks in our luxury four-star hotel. The cost of your flight is included in the holiday, and you can be picked up from your home by our special airport bus. On your arriving, our coach will be waiting to take you to the hotel. All flights leave from Heathrow on a Monday morning.

The Cowrie Hotel is built right on the beachfront, and many rooms have wonderful ocean views. If swimming and surfing are not enough for you, the hotel also offers horse rides on the island, and a discount membership of the golf club.

The Rain Forest Adventure Holiday

Every year Broughton holidays offer twelve days of an unforgettable adventure in a tropical rain forest. You may have a choice of Borneo, Malaysia, Indonesia, or even to the greatest rain forest of them all, the mighty Amazonian forest.

You will fly to our special base camps at the edge of the forest, where you will be given five days of survival training, and talks on the local wildlife.


Then you take a bus into the forest. You will have to walk the final five miles to the camp sites to avoid disturbing the local ecology. All of the camp sites have been carefully built to cause the minimal amount of disturbance to the local wildlife.

Remember that these adventure holidays take you deep into the wilderness, and they are not suitable for families with young children. Also remember that no more than two dozen guests can stay at any camp at one time, so if you want to go on one of these very special holidays, you will need to book early!

【解题导语】 本文是广告文体阅读。 文章主要介绍了两个假期旅游的好去处, 介绍了旅游的方式、 主要风景和活动等。

4.What can we learn about the rain forest holiday? A.Travellers will learn to talk with wild animals. B.Different means of transportation will be used. C.The holiday will end with a survival training. D.Booking early, travellers will get a discount.

B 解析:推理判断题。 根据题干关键词the rain forest holiday找到文章对应段落The Rain Forest Adventure Holiday中的第二和第三段, 从而判断可以坐飞机、 步行和坐公交车等。 故选B。

5.What kind of people will probably choose the rain forest holiday? A.People loving water sports. B.People travelling with children. C.People preferring comfortable hotels.

D.People concerned with environment and wildlife.

D 解析:推理判断题。 根据题干关键词the rain forest holiday找到文章对应部分The Rain Forest Adventure Holiday中的第三段的You will have to walk the final five miles to the camp sites to avoid disturbing the local ecology. All of the camp sites have been carefully built to cause the minimal amount of disturbance to the local wildlife.判断应该是关注环境和野生动物的人们可能会去此处野营。 故选D。

6.Which of the following is mentioned in both holidays? A.Transportation. B.Price. C.Reservation.

D.Departure time.

A 解析:细节理解题。 transportation交通; price价格; reservation预约, 保留; departure time动身时间。 文章The Tropical Paradise Holiday部分和The Rain Forest Adventure Holiday部分都提到的是flight, 即两段都提到交通方式。 故选A。