英汉语言对比练习 下载本文

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Chapter 1

Ⅰ. Answer Questions

Directions: Answer the Questions in English briefly, with examples if necessary. 1. What are synthetic languages(综合语)? How are they characterized? 2. What are analytical languages(分析语)? How are they characterized?

3. How man formal changes are possible to English words? Is there any formal change(形态变化) in Chinese language? 4. Why English language is more flexible is word order(语序)? Why is it not so in Chinese?

5. What is the usual word order in English sentences? Which are the nine types of inversion in English sentences? 6. What are the E—C differences in formal words(形式词)?

7. How many kinds of formal words (形式词)are there in English language? 8. How is English phonological system(语音系统) formed? How is Chinese one?

9. Does Chinese phonological and characteristic system have any advantage in literary forms? 10. Why Chinese is called Tone Language(声调语言)? Ⅱ. Fill in the Blanks

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best answer you have found in the textbook.

11.综合语的特征是 , 分析语的特征是 。

12. 英语有 变化,词序比汉语 ,但相对 。 13. 英语属于 语言。

14. 、 和 是表达语法意义的三大手段。

15. 形态变化就是词的 变化,包括 形态和 形态。 16. 现代英语的变化主要包括 、 、 、 、 、 、 、等变化。

17. 汉语的数量助词有 ,动态助词有 、 和 等。

18. 汉语结构助词 、 、 类似于应用英语形态变化,但缺乏普遍性。 19. 英汉语在主谓宾的排列上都是 顺序。

20. 汉语的定语一般放在名词的 ,英语的定语一般放在名词的 。

21. 汉语没有形态变化,少用或不用 词,没有 从句,名词之前定语的长度 。 22. 汉语的事件顺序和逻辑顺序是按照 、 、 的顺序。 23.英语的虚词包括 、 、 、 、 。 24.汉语的虚词包括 、 和 。

25. 英语的语音系统由 、 、 和 组成。 26. 汉语的语音系统由 、 和 组成 Ⅲ.Translation between E/C Languages

Directions: Translate the Chinese/English sentences into their target language. Pay attention to the use of omission strategy. Try to make your translation brief.

27. 中国人也好,外国人也好,死人也好,活人也好,对的就是对的,不对的就是不对的。(what is right is right, what is wrong is wrong, no matter he is a Chinese or foreigner, dead or alive). 28. 她有野心,她姐姐野心更大,想成为一个大明星。

29. 在当今中国,人人都在练功夫,功夫课也成为中国中部地区一些中学的必修课。

30.上学的,上学了;下海的,下海了。(some went to college, and the other got into business) 31. 这是一部美国的热门影片。 32. 周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴。

33. 如蒙早日寄来样品和报价,我方将不胜感激。

34. 我们大家都看出他能说会道。

35. 这笔资金注入,将给这个城市带来活力。 36. 骄傲使人落后。

37. 一把大火把整个村子烧成了白地。 38. 我们必须阻止陌生人靠近。 39. 我觉得自己就要死了样的。

40. 他觉得全身上下的肌肉都在颤动。 41. 这种结果真让我郁闷。

42. 该型汽车速度快,效率高,行动灵活。

43. 新疆产地毯图案新颖,色调雅致,备受青睐。

44. According to John, my cousin, London was most beautiful then. 45. In three hours we reached Washington monument, our destination

46. Chinese understandably spoke with proud of their achievements in the last decade. 47. I asked him to teach me French.

48. I invited him for a dinner at my home.

49. The earthquake reduced all the houses into pieces.

Chapter 2

Ⅰ. Answer Questions

Directions: Answer the Questions in English briefly, with examples if necessary.

1. Why English is called compact(聚集) language while Chinese diffuse(流散) one? 2. What is the basic structure in English sentence?

3. How many basic sentence types are there in English language? 4. In which way English sentences can be enlarged?

5. In which means can the compactness of English sentence be guaranteed? 6. Which is the characteristic of Chinese predicates? 7. What are the regular types of Chinese sentence?

8. Why there are many illogical expressions in Chinese? Give some examples. 9. How is Chinese sentence variation embodied?

10. How do you understand the quotation in the end of the paragraph?

Ⅱ. Fill in the Blanks

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best answer you have found in the textbook. 11. 英语的主谓结构由 和 组成。

12. 英语的主谓结构。可以归结为五种基本句型,即 、 、 、

和 。

13. 英语基本句型的变式有 、 和 。 14. 英语基本句型的扩展可以通过 和 进行。

15. 英语句子不流散的原则是一致原则,包括 一致、 一致和 一致。 Ⅲ.Translate between E/C Languages

Directions: Translate the Chinese/English sentences into their target language. Pay attention to the choice of subject in

your translation. Try to make your translation brief.

16. The unexpected return of his wife gave him a big surprise. 17. I am glad that you close the door when you leave. 18. He who pollutes pays

19. The town was visited by a storm.

20. Punishment should be given to the violators of laws. 21. 这种自行车价廉物美,在中东很畅销。

22. 中国地大物博人口众多,中国人过去也常常以此自豪。 23. 教高年级的翻译课,我不是很有经验。 24. 婚姻的事,年轻人自己做主了。 25. 女儿的心事,做娘的清楚得很。 26. 这件事我还被蒙在鼓里呢。 27. 钱,我来想办法。

28. 改革的目的是为了发展生产力。 29. 她很喜欢中国画。

30. 他点点头,意思是他听见了,但没表示同意或不同意。 31. 我们深信,我方的产品会受到欧洲市场的欢迎。 32. 我很荣幸今天有机会参加这个派对。

33. 一个外表和谈吐都很美国化的中年人,坐到了车里。 34. 吃苦在前,享受在后。


Chapter 3

Ⅰ. Answer Questions

Directions: Answer the Questions in English briefly, with examples if necessary. 1. What is the definition in Chinese of hypotaxis(形合)? 2. What is the definition in Chinese of parataxis(意合)?

3. What is relative? What is conjunction? What are their functions? 4. What are the functions of preposition?

5. What are the advantageous of hypotaxis in your opinion? 6. Why Chinese tend to use covert cohesion?

7. What are the regularities in Chinese language organization? 8. What means of parataxis are used in Chinese language?

9. How to turn English into Chinese in terms of their meaning and structure? 10. What are the characteristics in hypotactic structure?

Ⅱ. Fill in the Blanks

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best answer you have found in the textbook.

11. 汉语意合法采取的手段包括 、 、 和 。

12. 英译汉时,往往要先分析句子的 、 ,才能确定句子的功能、意义。 13. 英语的形合手段包括 、 和 。 14. 关系词包括 、 、 和 。

15. 英语常常综合应用 、 、 和 ,把各种成分连接起来,

构筑成长短句子,表达一定的语法关系。 Ⅲ.Translate between E/C Languages

Directions: Translate the Chinese/English sentences into their target language. Pay attention to the choice of subject in

your translation, lest incoherence subjects are used. Note that English sentences are often constructed with connections, and Chinese ones, without. Try to make your translation brief. 16. 他很有能力。

17. 这个问题至关重要。

18. 中国成功地加入了WTO,对世界的经济格局造成了深刻的影响。 19. 中国正在发生着日新月异的变化。 20. 克林顿总统的演说给人的印象深刻。

21. 柯灵,生于1909年,浙江绍兴人,中国现代作家。 22. 孟轲慢慢长大了。但是他非常贪玩,不爱学习。 23. 尽管如此,我们仍应小心从事。 24. 我在上海工作的时候认识她的。

25. 我谨代表你们所有的美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。 26. 他们兄弟二人自小就是孤儿。 27. 我国少数民族大约有五千万人。 28. 同一个世界,同一个梦想。 29. 是人都会犯错误。

30. It is the goal to be realized in near future.

31. The device should meet/satisfy the condition required. 32. The guests present include some foreign visitors.

33. The teacher who is having class is a new comer.

34. Interestingly, the writer said that he had never been against romanticism. 35. The football match was put off because of rain.

36. In spite of the title, the article will really on how not to grow old.


※<第四章> Chapter 4

Ⅰ. Answer Questions

Directions: Answer the Questions in English briefly, with examples if necessary. 1. Why English language is characterized in subordination(从属结构)? 2. What are the grammatical reasons for complex English? 3. What is tree-structure(树形结构)? 4. What is bamboo structure(竹形结构)?

5. what is“散句”、“松句”、“紧缩句”、“省略句”、“流水句”? 6. What is end open(尾开放)? What is front open(首开放)?

7. What make Chinese sentence simplex? In which way can Chinese clause be called simplex? 8. How to break and rearrange English complex sentence to make a good E-C translation? 9. How to build up the simplex Chinese sentence into a complicated English one? 10. How significant is rewriting in understanding complex English sentences?

Ⅱ. Fill in the Blanks

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best answer you have found in the textbook. 11. 汉语句子的长度以 为宜。

12. 英语句子呈 封闭, 开放。 13. 汉语句子呈 开放, 收缩。

14. 根据英语和汉语在句子结构上的差异, 要破句重组, 。 15. 英语句子一般可称为 结构,汉语句子 结构。

16. 汉语造句一般采用 纪事法,常用分句或流水句来逐层叙述思维的各个过程。 Ⅲ.Translate between E/C Languages

Directions: Translate the Chinese/English sentences into their target language. Try to make your translation brief. Pay

attention to the choice of antecedent in a subordinate structure.

17. 因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态,由于通讯工


18. 我们的第一个目标是解决温饱问题,这个目标已经实现了。 19. 一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这又什么标准可以衡量吗? 20. 钓鱼是一项陶冶情操的运动,有益于身心健康。 21. 那棵树花小,叶子大,很难看,我没买。

22. 他头发淡黄,面色苍白,无精打采,但仍略有风度。

23. The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.

24. A food safety program is a document which tells what steps you and your business are you

taking so as to make sure that all the food you sell are safe.

25. Somehow our path took us toward the park across the bridge high above the rolling waters of