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Ollila: I think leaders of a company must give employees a very clear direction especially in time of the difficulties, to talk with them openly about the problems and about solutions. We spend, as a managerial team, a lot of time discussing with our personnel about how we can get out of problems. We are able to create a family feeling and create a kind of togetherness which is very rewarding
主持人: 诺基亚已经成为了全球第一大手机制造商,作为这样成功的公司的总裁,您能和我们谈一谈您这些年来的心路历程吗?
Ollila: I think leaders of a company must give employees a very clear direction especially in time of the difficulties, to talk with them openly about the problems and about solutions. We spend, as a managerial team, a lot of time discussing with our personnel about how we can get out of problems. We are able to create a family feeling and create a kind of togetherness which is very rewarding
Ollila: I think a successful company must keep up with the challenges of a changing society, that’s why we proposed the idea “mobile information society”. We want to give a larger picture of our products to the customers and especially to the young people. I think mobile technology will bring more color to people’s life and make life more convenient.
Ollila: I think, first of all, this is a very descriptive slogan of what we want to achieve. We want to develop our product that is user-friendly and easy to use. I think the customers are the very basis of the success of a company. So what we are trying to do is to produce the most suitable products for our customers. 主持人:这几年中国的手机市场增长非常迅速,那么诺基亚对于发展中国市场有什么样的打算?
Ollila: We’ve been very active here since the introduction of digital phones in 1993. We established our factories here very early. We plan to export phones to all over the world from China. We hope Nokia can play a very active role in developing the Chinese market. Unit 12
Li Lin: Professor Cheney , I am very happy that you can come to our university . I feel very excited to talk with such a famous professor of international relations as an ordinary university student.
Professor Cheney: I am also very happy that I can talk with students here in China . Public awareness of china has always been high in the United States, however it is the first time for me to have the chance to have face to face communication with Chinese students.
切尼教授: 能够和中国学生们交谈,我也感到十分高兴。在美国,中国一直都吸引着人们的注意,但说起来这还是我第一次有机会和中国的学生面对面的交流。 李林:切尼教授,我首先想向您请教您对中美关系的看法,比如其历史发展。
Li Lin: Professor Cheney, Can you first talk about the Sino-American relationships , for example its historical development?
Professor Cheney: The Sino-American relations have undergone ups and downs .We were important allies during World War Ⅱ. However, due to some political reasons and ideological differences, it was not until 1972 that President Nixon visited China for the first time and in 1979 our two countries established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level. 切尼教授:中美关系在历史上经历了起起伏伏。在二战期间我们是重要的盟友。但是,由于一些政治原因和意识形态上的差异,知道1972年尼克松总统才首次访华,到1979年,两国才建立了大使级外关系。
Li Lin: It seems that the establishment of diplomatic relations did not lead to our close ties immediately. There were still twists and turns for years. What are the reasons behind?
Professor Cheney: We have to think of the historical context. The 1970s and early 1980s have witnessed the escalation of tension. Competition and hostility between the Western powers and communist bloc states . The 1980s thus began amid great foreign uncertainty. With the election of Reagan,the Cold War surged . Therefore, it is hard for the two countries to develop close relationships in the early years. 切尼教授:我们应该考虑当时的历史环境。70年代及80年代初,西方国家和共产主义阵营间的紧张气氛,竞争和敌对进一步升级。20世纪80年代开始了对外来的半信半疑。里根总统当选后,冷战进一步升级。因此,在建交初期两国很难发展十分密切的关系。 李林:您为什么说里根总统上台后冷战进一步升级呢?我觉得里根总统在公众中的形象一直是十分具有亲和力的,就算在中国,他的许多演讲都十分出名,是一个非常有个人魅力的领导人。
Li Lin: Why did the Cold War surge after President Reagan took office? I think he had a very attractive and affable public image. Even in china, many of his speeches are very famous. He was indeed a leader with great personal charm.
Professor Cheney: He was actually a very strong politician. Reagan is conduct of foreign policy reflected his belief that world troubles stemmed mainly from Moscow. China, as a communist country, was automatically included in Moscow is camp even if you actually broke up with the Soviet Union.
切尼教授: 他的确是个很强的政治家。里根奉行的外交政策反映了他的信念,就是世界的纷扰主要来自于莫斯科。中国,作为一个共产主义国家,即使你实际上脱离了苏联,还是自动的被划入莫斯科阵营。 李林:您能给我们举一些里根外交政策的具体例子吗?所谓的星球大战是不是就是从里根总统开始的?
Li Lin: Can you give us some examples reflecting foreign policy of Reagan is reign? Did the so-called Star War begin in the Reagan is Reign?
Professor Cheney: Exactly. Reagan called for the largest peacetime defense budget in the country is history. In 1983, Reagan escalated the nuclear arms race by authorizing the Defense Department to develop a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Journalists quickly derided SDI as “Star Wars”.
切尼教授:的确是这样的。里根政府提出了美国历史上和平时期最大的国防预算。1983年,里根授权国防部开始了战略防御倡议,使得冷战进一步升级。记者们将战略防御倡议戏称为 “星球大战”。 李林:这大概是因为星球大战系列的影片在美国十分流行吧。在里根总统之后的布什政
Li Lin: I think that may be due to the overwhelming popularity of the Star War film series in the States. Then what are the characteristics of the Bush Administration after Reagan? And what is his attitude towards Sino-U.S. relationship?
Professor Cheney: The rapidly changing global situation in the 1990s required the U.S. to adopt a flexible approach to foreign affairs. However, George Bush decided to continue his predecessor is Clod War policy. He therefore stood as a passive observer of nearly all the path-breaking developments that pointed to the close of the long Cold War era. So it was Clinton Who took great efforts to strengthen Sino-U.S. ties.
切尼教授: 90年代快速变化的世界局势要求美国在外交事务上采取更为灵活的策略。但是,布什继续了其前任的冷战政策。因此,面对90年代一系列最终促使冷战结束的开创性的发展,布什更多的是一个被动的观察者。因此,真正努力促进中美关系的是克林顿总统。
? 李林:克林顿在任期间美国的外交政策又有什么样的特点呢?
? Li Lin: Then how’s the foreign policy like during the Clinton administration?
? Professor Cheney: Although Clinton continued to engage in Middle-east issues and other important world issues, he actually determined to focus on the nation’s domestic problems. Generally speaking, the Clinton administration struggled to find a consistent vision of its role in international affairs.
? 切尼教授:尽管克林顿政府仍然参与中东问题解决等等重要全球事物,他实际上决
? 李林:那么你觉得在中美建交之后,美国政府采取的哪些具体的措施和政策对于促
进 两国关系具有十分重大的意义? ? Li Lin: In your opinion, what are the most significant measures and polices the American
government adopted to promote Sino-U.S. relationship after the establishment of the diplomatic tie?
? Professor Cheney: I regard the approved permanent normal trade status for China on
September 19, 2000 as one of the most significant moves.
? 切尼教授:我认为2000年9月19日通过赋予中国永久正常贸易关系是中美关系上
? 李林:伯纳德委员,非常高兴您和您所率领的欧盟代表团能够来中国访问。
? Li Lin: We are very happy that you and your delegation of European Union can visit
China. ? Bernard: Thank you. I feel very privileged that I can visit Asia, especially China again
within such short period of time. I think this showcases the close relationship between the E.U. and Asia, and between the E.U. and China.
? 伯纳德:谢谢,我非常荣幸在这么短的时间里能够再次来到亚洲,来到中国。我想
? 李林:的确如此,欧洲和亚洲作为两个人类文明的主要发源地,对人类的进步都作
? Li Lin:Exactly, Europe and Asia, as two major cradles of human civilization, have both
contribution to human progress. History has proved the necessity to expand cooperative relations between the two continents.
? Bernard: Yes, indeed. The cooperation between Europe and Asia in the political as well as
in the economic field has reached an unprecedented stage in the new century. The unification of Europe will allow it to make use of its great potentialities and to become a stable factor in international life.
? 伯纳德: 是的,的确如此。欧洲和亚洲在政治和经济领域的合作已达到了前所未有
的阶段。欧洲的联合统一能使欧洲充分发挥其潜力,成为国际生活中的稳定因素。 ? 李林:您说得非常对。现在人们越来越认识到欧洲可以为国际和平与安全以及全球
繁荣发挥更大的作用。在中东等问题上欧洲的积极参与对于稳定世界局势十分有益。 ? Li Lin: You made a good point. Nowadays, there is increasing recognition that Europe
could play an even greater role in the interest of international peace and security and of global prosperity. The active participation of the E.U. in international arena like the Middle East affairs contributes a lot to the stability of world situation. ? Bernard: Asia also plays a more and more important role in international affairs. Since the
1980s, Asia has witnessed a rapid rise to prosperity. And China particularly has attracted the world attention over the past few decades with its remarkable achievement.
? 伯纳德:亚洲同样在国际事务中发挥着越来越重要的作用。从20世纪80年代起,
? 李林:中国这些年来一直致力于发展经济,积极参与国家事务。我们格外重视与欧
洲的合作,胡锦涛主席在其任期内访问了英国、西班牙和德国等欧盟成员。并与各国领导人展开了卓有成效的对话。 ? Li Lin: China has been committing itself to economic development and actively
participating in the world affairs. We especially cherish Sino-European cooperation and President Hu Jintao has visited several E.U. member states including the U.K., Spain, Germany, etc. He had very fruitful dialogue with the leaders of these countries during his visits. ? Bernard: I was in London when President Hu visited the U.K. All the major sights of
London were under the red light to celebrate his visit, which was very impressive. And all the major newspapers in Europe covered the visit in great length. I think president Hu’s visit was very conductive to the mutual trade and economic cooperation between E.U. member states and China.
? 伯纳德:胡主席访问英国期间我刚好在伦敦。为了庆祝他的来访,伦敦的主要景点
? 李林:的确如此,胡锦涛主席访问欧洲期间,经济问题成为重中之重。自从改革开
放以来,中国一直保持着良好的发展势头,我们也十分高兴地看到欧盟成为了世界上最大的贸易集团。一个强大的欧洲和一个强大的中国对于维护世界和平、促进世界发展将起到十分积极的作用。双方紧密的经贸合作能够促进世界共同繁荣。 ? Li Lin: The economic issue is indeed the priority of President Hu’s visit to Europe. Since
the reform and opening up, China has kept very good growth momentum. We are also
very happy to see that the European Union has become the world’s largest trade bloc. A strong Europe and a strong China is very conductive to the peace and development of the world. The close trade and economic cooperation on both sides can promote common prosperity over the world.
? Bernard: Exactly. The E.U. has become a region which enjoys the highest level of
political and economic interaction. As a unified region, we have actively engaged in foreign trade and cooperation. Trade ties between European China have expanded rapidly in recent years.
? 伯纳德:的确如此。欧盟已成为一个政治和经济一体化程度最高的地区。作为一个
? 李林:是的,双方的贸易额在近年来有了很大的增长。中国已成为欧盟第三大的贸
? Li Lin: Yes. The two way trade between the E.U. and China has witnessed great increase
in recent years. China is now the third largest trading partner with the E.U. ? Bernard: From January to May, the total value of goods imported from China to the E.U.
reached £54 billion with an increase of 26% compared with that of the same period last year.
? 伯纳德: 今年1至5月,欧盟从中国进口货物总值已达540亿欧元,与去年同期相
? 李林:紧密的经贸关系是中欧关系的基础,也是保证双方在国际事务中更紧密合作
? Li Lin: The close trade and economic relationship is the basis of Sino-European
relationship and the prerequisite of our close cooperation in international affairs. We will encourage mutual investment and trade as we always do. I believe the visit of your delegation will further contribute to our cooperation and close ties. ? Bernard: We are going to visit several major cities in China in the coming two weeks to
meet not only business people here but also government officials. I believe this will help members of our delegation to know China better in more comprehensive way.
? 伯纳德: 在接下来的两周,我们将访问中国的几个主要城市。我们不仅仅将与商界
? 李林:祝愿您和您的代表团在中国有一个更美好而卓有成效的访问。 ? Li Lin: Wish you and your delegation a very pleasant and fruitful visit in China. ? Bernard: Thank you very much. I’m sure it will. We are looking forward to it. ? 伯纳德:非常感谢。我想访问一定会十分愉快和卓有成效。我们十分期待。
? Unit 13 ? Dialogue
? An interview between correspondent and an official from the Cultural and
Education Sector of British Embassy on the education collaboration between China and the U.K.
? (记者就英中两国教育合作采访英国大使馆文化教育处官员的对话)
? 记者:英国的高等教育质量全球闻名,因此吸引了来自世界各地的留学生前往深造。