2019届上海市金山区中考英语二模试题 下载本文

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Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar



Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共 20 分) 26. Which of the following words is pronounced as/set? A. sit A. a A. in A. they out. A. other account. A. information 32. – Do you know -- Since 2015. A. how soon A. happy A. hard A. and A. if A. shouldn’t 38. Sue A. learns A. will be sold A. spend A. smoke

B. what time B. happily B. harder B. but B. though B. needn’t B. learnt B. has been sold B. spent B. smoking

C. how often C. happiness C. hardest C. or C. until C. can’t C. has learnt C. are sold C. to spend C. smokes

D. how long

. than before.

D. happier D. hardly

you will have to queue up for getting on. D. so

he didn’t receive a lot in school.

D. before

finish your dinner in a hurry. D. mustn’t D. had learnt

on the market in early 2020. D. were sold D. spending

in a short time. D. smoked

33. At the Lantern Festival, the dance in Yu Garden made people feel very 34. If you want to catch up with the top students, you should work 35. Remember to book a ticket online ahead, B. idea

C. tip

D. suggestion

Jinshan Wanda Square has been open to the public? B. the other

C. others

D. another

31. We can get some about how to use the English learning APP through this official

B. set B. an B. for B. their

C. seat C. the C. at C. them

D. sat

living every year. D. /



D. to D. themselves

these weeks before the result of the final exam conics

27. Thousands of people go to big cities to make 28. A group of teenagers are abroad visiting a show 29. More and more kids are learning to do housework by 30. Students will have to wait for 36. Steve Jobs achieved great success in mobile industry 37. The film will begin in about two hours. You dancing for eight years when she won the first place in the talent show. 39. according to the political adviser, 5G smartphones 40. Joe has decided the coming summer holiday with his family in xinjiang.

41. It’s rather difficult for a heavy smoker to give up

第 1 页 / 共 7 页

42. Jill. let’s make some special gifts for our mother’s birthday, A. shall we 43. A. What an -- .

B. Of course not. D. You’re welcome.

B. will you B. What a

C. do you C. What

D. will we D. How


nice it is to have a barbecue in Langxia County Park at weekends!

44. – My father is ill in hospital. I’m afraid I can’t attend your family party. A. That’s all right. C. What a pity. 45. -- .

-- OK. I will.

A. I am sorry I forget to bring my chemistry book here. B. You seem so busy. Anything I can do to help?

C. Spend less time on the screen. Otherwise at will be bad for you eyesight. D. Would you like some chocolate ice cream after dinner?

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once (将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 8 分) A. in groups

B. special

C. express

D. on the top

E. others

It is natural for people to feel like moving when they hear music. When a song has a good

drumbeat, people want to tap their feet. They want to move their bodies with the music. People all over the world love to dance. Every culture has 46 dances. Dances can tell stories. They can be done to celebrate. One dance might celebrate a great success. Another might celebrate a wedding. A dance might 47 sadness when someone dies. Dance can be a way for the community to come together. People have shared experience

through dance. They understand the world around them and their relationship to it through their dances. But dance does not have to be done 48 . Dancing can be a very personal thing. A person might enjoy dancing in a private room to the radio. Or a person might perform for 49 .

A. actually B. look C. different D. heart E. forget

Through dance, people show how they feel in the song. They can help the audience to

experience the song in a whole 50 way. Dance is also great exercise. When you really start moving, you work up a sweet. Your 51 starts beating faster. That’s a sure sign that you are getting a good workout. You can move your body in ways that build strength and make you more relaxed. It is one of the most fun kinds of exercise. It is a change that many people 52 too shy to dance in front of others.

Dancing is such a great way to forget all of your cares and worries. Just for a few minutes,

you become once with the music and nothing else matters. So it is important to 53 about the people watching. Just get lost in the music!

第 2 页 / 共 7 页

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共 8 分) 54. The heavy rate in Shanghai lasted for about two 55. Pany Ma, head of Tencent, became the 56. The government has made a 57. There are many farmer 59. Talking 60. These ropes in early 2019.(month)

richest in the country last year. (two) to set up a new middle school in our district.(decide) in Fengjing Town, Jinshan. (art) roads.(building)

58. Nowadays some people say the first step to wealth is to on the underground train is never a police behavior. (loud)

you so keep yourself when you climb the mountain. (able) way. (usual) 61. Jiajia likes designing costumes for dolls. She makes a lot of money in this

Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,第 62-67 题每空格限填一词)(共 14 分)

62. Susan will show the visitors around the village next Saturday.(改为否定句) Susan the visitors around the village next Saturday.

? 63. Many students are planting trees in the countryside. (改为反意疑问句) Many students are planting trees in the countryside, 分提问)


the young man work day and night?

about how to choose a pair of comfortable shoes.

64. The young man works day and night in order to make more money for his family.(对划线部

65. Max had no idea about how to choose a pair of comfortable shoes.(保持句意基本不变) 66. “What is your dream job?” Our class teacher asked me. (改为宾语从句) Our class teacher asked me Judy and her sister my dream job . 67. Tom gave Judy and her sister some advice on self protection. (改为被动语态)

some advice on self protection.

68. the use of, restaurants, more and more, in big cities, reducing, me, plastic bags. (连词成句)

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写) Ⅵ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共 50 分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12 分)

Every day, people pack their belongings and move to new place. Why do people move?

There are many reasons. Look around you. Do you know someone who has moved? Maybe they came from a rural area, or from a nearby city or town. Perhaps they came from another country. It’s possible that you moved to the city that you live in now. Let’s look at the following important reasons people move.

第 3 页 / 共 7 页