2019届上海市金山区中考英语二模试题 下载本文

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Jacques Cousteau loved the sea. He spent his whole life exploring it. He wanted to share

its beauty with the world. Growing up in France, little Jacques was 75 , and sick. Doctors encouraged him to swim to build up his strength. He discovered that he loved the water. A friend gave him a pair of goggles so that he could see underwater. Those goggles changed his life forever. Cousteau wanted to stay underwater 76 , to see even more. The diving suits of his day were heavy and big. They didn’t 77 much freedom of movement, and an air hose connected the diver to a boat.

Cousteau and his friend Emile created a breathing device they called the Aqua-lung. It was

the first machine that would let a driver breathe 78 for a long time. Now Cousteau was free to explore. A silent world opened up to his. Cousteau bought a boat and sailed all over the world “What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on “Cousteau expired the freezing waters of Antarctica and found them 79 whales and squid. Jacques Cousteau was the world’s king of the oceans. He produced fifty books, two encyclopedias, and dozens of documentary films. His TV series. The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, brought whales, octopuses, otters, and dolphins right into people’s living room. While exploring off the coast of Australia, Cousteau and his crew saw coral reefs, kelp forests,

and sponge gardens. They came face to face with the leafy sea dragon. Cousteau created the

Cousteau Society. This group teaches people about ocean life and keeping our seas away from 80

. Jacques Cousteau loved the sea. He shared its beauty with the world so that everyone could

B. weak B. healthier B. appear B. familiar with B. promise

C. wrong C. higher C. allow C. full of C. progress

D. wise D. wider D. achieve D. proud of D. pollutions

love and care for it, too. 75. A. worried 76. A. longer 77. A. afford 79. A. fond of 80. A. problem

78. A. underground B. underwater C. understand D. underway

C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14 分)

We often think it certain that our parents are always there for us, but this is not true for “left- behind” children. They h 81 ever see their parents because their parents work in cities, leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents.

As in August, China had 6.97million left-behind children, about one-third of all rural children. With Spring festival arriving, the government is calling on parents working outside to r 82 home and celebrate the new year with their kids. In fact, children living without their parents can face many problems, such as their e 83 , safety and mental(心理的)health. For example, their grandparents may not be able to help them with their homework or raise them properly. This can cause children to have an u 84 feeling, according to Workers’ Day.

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