学术英语—医学Unit 2整理 下载本文

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Academic English for Medicine

Medical Terminology (2)

hepat/o, liver

hepatitis, the inflammation of liver vs. endo/crino/logy

Rule 1: Drop the combining vowel(usually) before a suffix beginning with a vowel.

Rule 2: Keep the combining vowel between two roots: gastroenterology not gastrenterology Rule3:Read the meaning of medical terms from the suffix back to the beginning of the term and across, i.e. the study of stomach and intestine(gastr/o and enter/o)

Vocabulary 常见的医学英语词缀:

(1)……炎: the inflammation of …// -itis hepatitis肝炎; hepat/o: liver arteritis动脉炎; arter/o: artery

vasculitis血管炎; vascul/o: vas/o: vessel nephritis肾炎; nephr/o: kidney

pancreatitis胰腺炎; pancreat/o: pancreas ovaritis; oophoritis卵巢炎; pleuritis胸膜炎; pleur/o:pleura (2)……术 …operation of…. ? 缝合术:-orrhaphy

aneurysmorrhaphy (suture) ;动脉瘤缝术 aneurysm:动脉瘤

? 切除术: ectomy: removal pharyngectomy咽切除 appendectomy: 阑尾切除术

append/o: appendic/o: appendix阑尾 ? 固定术: -pexy: fixing rectopexy直肠固定术 rect/o: rectum


? 上: upper//superior; epi-; supra- epithelium上皮组织;

? 下:lower//inferior; infra-; sub- subcutaneous 皮下的; cutane/o: skin

? 前:front//anterior//prior// fore-; ante-;

pre-; antero-

forehead前额; anteroposterior前后的

precirrhosis前期肝硬化;cirrh/o:orange硬变 ? 后:back//posterior// post-; retro- postheptical肝后的; heptic/o: liver; retrocardiac心后的;cardi/o:heart

? 内:inner//internal// in-; endo-; ento-;

entro-; intro-;

inhale, inhalation吸入

endoscopy内窥镜检; -scopy:visual exam ? 外:outer//external//ex-; exo-; ultra-;


extract抽出; exhale呼出

excretion排泄物; exocardial心外的 ? 间:inter-; between; intermuscular肌肉间的;


? -cillin 青霉素类药物

阿莫西林(羟氨苄青霉素) amoxicillin 片剂、胶囊剂 氨苄西林钠(氨苄青霉素) ampicillin sodium 注射剂 羧苄青霉素钠carbencillin 双氯青霉素 dicloxacillin


(1)…痛… headache, stomachache

….the pain of ; ache, -algia; -agra; -dynia neuralgia神经痛; neur/o: nerve;

gastralgia胃痛 ; gastr/o: gaster, stomach arthralgia关节痛; arthr/o: joint abdominalgia腹痛; abdomin/o: abdomen (2).与检查有关的词缀

镜检:-scopy镜检法; scope镜

gastroscopy 胃镜法;

量具:-meter: instrument for measuring

cardiometer心力计; thermometer温度计

心电图: electrocardiogram =ECG;

( electrocardiograph心电图仪)

脑电图: electroencephalogram=EEG B超:type B ultrasonic

CT:computerized tomography计算机x射线断层 尿检 urine analysis 血常规 blood routine


? 怕, 畏惧 –phobia: fear

photophobia畏光 , phot/o:light

困难 dys-: bad, difficulty

dysfunction功能障碍; dyspepsia消化不良 dyspnea 呼吸困难, -pnea:breathing

? 不良 mal-: bad

malnutrition营养不良; malpractice事故

malfunction机能障碍 malignant恶性的


? 好, 正, eu-: good eugenic优生的adj.

eugenics优生学; gen/o: producing euthanasia安乐死; -thanasia: death

? 瘤,肿块 –oma: tumor; cancer; swelling lymphoma淋巴瘤; hematoma血肿 血症 –emia: blood condition

leukemia白血病; septicemia败血症

? 高:hyper- :high,above; hyperdynamia: 肌力过度;

hypertension高血压( high blood pressure)

? 低:hypo-; low; below

hypotonia hypotonic张力/压力过低(的) hypotension ;low blood pressure,


dynam/o: power, force; dynamic adj. dynamics 疗法:-therapy

radiotherapy放疗; radiotherapist(放疗专家) chemotherapy化疗 physiotherapy理疗 psychotherapy心理疗法 therapist治疗师

? 无, 没有 a- an-: without atypical 非典型性的 asexual无性的

asymptomatic无症状的 anemia贫血

anorexia厌食症 orex/o: appetite

anesthesia麻醉(感觉缺失: esthesi/o: feeling, perception )

? Cef-头孢类药物 头孢氨苄 cefalexin 头孢羟氨苄 cefadroxil 头孢克洛 Cefaclor 头孢吡肟 Cefepime 头孢丙烯 Cefprozil 头孢拉定 cephradine

Words to be remembered in Unit 2

1. doom 2. microbial 3. vulnerable 4. penicillin 5. regression 6. respiratory 7. cholera 8. venue 9. mutation 10. pandemic、 11. influenza 12. antigen 13. immune 14. complication 15. infrastructure 16. deteriorate 17. exotic 18. lethal 19. eradicate 20. prevalence 21. toxicity 22. immigration 23. diagnostic 24. pathogen 25. chronic 26. gastric 27. ulcer 28. pesticide 29. Smallpox 30. pathogenic 31. surveillance 32. vaccination 33. panacea 34. plague 35. radiograph 36. screen 37. attend to

38. be infected with 39. hit the headline 40. contribute to