人教版八年级物理(下册)第六章《电压_电阻》练习题(含答案) 下载本文

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In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper and lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, activeadapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundaton. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project ofecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show \se + base + farmers\hey gradually introduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction results continue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally人教版八年级物理(下册)《第六章电压 电阻》练习题(含答案)

一 。选择题(40分) 1.小新用西红柿制作了一个水果电池,他用一片铜片和一片锌片制作了它的两个电极,做好该西红柿电池后,小新用电压表测量了它的电压,你觉得它的电压有多高?( )

A.3V B.220V C.1.5V D.0.2V

2.关于电源,下列说法中正确的是( )

A.是提供电荷量的装置 B.是提供电流的装置

C.是提供电压的装置 D.是提供用电器的装置 3.用电压表分别测量电路中两盏电灯的电压,结果它们两端的电压相等,由此判断两盏电灯的连接方式是:( )

A.一定是串联 B.一定是并联 C.串联、并联都有可能 D.无法判断. 图6-31 *4.如图6-31所示,电源电压为6V,当开关S闭合后,只有一灯泡发光,且电压表示数为6V,产生这一现象的原因可能是( )

A.灯L1处短路 B.灯L2处短路 C.灯L1处断路 D.灯L2处断路

5.图6-32所示电路中,电源电压不变,开关S闭合,灯L1和L2都正常发光,一段时间后,突然其中一灯熄灭,而电流表和电压表的示数都不变,出现这一现象的原因可能( )


A.L1短路 B.L2短路 C.L1断路 D.L2断路

6.由同种材料制成的三根电阻丝,已知它们的长度关系L1>L2=L3,横截面积的关系为S1=S2<S3,现将它们串联接入电路,关于它们的电阻和通过他们的电流,正确的是( )

A.R1<R2=R3 ,I1=I2=I3 B.R1=R2>R3, I1=I2>I3 C.R1>R2>R3,I1>I2>I3 D.R1>R2>R3, I1=I2=I3 7.在如图6-33(a)所示电路中,当闭合开关后,两个电压表指针偏转均为图6-33(b)所示,则电阻R1和R2两端的电压分别为( ) A.4.8V, 1.2V B. 6V, 1.2V

C.1.2V, 6V D.1.2V, 4.8V




这两个灯泡将( )

A.较亮 B.较暗 C.正常发光 D.烧坏

9.如图6-34所示.开关S闭合后,将电压表并联在ab处时读数是0V;并联 在bc处时读数是6V,整个电路中没有电流,其电路故障是( )

A. L1灯丝断路 B.L2灯丝断路 C.电池耗尽无电压 D.L2灯丝短路

10.某同学使用电压表时,估计待测电路中的电压应选用0~3V的量程,但他误用0~15V的量程来测量。这样做的结果是 ( )


A.指针摆动角度大,会损坏电压表 B.指针摆动角度小,会损坏电压表 C.指针摆动角度小,读数比较准确 D.指针摆动角度小,读数不够准确

In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper and lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, activeadapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project ofecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, \se + base + farmers\hey gradually introduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction results continue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally11.有甲、乙、丙、丁四根导线,其中甲、乙、丙三根是铜线,丁是镍铬合金线。甲、乙导线粗细相同,甲比乙短、乙、丙两导线长短一样,乙比丙粗,丙、丁长短粗细相同,则四根导线按其电阻大小排列是( )

A.R甲>R乙>R丙>R丁 B.R丁>R丙>R乙>R甲 C.R丙>R乙>R甲>R丁 D.R乙>R丁>R甲>R丙

12.如图6-35所示,当开关S闭合后,电压表测出的电压是( ) A.灯L1两端的电压 B.灯L 2两端的电压 C.灯L1和L 2两端的总电压 D.电源两端的电压

13.将两只滑动变阻器按如图6-36所示方法连接,要使这两只变阻器连入 电路的电阻最大,应把滑片P1、P2放在( ) A.滑片P1放在最右端,滑片P2也放在最右端

B.滑片P1放在最左端,滑片P2也放在最左端 C.滑片P1放在最右端,滑片P2放在最左端 D.滑片P1放在最左端,滑片P2放在最右端

14.为了改变一根导线电阻的大小,下列方法中肯定不能达到目的的是( )

A.将导线拉长后使用 B.将导线对折后使用 C. 给导线加热 D.改变导线中的电流 15.在图6-37所示的电路中,①②③④处的电表分别是( ) A.表①是电压表,表②③④是电流表 B.表①③是电压表,表②④是电流表 C.表①②是电压表,表③④是电流表


A.铜丝电阻较大 B.铝丝电阻较大

C.铜丝和铝丝电阻可能一样大 D.无法判断谁的电阻较大 17.下列说法中正确的是( ) A.导体中没有电流通过时,电阻为零

B.导体中通过的电流越大,其对电流的阻碍作用越大,电阻越大 C.导体中通过的电流越小,其对电流的阻碍作用越大,电阻越小 D.导体的电阻跟导体中有无电流和电流的大小无关

18.当温度一定时,比较两根铜制导线电阻的大小,下列说法中正确的是( ) A.长导线的电阻一定大 B.粗细相同,长导线的电阻一定大 C.细导线的电阻一定大 D.粗细相同,短导线的电阻一定大

19.下列说法正确的是( )

A.电阻表示导体对电流阻碍作用的大小,当导体中无电流通过时,导体就无电阻 B.通过导体的电流越小,导体的电阻越大 C.导体两端的电压越大,导体的电阻越大


20.在图6-38所示电路中,电源电压保持不变,当开关 S1闭合,S2断开时,电压表的读数是3V;当开关S1断开,S2闭合时,电压表的示数是5V,则S2断开时,灯L1和L2两端的电压分别为( )

A.2V和3V B.3V和2V C.2V和8V D.2V和5V 二.填空题(25分)





16.质量相等的铜丝和铝丝,它们的横截面积相等,则二者电阻大小比较( )


In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper and lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, activeadapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project ofecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, \se + base + farmers\hey gradually introduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction results continue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally1.单位换算:

468Ω= MΩ = KΩ,539 mV = kV= V。


3.一般照明电路的电压为 V,只有 V的电压对人体是安全的。将8节干电池串联起来组成一个电池组,此电池组的总电压是________V,给3只相同的灯泡串联而成的电路供电,每只灯泡两端的电压为______________V。

4. 电压表能直接接在电源两端测量电源电压,这是因为电压表的____非常大,不会形成电源________。


图6-39 图6-40 图6-41

6.同种材料组成的四根导线,R1<R2<R3<R4,如果它们的长度相等,横截面积最大的是: ,如果它们的横截面积相等,则电阻线的长度最长的是: 。

7.在图6-40中,V表示数为4.5V,A1、A2两表示数分别为1.2A、0.9A,则电源由 节新干电池组成,通过L1、L2的电流分别为 A和 A。

8. 将一根粗细均匀的导线均匀拉长,它的电阻变 ,这是因为其 变大, 变小了。

9.图6-41是一个电表的表盘。也许你没有学过这种电表的用法,但根据所学的其他电表的读数方法,你也能知道,它的示数是 ,单位是 。 三、作图、实验题(共27分)


① 按要求连接实物图 ② 画出相应的电路图


③连接电路时开在应处于___________状态,变阻器的滑片应处于_________端(A或B)。 ④滑片P向左移动时,电流表示数变________,灯泡亮度______(填“变亮”、“变暗”或“不变”)

⑤若闭合开关灯不亮,但电压表示数约等电源电压,此时故障可能是____________ _