武汉理工大学2017级交通工程培养方案 下载本文

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Undergraduate Education Plan for Specialty in

Traffic Engineering (2017)


Major 计划学制 Duration 所属大类 Disciplinary


Traffic Engineering 四年 4 Years 交通运输类

Traffic transportation


Major Disciplines

授予学位 Degree Granted 大类培养年限



Traffic Engineering 工学学士

Bachelor of Engineering 1年 1 year


Graduation Credit Criteria 课程分类 Course Classification 课程性质 Course Nature 必修课 Required Courses 选修课 Elective Courses 通识教育课程 Public Basic Courses 29 9 专业教育课程 Specialized Courses 63.5 20 个性课程 Personalized Course \\ 6 集中性实践 教学环节 Practice Courses 32.5 \\ 课外学分 Study Credit after Class \\ 170 10 总学分 Total Credits 一、 培养目标与毕业要求

Ⅰ Educational Objectives &Requirement (一) 培养目标

(1) 具有良好的人文和社会科学知识及素养。

(2) 掌握交通工程系统分析理论与方法,包括解决问题时所需数学、绘图和计算机能力,


(3) 具备运用交通工程相关理论和实践方法解决交通工程实际问题的能力,包括数据分


(4) 具备良好身体素质及良好的世界观、人生观、道德品质和社会责任感。

(5) 具备良好的敬业精神和工程职业道德,关注当代社会问题,具有可持续发展和安全


(1) Have some knowledge of the humanities and social sciences and literacy.

(2) Grasp traffic engineering system theory and methods, including mathematics, drawing and computer skills needed to solve problems, and learn about the professional status and trends.

(3) Develop the ability to apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to solve problems of traffic engineering, including data analysis, creative thinking, effective communication and teamwork.

(4) Have a good physical fitness and good world view, outlook on life,moral and social responsibility.

(5) Have good professionalism and engineering ethics, interest in contemporary social issues, have awareness of sustainable development and security. (二) 毕业要求






(5)使用现代工具 :能够针对交通系统复杂工程,开发、 选择与使用恰当的技术、 资源、 现代工程工具和信息技术工具,包括对交通系统复杂工程的预测与模拟,并能够理解其局限性。

(6)工程与社会:能够基于交通工程相关背景知识进行合理分析,评价专业工程实践和复杂工程问题解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。 (7)环境和可持续发展:能够理解和评价针对交通系统复杂工程的工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。


(9)个人和团队:能够在多学科背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。 (1 0)沟通 :能够就交通系统复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、 陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。

(11)项目管理:理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。 (12)终身学习:具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。

(1) Engineering knowledge: the ability to use math, science, engineering and technology and professional knowledge (including transportation planning, management, control, safety and design), to solve complex engineering problems of traffic system.

(2) Analysis: have logical thinking, systems analysis and the ability to identify problems and be able to apply the basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences to identify, express and through literature research to analyze complex traffic engineering problems, in order to obtain a valid conclusion.

(3) Design / Development solutions: to design solutions for complex transportation systems engineering, and to reflect the sense of innovation in the design sessions, considering social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental factors.

(4) Research: mastering the necessary traffic engineering drawings, calculations, software operation and document retrieval method, can study complex engineering based on traffic engineering theories and methods, including data collection, laboratory, data processing and analysis, and through information comprehensive reasonably valid conclusions.

(5) Use modern tools: the ability of developing, selecting and using appropriate technology, resources and modern engineering tools and information technology tools for complex transportation systems engineering, including prediction and simulation of complex transportation systems engineering, and understand its limitations.

(6) Engineering and society: have the ability to carry out a reasonable analysis based on traffic engineering-related background knowledge, evaluation of professional engineering practice and influences of solution of complex engineering problems on social, health, safety, legal and cultural, and understood the responsibility to be borne.

(7) Environment and sustainable development: have the ability to understand and evaluate the impact of transport systems complex projects for engineering practice on the environment and social sustainability.

(8) Professional norms: have a humanities and social science literacy, social responsibility, to understand and abide by professional ethics and norms of engineering in engineering practice, fulfill its responsibilities.

(9) Individuals and teams: have the ability to undertake individual, team members and responsible role at the background of multidisciplinary.

(10) Communication: have the ability to effectively communicate and exchange on transportation systems complex engineering problems with industry peers and the public, including the preparation of reports and design presentations, statements speak, articulate or respond to commands. And have a more international perspective, able to communicate and

exchange in a cross-cultural context.

(11) Project management: understand and master the principles of project management and economic decision-making methods, and can be applied in a multidisciplinary environment.

(12) Lifelong learning: have a self-learning and lifelong learning conscious, and have the capacity of continuous learning and adapting development.

附:培养目标实现矩阵 毕业要求1 毕业要求2 毕业要求3 毕业要求4 毕业要求5 毕业要求6 毕业要求7 毕业要求8 毕业要求9 毕业要求10 毕业要求11 毕业要求12 培养目标1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 培养目标2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 培养目标3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 培养目标4 ? ? ? ? ? 培养目标5 ? ? ? ? ? ?

二、 专业核心课程与专业特色课程

II Core Courses and Characteristic Courses (一) 专业核心课程:


Traffic Planning, Traffic Management and Control, Road Traffic Safety Engineering, Traffic Design, Traffic System Analysis. (二) 专业特色课程:

城市轨道交通规划与管理, 城市规划原理,立体交叉规划与设计,智能交通系统,城市客运交通,道路交通环境工程

Planning and Management for Urban Rail Transportation, Urban Planning Theory, Interchange Planning and Design, Intelligent Transportation System, Urban Passenger Transportation, Traffic Environment Engineering.

附:毕业要求实现矩阵: 专业核专业特心课程 色课程 课程名称 思想道德修养与法律基础 中国近现代史纲要 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 马克思主义基本原理 军事理论 心理健康教育 大学英语 VB程序设计基础 计算机基础与VB程序设计综合实验 人文社科选修课程 交通工程专业毕业要求 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 (12) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √