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如colorful,由color和-ful两部分构成,由此概括出一条规则:名词词尾加上-ful可构成形容词 Morpheme,
语素,不能再简化的有意义的语言单位。如boys,由boy和-s构成 Morph
语素的具体形态 Allomorph 语素变体
英文单词illogical,imbalance,irregular和inactive有着共同的语素in-。换句话说,im-,ir-是语素in-的变体。 Free morphemes
能单独出现,独立构词的语素称为自由语素。如work,boy Bound morphemes
不能独立出现,必须附着在其他语素后才能构词的语素。如distempered中,dis-和-ed是黏着语素,temper是自由语素 Bound roots
不能独立出现,只能被词缀附着后出现 如refer中的-fer,consist中的-sist Content morphemes
Function morphemes
通过联系一个句子中的其他词提供语法功能的语素 如介词、连词、冠词 at,for,a,but Inflectional
曲折,生成同一语素的不同形式 -s,-‘s,-ing,-en,-er,-est,-s Derivational
派生,生成新词,通常可以改变词汇意义 Cat,caty
Compounding合成 如Girlfriend
Reduplication 重复
Abbreviation or shortening 简写 Blending 混合 Motor+hotel=motel
Breakfast+lunch=brunch Alternation Man men
Suppletion不规则 Go went Syntax句法
Pragmatic ambiguity Lexical ambiguity Structural ambiguity
a. Can you tell me the time? We had the president for dinner.
c. We need more intelligent administrators. Agent person who does the action Patient thing that action happens to
Instrument thing involved in action (but not agent)
Theme thing that is in a state or location or undergoes change
Experiencer animate being that has some kind of perceptual or mental experience Source where a change starts from
Recipient individual that comes into possession of something Analytic Language 分析型语言
分析性语言指句子多为自由语素(free morpheme)构成,每个字包含单一语素,自身拥有意义与功能。纯粹的分析性语言,也可以叫孤立语(isolating language),也就是没有词形变化或后缀。
汉语就是高度分析性语言,例如以下的句子。(1) 使用「们」来作为「我」的复数形,(2) 使用「了」来表达过去式。(3)「我们」虽然放在宾语的位置,但却没有词形变化或其他语法标记。(对比英语使用\表复数形、\表过去式、\表主语、宾语位置) 我们弹钢琴 We are playing piano. Synthetic languages 综合性语言
综合性语言指不自由语素(bound morpheme)附著在其他语素之后,所以一个词可由数个有意义的单位构成。例如\有三个部分,\、\、\。 Semantics 语义学
Cognitive meaning 认知意义 Social meaning 社会意义
Syntagmatic聚合(词间组合关系) -- Paradigmatic组合(句子间组合关系)
Conceptual meaning is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning.
Associative meaning is the secondary meaning beyond the conceptual meaning. It has to do with the factors as culture, experience, belief, background, education, and etc.
Connotative meaning 内涵意义
Affective meaning情态意义 褒义词 Reflected meaning 婉言
Collocative meaning 搭配意义 Thematic meaning 强调
Morphologically related 形态学相关
-- lift/lifted (both share the same stem) Syntactically related 句法相关
– write/paint (both transitive verbs)都是及物动词
Phonologically related – 音韵相关 -- night/knight (both share the same pronunciation) Synonymy 同义词 Antonymy反义词
Contraries存在程度上的渐进性 hot-cold
The semantic polarity in contraries is relative and the opposition is gradual. Complementaries互补 生死
Words off binary semantic contrast which admits of no gradabilty between items. Conversives相对 老师学生
Words display a type of oppositness of meaning. Hyponymy下位关系 Rose包含在flower中 Meronymy 整体与部分 Polysemy 多义词
Homonymy 同音/拼写异义词 Homograph 同音异义 Homophones 同形异义 Full homonyms 形音一样 句子间关系
Entailment蕴含 有孩子-有3个孩子 Presupposition 预设 喝酒抱歉 Synonymy / paraphrase 同义
Inconsistency / contradiction 相反 Implicature 和环境密切相关 fewsome