4A M3-U2词汇语法和习题 下载本文

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M3U2 Around my home 我家的周围

★背诵词汇: around周围,home家, street街,road路, near在附近,city城市(复数:cities),shop商店,supermarket超市,post office邮局,restaurant餐厅,clothes shop服装店,bakery面包店,hotel宾馆, next to 紧邻;在近旁=beside在旁边,between在…中间 ★背诵句型:

1. Where is your home? 你的家在哪里?

2.It’s at No. 126, Garden Street. 它在花园街126号。

3. There are many shops near my home. 有许多商店在我家附近。 4. It’s on a busy street in our city. 它在我们城市里的一条繁忙的街上。 5. Excuse me, girls. 女孩们,抱歉打扰一下。

6. I want to send a postcard.我想要寄一张明信片。 7. I want to buy some bread too. 我还想买一些面包。 8. Let me see. 让我想一想。

9. There aren’t any clothes shops on this street.在这条街上没有服装店。 10. We can show you the way. 我们可以给你带路。 11. It’s my pleasure. 乐意为您效劳。

12. Nanjing Road is in the centre of Shanghai. 南京路在上海的中心。 ★掌握语法:

1. street街,road路:

(1) 表示具体某条街或路时要大写:Garden Street花园街,Nanjing Road 南京路 (2) 在某条街或路上用介词on:

on Garden Street, on Nanjing Road, on a busy street (3) 有具体门牌号用介词at: at No. 126, Garden Street

2. shop商店(动词:购物go shopping),前面加名词,表示商店类别:

clothes shop服装店,toy shop玩具店,fruit shop水果店,flower shop花店,bookshop书店(注意:bookshop是一个单词,不要分开写)

M3U2 Around my home

I. Copy the sentences (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号) Grandma i have a new friend her names nancy


II. Read and write (按要求写单词)

1. large (同义词) _______ 2. beside (近义词) _______ 3. bottle(同类词)_______ 4. shop (同类词) _______ 5. many (同义词) _______ 6. here (同音词) _______ 7. dresses ( 单数 ) _______ 8. they ( 宾格 ) _______ 9. we (所有格) _______ 10. sharp (反义词) _______

III. Fill in the blanks (用所给此的适当形式填空) 1. Those sweets ______ ( be ) twelve yuan.

2. How ______ ( many ) are these biscuits? They’re eight yuan. 3. Two ______ ( bottle ) of juice, please. 4. Their teacher ______ ( not like ) crisps.

5. ______ ( there be ) much water over there.

6. What shapes ______ ( be ) the sandwiches? They’re ______ ( triangle ). 7. I like ______ ( paint ), I ______ ( not like ) running. 8. Those ______ ( police officer ) bicycles are old.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences (按要求改句子,每格一词) 1. This cake is twenty yuan. (对划线部分提问) How ______ ______ this cake?

2. Winnie likes this large packet. (改成一般疑问句) ______ Winnie ______ the large packet?

3. I have got a box of sweet. ( 对划线部分提问 ) How many ______ of sweets ______ you got?

4. There is some juice in the bottle. (改成一般疑问句) ______ ______ _______ juice in the bottle?

5. Eric’s brown skateboard is under the desk. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ Eric’s brown skateboard?

V. Read and write ( 写出划线部分的同类词 )

1. Alice is on the swing. Danny is ______ slide. 2. The restaurant is bi and the ______ is large. 3. Don’t ______ in the pond, Ben . Don’t pick the flower, Eddie. 4. There is a big cupboard and some ______ in the classroom. 5. A larger packet of sweets is twelve yuan. A small packet of sweets is ______ yuan.

6. There are some dolls, balls and ______ in the toy shop. 7. We can play in the playground. We can read in the ______.