基于jsp的网上书店系统(含源文件) 下载本文

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本论文设计基于B/S模式的网上书店系统,本系统分为用户和管理两大模块,其中用户可以通过用户模块执行注册、登录、浏览商品、加入购物车,提交订单等操作,管理员通过管理模块登录、管理订单以及管理会员等操作。本系统用myeclipse 6.5软件作为开发工具,以MYSQL作为数据库,使用JAVA语言来进行程序的编写,页面采取JSP动态页面开发技术来完成网上书店系统的实现。本次设计采用的软件简单,快捷,容易上手操作,深受我们的喜欢。

关键词 : 网上书店系统,JSP,MySQL数据库




Online purchase books is a now more popular a kind of way of acquisition, so online bookstore system also appears more and more important.

The design of online bookstore system based on B / S mode in this paper, the system divided into two modules: management and users ,the users can use users modules to registration, login, browse merchandise, add to cart, submit orders and so on operation, the administrator can use the management modules to login, order management, membership management and so on operation. The system use MyEclipse 6.5 software as a development tool, using MySQL as the database, using java language to program the written page take the JSP dynamic web development technology to complete the realization of online bookstore system. The design of the software simple, fast. Easy to get started operation, by our love.

Keywords: online bookstore system, JSP database, MySQL