外研版高中英语必修4 Module5 单元测试 下载本文

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Module5 单元测试

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. When I got there, I found the old man____________ by many people. A. surround B. surrounding C. surrounded D. to surround

2. This morning when I was having breakfast, I heard some strange sounds___________. A. at a distance B. at the distance C. in a distance D. in the distance

3. They stood at the top of the hill and a wonderful __________ of the city. A. view B. victory C. opinion D. sense

4. In a big city we can find a variety of____________ in the department stores. A. good B. goods C. goodness D. matter

5. The sun could be seen_____________ behind the while pagoda,___________ was very beautiful A. setting; that B. to set; it C. setting; which D. set; it

6. A new railway is____________ in my hometown now. A. under construction B. under constructing C. in construction D. at constructing

7. Do you know that Britain trades__________ many European countries________ furs and skins? A. in; of B. with; in C. with; of D. in; with

8. You__________ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not 9. It will cost_________ five pounds, five pounds and perhaps more. A. in the least B. least of all C. at most D. at least

10.— Would you mind my opening the window, Jack? —____________.

A. Yes, of course B. No, of course C. OK, go ahead D. You’d better not

11. The young man has made so such noise that he ____________ not have been allowed to attend the concert.

A. could B. must C. would D. should

12. We are working even harder now to________ the gap between the advanced team and ours. A. short B. narrow C. slow D. wide 13. He gets a big_________ out of motor-racing these days. A. kick B. hit C. happiness D. pleasure

14. After the battle against SARS, all of the doctors enjoyed themselves_______. A. immensely B. immense C. extreme D. very 15. As a student, you should not______________ other students. A. rip at B. rip of C. rip off D. rip

第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

Eddie liked music very much when he was at 16 ,but when he went to the university he decided to study 17 instead of music. When he 18 his examination and became a doctor, he had to work in a 19 for some time. There he 20 that a lot of patients were happier and caused 21 trouble if beautiful music was 22 to them. When Eddie got an office and 23 to work for himself, he decided to keep his patients happy 24 having a recorder in his 25 play beautiful music for them. But soon after the 26 had been put in, Eddie's nurse 27 a woman, who was sitting in the 28 waiting room at that time, say, \ 29 , and he is playing music in his office 30 doing his work!\16. A. college B. factory

C. home D. school 17. A. Chinese B. English

C. history D. medicine 18. A. failed in B. had

C. organized D. passed 19. A. factory B. hospital

C. school D. university 20. A. believed B. discovered

C. explained D. thought 21. A. a lot of B. big

C. less D. more 22. A. heard B. played

C. taught D. written 23A. began B. had

C. stopped D. wanted 24. A. by B. with

C. in D. with 25. A. bedroom B. classroom

C. dining room D. waiting room 26. A. idea B. plan

C. play D. recorder 27. A. found B. heard

C. made D. saw 28. A. clean B. crowded

C. dirty D. empty 29. A. doctor B. nurse

C. player D. singer 30. A. after B. before

C. instead of D. not

第三节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Fast driving is always dangerous. Motor-racing is even more dangerous. But have you ever heard of motor-racing which is noisy, fast, exciting and safe?

No? Then perhaps you have never heard of karting, also sometimes called go karting. A kart is rather like a baby car with no roof. It has a small engine, 4 small wheels and room for only the driver. Its top speed is about 80 kilometers per hour. Karting clubs are private and young people under the age of 17 can be members. On the private land of the club, they can go karting.

Some secondary schools think karting is very good for their pupils. The pupils can make everything except the engine and the tyres at school. Tyres for kart are not very expensive. An old motorcycle engine does not cost much and is good enough as a kart engine. The pupils enjoy studies