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6£®Where does the woman think she put her glasses?
A£®On her desk£® B£®On her bed£® C£®In the kitchen£® 7£®What was the woman doing late last night? A£®Cleaning her glasses£® B£®Studying her lessons£® C£®Washing the dishes£®
ÌýµÚ7¶Î²ÄÁÏ£¬»Ø´ðµÚ8¡¢9Ìâ¡£ 8£®What does the woman want to do? A£®Cancel an appointment£® B£®Schedule an appointment£® C£®Change an appointment£®
9£®When would the woman come in the end?
A£®At 2£º00 P£®m£® B£®At 10£º00 a£®m£® C£®At 8£º00 a£®m£® ÌýµÚ8¶Î²ÄÁÏ£¬»Ø´ðµÚ10ÖÁ12Ìâ¡£
10£®What¡¯s the relationship between the speakers? A£®Brother and sister£® B£®Husband and wife£® C£®Close friends£®
11£®Why does the father seem sad? A£®He is out of work£® B£®He is very hungry£® C£®He is overworked£®
12£®What do the speakers decide to do? A£®Go to a restaurant£® B£®Cook a special meal£® C£®Clean the house£®
ÌýµÚ9¶Î²ÄÁÏ£¬»Ø´ðµÚ13ÖÁ16Ìâ¡£ 13£®Who might the woman be?
A£®A Teacher£® B£®A student£® C£®A doctor£® 14£®Why is the man upset at first? A£®He is stressed out from work£® B£®He disagrees with the woman£®
C£®He thinks his daughter is a bad student£® 15£®Why does the woman think Lily is smart?
A£®Lily pays attention in class£® B£®Lily does very well in her exams£® C£®Lily hands in her homework on time£®
16£®How does the man feel about his daughter in the end? A£®He is disappointed in her£® B£®He is angry with her£® C£®He is proud of her£®
ÌýµÚ10¶Î²ÄÁÏ£¬»Ø´ðµÚ17ÖÁ20Ìâ¡£ 17£®What event is coming up? A£®The Christmas festival£® B£®A birthday party£® C£®A membership meeting£®
18£®What¡¯s on the list of things to be done? A£®Cooking the dinner£® B£®Inviting some teachers£® C£®Buying some children books£®
19£®How much money does the speaker ask each member to give? A£®Five dollars£® B£®Ten dollars£® C£®Twenty dollars£®
20£®Who will get the extra presents? A£®Children who come to the party£®
B£®Some children who don¡¯t have parents£® C£®Some of the staff members who are poor£®
µÚ¶þ²¿·Ö£ºÔĶÁÀí½â(¹²Á½½Ú£¬Âú·Ö40·Ö) µÚÒ»½Ú(¹²15СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ2·Ö¡£Âú·Ö30·Ö)
ÔĶÁÏÂÁжÌÎÄ£¬´ÓÿÌâËù¸øµÄËĸöÑ¡Ïî(A¡¢B¡¢CºÍD)ÖУ¬Ñ¡³ö×î¼ÑÑ¡Ï²¢ÔÚ´ðÌ⿨ÉϽ«¸ÃÏîÍ¿ºÚ¡£ A SALT LAKE CITY¡ªThe Utah Jazz basketball team signed a 5-year-old£®Free-agent player to a one-day contract for a special performance in October£®The Utah Jazz has just made his dream come true£®The boy has suffered from blood cancer since 2012£® JP Gibson£¬who was diagnosed with severe blood cancer£¬signed his contract with Jazz President Randy Rigby before joining the team for the pre-season training play at Utah Jazz¡¯s sport center£®JP was joined by his parents£¬Josh and Megan£¬and his 2-year-old sister£¬Elsie£®
The activity was hosted by the Jazz and photographer Jon Diaz¡¯s¡°Anything Can Be¡±project£¬which provides support and hope to families like the Gibsons£®Jon Diaz asks children with cancer what their dreams and wishes are£¬and he writes their stories in a book£®
JP£¬wearing a No£®1 shirt£¬even got to play in the play£®He passed the ball£¬and Rudy obert£¬a player of Utah Jazz£¬lifted him up so he could dunk(¿ÛÀº)and shake hands with some players as
fans were cheerful£®
¡°JP loves most sports£¬but basketball is absolutely his favorite£¬¡± Megan Gibson said in a statement released by the Jazz£®¡°When he was just over one year old£¬he would sit with my husband£¬Josh£¬watching games£®He started insisting on shooting hoops(ͶÀº)for an hour each night before bedtime when he was just 15 months old£®He knows he has to be 6 before he can play Junior Jazz£¬and he reminds us all the time that he can¡¯t wait until he¡¯s 6£®¡± 21£®Utah Jazz signs a 5-year-old JP Gibson just to _____________£® A£®make the team more famous B£®realize the dream of JP Gibson C£®satisfy the taste of the fans
D£®promote the¡°Anything Can Be¡± project 22£®¡°Anything Can Be¡±project ____________£® A£®raises money to help the development of NBA B. provides support and hope to kids loving basketball C£®has kids with cancer write their stories in a book D£®ofers assistance to those who are in misfortune
23£®According to the passage£¬JP Gibson _____________£® A£®will play on Utah Jazz team when he grows up B£®can earn much money by signing Utah Jazz
C£®has been a basketball lover since very young age D£®won¡¯t live long due to his severe blood cancer B
You may have experienced the annoyance of being fined because of parking illegally or finding your car towed away(ÍÏ×ß)after leaving it parked somewhere for a couple of minutes£®But now a high-tech car sticker that¡¯s designed to be stuck to a car¡¯s windscreen could help motorists avoid such a situation£®
The TowStop sticker sends a text message to a driver when touched by a traffic policeman£¬to allow motorists to send a reply and give them time to move their cars immediately£®Frankfurt-based IT consultant£¬Daniel Kalliontzis£¬came up with the idea and is raising money to put his €54(¡ê43) sticker into production£®
Car owners can put the sticker inside their car¡¯s windscreen£¬having set it up with key information£¬such as their phone number£®The slim design will include a sensor(´«¸ÐÆ÷)that£¬when touched by a traffic policeman£¬will send a text message warning a driver of a possible fine£®The driver could then type a reply for the policeman using a smartphone£¬which will appear on the sticker¡¯s screen£®
The smart sticker system will rely on the good will of traffic policemen and in a way£¬a German law£®The law states£ºan officer has to choose the most efficient and inexpensive way for the car owner to remove the vehicle£®It could be cheaper for the government to call the driver than to tow his car£®
Mail Online asked the Department of Transport whether the sticker could be used in the UK in a similar way£®A spokesman said£¬¡°In England there is no legal duty to warn the motorist before issuing the ticket£®However£¬a policeman does have the discretion not to issue a ticket if he doesn¡¯
t think the situation is that bad or he just wants to issue a warning£®¡± So far£¬Mr£®Kalliontzis has raised just over €3£¬000(¡ê2£¬362)of his €50£¬000(¡ê39£¬381) goal£®If he manages to raise the money£¬the stickers will be shipped in June 2015£®But it appears that car owners using the smart system could get some unnecessary warning messages£¬because anyone could touch the smart sticker£®
24£®The author wrote the third paragraph to _______________£® A£®explain how a smart car sticker works B£®advise drivers to buy a car sticker C£®show the importance of a sensor D£®tell drivers how to park a car
25£®We may infer from the text that in Britain _______________£® A£®car owners don¡¯t have to worry about a parking ticket B£®smart car stickers wouldn¡¯t work as well as in Germany C£®traffic policemen prefer to call a driver rather than tow his car D£®the Department of Transport thinks highly of smart car stickers
26.The underlined word¡°discretion¡± in Paragraph 5 can best be replaced by¡°____________¡±£® A£®trouble B£®pressure C£®freedom D£®opportunity 27£®What would be the best title for the text? A£®Daniel Kalliontzis ¡ª a great inventor B£®Environment-friendly car stickers C£®Parking systems in Europe D£®End of the parking ticket? C
Hello everybody£®You can use this website to learn English and other languages£®Click the links below to explore our language learning resources£® Find an English conversation partner
You can speak English online with another person or practice any other language on our Live English Conversation Linkup service through Skype£¬Google Talk£¬MSN£¬etc£®You can use the service to get information about travel£¬language£¬food£¬customs£¬climate£¬travel£¬business£¬work£¬study etc£®Or£¬you can speak any foreign language on our Live Language Linkup page£® World English course
Learn English with our free World English Course£®Listen£¬speak£¬read£¬write and understand English through our free weekly online activities and linkups£®Join the English Classroom! English courses
Take a look at some of the courses we offer£®
¡ñBe Aware£ºUse this free English course to brush up your grammar£¬vocabulary£¬and writing skills£®
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¡ñThe Business Trip£ºDevelop your business English with this unique free business English course£®
¡ñThe Water Car£ºA full-length interactive story English course for intermediate(ÖеȵÄ)level leamers£®
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upper- intermediate level learners£®
¡ñWorld English£ºA free English course designed for topic-based discussions£® English dialogues Follow a story in English through free English dialogues£®There are three levels£º ¡ñLower Intermediate£ºHiromi¡¯s Trip to Thailand ¡ñIntermediate£ºMiyako¡¯s Education
¡ñUpper Intermediate£ºA New Life in Mosquito City Real conversations
We provide recordings of real conversations and interviews£¬with transcripts(ÎÄ×ּǼ)of the conversations so you can read and listen at the same time£®It is a good way to learn real English£®
28£®This website mainly provides users with _____________£® A£®free courses on traveling abroad B£®plenty of language resources C£®interesting conversations D£®1ots of amazing stories
29£®If one wants to enrich his grammar and words£¬he should click _____________£® A£®Be Aware B£®The Water Car
C£®The Business Trip D£®Interactive Stories
30£®Which of the following is designed for intermediate level learners? A£®The Children of Kenji Takeuehi£® B£®A New Life in Mosquito City C£®Hiromi¡¯s Trip to Thailand£® D. Miyako¡¯s Education£®
31.Real conversations is a good may to learn real English because ____________£® A£®you can read while listening B£®you can see a native speaker
C£®you can record your own voice and listen to it D£®you can transcript every word of real speakers D
I often teach about happiness and what has become clear is this£ºThere are some qualities always unhappy people have£®Here are some of them£®
Happy people know life can be hard and tend to live through hard times£®They take responsibility for how they got themselves into a mess£¬and focus on getting themselves out of it as soon as possible£®Unhappy people see themselves as victims of life and stay stuck in the¡°look what happened to me¡± attitude instead of finding a way through and out to the other side£®
Most happy people believe in the good in people instead of thinking everyone is out to get them£®Generally open and friendly towards people they meet£¬happy people foster(ÅàÑø)a sense of community around themselves and meet new people with all open heart£®Unhappy people are distrustful of most people they meet and don¡¯t think strangers can be trusted£®Unfortunately£¬this behavior slowly closes all chances