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Unit 4 How do you get to school?

第一课时Section A (1)

I. 按要求翻译下面短语。

1. 乘坐地铁 ___________________ (动词短语) ___________________ (介词短语) 2. 乘坐公汽 ___________________ (动词短语) ___________________ (介词短语) 3. 乘坐火车 ___________________ (动词短语) ___________________ (介词短语) 4. 乘坐的士 ___________________ (动词短语) ___________________ (介词短语) 5. 骑自行车 ___________________ (动词短语) ___________________ (介词短语) 6. 步行上学 ___________________ (动词短语) ___________________ (介词短语) 7. 到 校 ___________________ II. 根据括号内的要求完成下列句子。

1. He does the same thing every day. ( 改为否定句 ).

He _____________ _____________ the same thing every day. 2. He gets to school by bus. ( 就划线部分提问 )

_____________ does he _______________ to school?

3. It takes twenty minutes to get to work every day. ( 就划线部分提问 )

_____________ ______________ does it ________________ to get to work every day? 4. Tom rides his bike to do shopping every Saturday. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _____________ Tom _______________ his bike to do shopping every week? 5. It is twenty minutes’ bus ride from my home to school.. (就划线部分提问 ) _____________ ______________ is it from your home to school? 6. My father drives me to school. ( 同义句 )

I go to school ______________ my _____________ ______________ . 7. My daughter sometimes goes to school on foot. ( 同义句 )

My daughter sometimes _______________ ________________ _______________ 。 8. I live two kilometers away from my office. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _______________ _______________ do you live from your office?

9. It took two days to go from Wuhan to Shanghai by ship. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ______________ it _____________ three days to go from Wuhan to Shanghai? III. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. It takes about 10 _____________ (minute) to walk.

2. The bus _____________ (ride) usually takes about 20 minutes. 3. How long does it take you _____________ (do ) your homework? 4. Ten minutes ______________ (be) a short time.

5. It ______________ (take) my son tow hours to finish his homework last night. 6. Some students walk or ride ______________ (bike) to school.

7. In big ______________ (city), students usually go to school by bus. 8. After dinner, they usually take _________________ (walk) in the park. 9. Doing washing usually ________________ (take) her about 30 minutes. 10. – How far is it from your home to school?

-- Ten ____________ (minute) walk.

IV. 用适当的介词或副词填空。

1. Most students come to school _____________ foot.

2. My father often goes to work _____________ half past seven.

3. In America, most students go to school _______________ the school bus. 4. The lifestyle in Japan is different _______________ that in Canada.

5. I have a map but it’s ____________ Chinese, and I only speak English. Can you help me? 6. What does she think ____________ the weather in India? 7. – How do you come to school? -- ____________ my father’s car.

8. I leave ____________ school at around six thirty every day.

V. 根据情景,在每个空中填入一个适当的单词,使对话恢复完整。 A: Where ____________(1) Colin live? B: New Street.

A: ____________(2) _____________(3) is it from his home to school? B: About twenty miles.

A: ____________(4) does he come back home?

B: First, he ___________(5) to the bus stop. ____________(6) , he takes a __________(7) to the

subway __________(8). Next, he ___________(9) the subway. Then, he takes a bus __________(10)the bus stop on 26th Street. ______________(11) , he walks home.

A: Oh, it’s a long way. ___________ (12) __________(13) does it __________(14) Colin to get to

his home from school?

B: It takes him _____________(15) an hour.

第二课时 Section A (2)


1. 离学校大约10公里 2. 起床 3. 匆匆吃早餐 4. 去上学 5. 搭早班车 6. 带他去上学 7. 在六点半左右 8. 从家到学校 9. 骑自行车到公汽站 10. 三英里 11. 到达

II. 同义句转换

1. Do you walk to school?

Do you___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ __________ ? 2. My dad drives me to school.

I go to school _____________ my dad’s ____________ . 3. She rides a bike to work.

She ____________ to work ______________ bike. 4. I live far from my school.

I ______________ live _____________ my school. 5. What does your uncle do ?

____________ ____________ your uncle?

6. In North America, most students take the school bus to school.

In North America most students _________ to school __________ __________ _________ _________.

7. I spent 25 minutes walking to work.

It _____________ me 25 minutes ______________ ______________ to work. 8. My cousin is leaving for Beijing by air.

My cousin _____________ _____________ _____________ Beijing. 9. My home is ten kilometers from my school.

It is ten kilometers _____________ my home ______________ my school. 10. In Beijing, most people take the subway to work.

In Beijing, most people __________ to work _____________ _____________ .

III. 根据上下文的语境,用适当的疑问词(短语)填空。

1. -- _____________ does it take you to ride your bike to school? -- It takes about 15 minutes.

2. -- ___________ can you play computer games? -- Only once a week.

3. -- ___________ will mother be back? -- In an hour.

4. – ____________ does she get to school? -- She takes the bus.

5. -- ____________ is Lucy’s home from school? -- It’s about ten minutes’ walk.

6. -- ____________ does your uncle live? -- In Wuchang Dictrict.

7. -- ____________ do you think of Wuhan’s transportation? -- It’s fast and cheap.

8. -- ____________ does your mother do ? -- A bank clerk.

9. -- ____________ sweater should I take? -- The yellow one.

IV. 根据所给的汉语提示完成句子。

1. ______________________ ( 林芬的家 ) is about 10 kilometers from school.

2. I have a quick breakfast every morning and then I _________________( 上学) at half past six.

3. ________________________ ( 乘公汽 ) usually takes me about 25 minutes. 4. Please write me a letter when you _______________( 到达) Hong Kong. 5. My father often _____________ ( 骑自行车)to his factory.