浙江省宁波市高三英语第二次模拟试题(宁波二模)新人教版 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/6/27 4:33:08星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。






从A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

1. _______ application of transgenic technology(转基因技术) should be restricted on all food production and the government should take _______ “scientific attitude” toward genetically modified food, Yuan Longping said. A. The ; a B. An; the C. The; the D. An; a

2. People _______ out for more money for their health care for a long time. We believe that our government will take some effective action after the National People’s Congress. A. have cried B. have been crying C. had been crying D. are crying

3. I prefer a house in beautiful surroundings in the countryside to _______ in such a noisy street in Shanghai. A. it B. that C. this D. one

4. My father likes meat very much while my mother always has a (an) _______ for vegetables and fruits. A. appreciation B. preference C. reference D. enjoyment

5. In the western mountains where there is plenty of rainfall, trees are extremely tall, some _______ over 80 meters. A. measured B. measuring C. are measured D. measure 6. _______ is reported in the newspaper, the air pollution in some big cities, such as Beijing and Wuhan, has become more and more serious. A. That B. Which C. As D. What

7. Mary was so excited _______ she heard that her parents decided to send her aboard for further study. A. that B. where C. why D. when

8. It is quite often that the workers are always _______ by heat if they work outdoors for a long time in the hot summer afternoon.

A.astonished B. depressed C.overcome D. hit

9. Mary once taught English in a remote village school as a volunteer, which is _______ only on foot.

A. acceptable B. accessible C. available D. appropriate 10. After three hours’ discussion, the meeting finally _______ without any agreement on the issue.

A. broke out B. broke down C. broke away D. broke through As soon as little Tom had _______ a little from his operation at his back, his first thought was to get out to meet his friends.


A. returned B. survived C. absorbed D. recovered

12. Before taking measures to solve the problem, it is necessary for us to know _______ the problem itself is. A. what B. that C. which D. why 13. The experienced driver tried every method he knew, but the car _______ not start. A. would B. should C. must D. might 14. ---What’s your plan for the future?

--- I hope to get a job in the local newspaper at first and _______ work for China Daily. A. regularly B. frequently C. eventually D. gradually

15. Is it _______ you are always playing computer games _______ really makes your parents so angry? A. /; that B. what; that C. that; what D. that; that 16. My father suggests that I should take some notes_______ while listening to the teachers in class. A. if necessary B. if so C. if not D. if ever 17. _______ the moment they heard the starting signal given by their coach.

A. Down the hill did the children run B. Ran the children down the hill C. Down the hill the children ran D. Down the hill ran the children

18. Ningbo is a small city. Therefore, to _______ the flow of traffic, the government has decided to broaden some main streets. A. speed up B. build up C. put up D. come up But for my teacher’s help when I was in the senior school, I _______ in Fudan University now. A. would not have studied B. hadn’t studied C. would not be studying D. was not studying

20. --- I would appreciate it if you can forgive Mary and make friends with her again. --- _______. If only she would apologize to me for what she has done to me. A. By no means B. By all means C. My pleasure D. It’s a pleasure.

第二节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1分;满分20分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 21~40 各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

My mother has never beaten me and my brothers. 21 she found some special ways of punishment. One occurred when I was four.

One day at daycare, I 22 an extremely tired mother attempt to pick up her daughter. The little girl asked her mother to have dinner in McDonald’s, but the mother replied, “Honey, not tonight. Mom has to go home and cook dinner for Daddy.” “But I wanna go.” “Susie, I said not tonight...” Susie immediately dropped 23 , kicking and screaming, “I want to go to McDonald’s.” Her mother tried to stop Susie’s tantrum(发脾气), but 24 . Finally her mother 25 , “Okay, Susie, let’s go to McDonald’s.” Susie stopped yelling and 26 . I was amazed; and at the same time, I was 27 that anything I wanted could be got in this way.

That day my mother picked me up early from daycare to buy gifts for Christmas. When we passed by the toy section, I saw a white and red telephone 28 bells rang as it was pulled along. I asked, “Mama, can I have that telephone?” “Baby, not now, but if you are a good girl,


maybe 29 will bring it to you.” “But Mama, I want it right now.” Her eyes 30 and her hand tightened on mine. “Becky, you 31 have that telephone today, but if you misbehave, you can have a spanking(打屁股).”

By now we were standing in the long Holiday line in the Gift Department, and I 32 it was now or never. I 33 on the ground and began screaming, “I want that telephone,” over and over again. The shoppers looked at my mother 34 my mother calmly said, “Becky, you’d better get up 35 three or else. One…Two…Three.”

36 happened. I was still in full tantrum. So then she lay down beside me, and began kicking and screaming, “I want a new car, I want a new house, I want some 37 , I want…” Shocked, I stood up. “Mama, stop. Mama get up,” I 38 begged.

She stood. The others waiting in line began to clap, and then, laughed, patting my mother. The next thirty minutes in line was miserable for me as various parents left the Gift Department, 39 their heads at me and saying with a smile, “I bet you'll never try that again.”

And I didn't, because it left a lasting 40 picture more effective than any physical mark. 21. A. Therefore B. However C. Instead D. Furthermore 22. A. watched B. realized C. observed D. noticed

23. A. on the chair B. to the floor C. on the playground D. on the bed 24. A. in relief B. in reality C. in vain D. in need 25. A. gave up B. gave away C. gave out D. gave in 26. A. laughed B. cried C. smiled D. shouted

27. A. frightened B. delighted C. upset D. moved 28. A. whose B. which C. that D. where

29. A. your father B. your sister C. your mother D. Father Christmas 30. A. narrowed B. fired C. angered D. flamed 31. A. can not B. must not C. will not D. should not 32. A. counted B. figured C. declared D. announced

33. A. took down B. fell down C. lay down D. knocked down 34. A. while B. as C. once D. if 35. A. by the count of B. at the count of C. in the count of D. before the count of 36. A. Everything B. Something C. Nothing D. Anything 37. A. books B. flowers C. necklace D. jewelry 38. A. angrily B. happily C. tearfully D. painfully 39. A. nodding B. shaking C. trembling D. moving 40. A. beautiful B. impressive C. significant D. mental

第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分, 满分50分)

第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 A

For centuries, in the countries of south and Southeast Asia, the elephant has been an important part of the culture, economy and religion. And nowhere more so than in Thailand. Unlike its African cousin, the Asian elephant is easily domesticated (驯化).The rare so-called white elephants have actually lent the power of royalty to its rulers, and until the 1920s the national