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n. a particular way of presenting or thinking about a situation, problem, etc.


He wrote the news story from the political angle.

A creative person tends to __________. (从新的角度看待问题)

(approach a problem from a new angle)

5) steer (L. 19)

v. control the direction of (a vehicle);take sb. or sth. or cause them to go in a particular direction


He took her arm and steered her towards the door.

He managed to __________________.(把话题从他的离婚事件中引开了)

(steer the conversation away from his divorce)

6) intensity (L.33)

n. the state or quality of being intense


The storm resumed with even greater intensity.

_______________ can be estimated by observing its effects. (地震的强度)

(The intensity of an earthquake)

7) highlight (L.42)

v. attract attention to or emphasize (sth. important)


The report highlights the major problems facing society today.

Case studies ______________ on local populations as well as on ecosystems.


(highlight the economic and cultural impacts of tourism development)

8) overhead (L.51)

a.&ad.. above your head, in the sky


Birds flew overhead on their way south.

I think this room would be better lit ________, as well as table lamps.(如果屋里有吊灯)

(if it had overhead lights)

9) hold up (L.52)

raise sth; keep sth. raised


Women hold up half the sky.

When we drove up to the four corners the police officer _____________.(举手示意我们停车)

(held up his hand as a signal for us to stop)

10) skim the surface (L.59)

look at or think about only the easy or obvious part of sth.


This report has only skimmed the surface of the subject.

The problem of poverty is very difficult; _________. (我们只是触及了问题的表面)

(we have just skimmed the surface of it.)

2. Revision

2. 1 Multiple choice

1) Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the ______ materials, as well as by the cost of production.

A) primitive B) rough

C) original D) raw

2) In the countryside there are no ________ and no free medical care for the aged.

A) wages B) pensions

C) profits D) rewards

3) You are legally _________ take faulty goods back to the store where you purchased.

A) entitled to B) involved in

C) associated with D) assigned to

4) The headmaster has_______ views about what his pupils should wear.

A) noble B) flexible

C) liberal D) liable

5) She made a _______of $200 to the Children's Hospital.

A) publication B) donation

C) acquisition D) quotation

6) It is frightening for a youngster to feel that he is in charge of himself; it's like being in a car without ________.

A) brakes B) controls

C) gears D) signals

7) Environmental protection is _________ national and local economic development.

A) related to B) involved in

C) included in D) subjected to

8) She made a _____ of $ 69,000 for the flat, which was accepted.

A) currency B) proposal

C) bid D) purchase

9) After the recent bomb attacks, members of the public are being warned to be _____ at all times and to look out for any suspicious packages.

A) alert B) aware

C) cautious D) nervous

10) If the rain doesn't stop, people will be ________ serious flooding.

A) facing with B) faced with

C) subjecting with D) subjected with

11) It was _______ to the media that the president had resolved to fight.

A) leaked B) loosened

C) relieved D) issued

12) How do you _______your long absence from classes without asking for leave?

A) account for B) count on

C) account of D) count for

13) They were ___ of armed robberies and sentenced to 15 years and 14 years respectively.

A) convicted B) convinced

C) sentenced D) condemned

14) Most flowers will not ____ without sunshine.

A) cultivate B) boom

C) sustain D) thrive

15) I decided to keep a low ______, after all I was a guest.

A) profile B) position

C) attitude D) mood

16) If you throw away your credit card _______ and someone else gets it, they can use the number to buy things in your name.

A) cheque B) ticket

C) receipt D) label

17) I eventually found the letter I was looking for under a ____ of papers.

A) stock B) stack

C) piece D) sequence

18) A small ______ plane crashed into a hillside in Northern England yesterday, killing six people.

A) assembled B) dominated

C) monitored D) chartered

19) Mr. Thomson is strongly opposed to the proposal of constructing a power plant in the area that is ____ populated.