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课名 省份 单位全称 教师姓名 学科(版本) 学时 寇丽花 英语 第一课时 山西省 市 《My favourite season》 吕梁市 区/县 汾阳市 汾阳市肖家庄镇肖家庄中心小学 学科 章节 年级 英语 二单元 五 班级内部的学生水平出现了两极分化现象,在这种现实条件下,我们英语课教学的目标学习者分析 是既要面向全体学生,培养学生的学习兴趣,还要求课堂教学必须发挥最好、最有效的教学效果,也就是讲求实效,既照顾到基础薄弱的学生,又要让基础好的同学能吃得饱。 1、学生能流利地听、说、读、写单词spring summer fall winter及winter。 2、能够使用句型: What’s your favourite season ? 提问,并能够根据实际情况教学目标 回答。 能够看懂指示语,并按照指令完成Let’s find out 中的简单任务,绘图并会话。 3、通过四季活动培养学生积极的生活态度,培养学生的英语学习的兴趣,并能切实地感到英语学习的实际价值。 教学重点难点以及措施 教学准备 多媒体教学环境 教学环节 能够正确拼读及书写单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter. PPT 简易多媒体教学环境 教学内容 Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you too. T: What day is it today? What's the weather like today? Ss: ... 活动设计 Chant Follow me, follow me, fly a kite, fly a kite. Follow you, follow you, fly a kite, fly a kite. Follow me, follow me, swim, swim, swim. Follow you, follow you, swim, swim, swim. Follow me, follow me, run, run, run. Follow you, follow you, run, run, run. Follow me, follow me, make a snowman, 活动目标 通过课前的热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣,同时将本课需要认读的单词插入活动之中,让学生有一个初步的认读,为本课的教学创媒体使用及分析 多媒体出示Chant. Warm -- up make a snowman. Follow you, follow you, make a snowman, make a snowman. 1. Teach the new T:Oh, boys and girls, you're so words good. Now look at the screen, I have a beautiful picture. Can you tell me what's the weather like? S1: It's warm. T: What colour is it? S2: Green. T: Yes, we see the leaves are green, and the flowers are blooming. The weather is sunny and warm. Which Presentation season is it? T: It's spring. (教 授单词spring and season ) T: What can you do in spring? S3: I can fly a kite. S4: I can plant 2、Read the words trees. Please look at the 3、Teach the new sentence 造积极的条件。 在创设的情景中进行语言教学和操练,学生身临其境,心理上自然放松,且充满参与的热望,淡化了对新学词句的戒备感,每一个词句的学习最终均要归位到具体情景的交多媒体课件展示一幅春天、夏天、秋天、冬天图片。 际活动中去, 给学生一个完整而明确的认识。 PPT课件展示本课所学四季图片及单词 screen, let's read the new words together, s-p-r-i-n-g, spring, spring, spring... 巩固记忆新单词。 Practice 小组合作,图句配对,巩固运用 Look at the scene, 通过多种方there are some 式练习所学 sentences and some 的内容,从单pictures. I don't 词练习转移know how to read the 到句型练习,sentences and how 再到对话操to match them. Can 练、改编对you help me? Please 话,层层深read the sentences 入,巩固对知in groups. If you 识的学习和read very well, you 记忆,将学生can teach your classmates. Then form a dialogue. 被动的接受性学习转变成主动积极的活动,培养学生的自主学习的能力。 Consolidation Activity 1:What's 教师播放一些有关四the music for? and extension 季的歌曲 T: Listen, what's the music for? What do you think from the music? ... 学生通过听歌曲,谈谈歌曲所代表的季节,想象其季节中的场面,并用英语表述出来。 Homework Homework 1. SB P16 Let’s find 培养学生的out. (Draw a tree 综合素养为and talk about the seasons.) 目标。 2. Write down 2 more sentences about the seasons. The topic is \season\ 多媒体播放歌曲。 备注:
1.简易多媒体教学环境(由多媒体计算机、投影机、电视机等构成,以呈现数字教育资源为主); 2.交互多媒体教学环境(主要由多媒体计算机、交互式电子白板、触控电视等构成,在支持数字教育资源呈现的同时还能实现人机交互); 3.网络教学环境;