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【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10[1]
Most people do not know very much about Canada. Mention the country and usually one of the two images will spring up to mind. On the one hand, you might picture a sparsely populated, frozen country where people live in igloos, eat fish, hunt bears and constantly endure snow and cold. On the other hand, you might think Canada is a country that is \like America\Even Americans are inclined to think of Canada as the 51st state, a part of America that through some quirk of history is not one of the United States' states.
It is easy to understand how such misleading impressions of Canada have been engraved. It is true that most of Canada lies very far north. Large tracts of the country are wild, virtually unpopulated Arctic tundra, full of dangerous animals and freezing temperatures. But most Canadians live in the south of the country, along the 49th parallel: about 90 percent of the population is estimated to live in within a few hundred kilometers of the Canadian-American border, in a climate that is much less extreme. Canadians and Americans are friendly neighbors, and Canadians frequently visit the US to do such mundane things as buy cigarettes and alcoholic drinks and gas for their cars--these things are less expensive in the US, where government taxes are lower. Most Canadians speak American-sounding English, eat hamburgers, wear jeans, play baseball and enjoy American television show. And nowadays, many \like the US, but where labor costs are lower. It is no surprise that people often assume that Canadians are just like Americans. 1. Canadians often fill gas in the US because ______. A. Gas is cheaper in the US than in Canada
B. It is more convenient for Canadians to fill gas in the US C. The quality of gas in the US is better D. They can also buy cigar
【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10[2]
People in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to eat.
If you were an Eskimo near the North Pole, you would enjoy the raw meat from seals. If you were a nomad in the desert, you would prefer the roasted meat of sheep and goats. American cook the meat of many different animals, but perhaps their favorite meat is steak.
Even when people in different parts of the world eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently. If you were in Germany, you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were in China, you would find soup that is thin and clear. Many people like butter that is fresh and firm, but Indians like butter when it is melted into an oil. If you asked some
Americans how they liked their steak cooked, you would get a variety of answers. Some like their steak well-done, whereas others like it rare. Many prefer their steak medium.
Although people in many countries consider raw meat a delicacy, an American rarely eats any meat that is uncooked. The Irish like plain boiled potatoes, whereas most Americans prefer their potatoes prepared in other ways—fried, baked, or boiled and then mashed and served with gravy.
People living in different regions of the same country often prepare foods differently. The United States has it regional specialties. And there are national foods, too. For example, there are two deserts you would probably find anywhere in the United States. One is ice cream and the other is apple pie. Moreover, all American children like hot dogs and hamburgers. But some people eat their hamburgers “plain” –with nothing on them. Others
like theirs “with everything”—with onions, lettuce, fresh tomatoes, and sauces. On holidays most of us eat special foods. Year after year, even if many other things
change, the food is always the same. One important holiday in the US is Thanksgiving Day. People in the US usually sit down to have a
【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10[3]
The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built. Its length is about 4,000 miles(6,400 kilometers), and it was erected entirely by hand. The wall crosses northern China between the east coast and north-central China. Over the centuries, various rulers built walls to protect theri northern border against invaders. Some of the walls stood on or near the site of the Great Wall. Most of what is now called the Great Wall dates from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Parts of the Great Wall have crumbled through the years.
However, much of it remains, and some sections have been restored. The main part of the wall is about 2,150 miles (3,460 kilometers) long. Additional branches make up the rest of its length. One of the highest sections of the Great Wall, on Mount Badaling, near Beijing, rises to about 35 feet (11 meters) high. This section is about 25 feet (7.6 meters) wide at its base and nearly 20 feet (6 meters) at the top. Watchtowers stand about 100 to 200 yards (91 to 180 meters) apart along the wall. The towers, about 40 feet (12 meters) high, once served as lookout posts. Written records indicate that the Chinese built walls along their borders as early as the 600's B.C. Emperor Shi Huangdi of the Qin dynasty (221-206B.C.) is traditionally regarded as the first ruler to conceive of, and build, a Great Wall. Most of the Qin wall was north of the present-day wall. Shi Huangdi had the wall built by connecting new walls with older ones. Building continued during later dynasties, including the Han (202 B.C. - 220 A.D.) and the Sui (581-618). By the time the Ming dynasty begain in 1368, much of the wall had fallen into ruin. In response to the growing threat of a Mongol invasion, the Ming government began building a major wall in the late 1400's. This wall included most of what remains today. Like earlier ones, it protected China from minor attacks but provided little defense against a major invasion. Through the centur
【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10
In recent years, we have seen great progress in house buildings. The type of houses found in a certain part of the world depends to a certain extent on the building materials available there. Countries where stone is abundant tend to have more stone houses than a place where there is plenty of timber for example. However, climatic conditions affect the houses built to a greater extent. In equatorial countries like Singapore and Malaysia, two main factors are responsible for the type of houses built: the heat of the sun and the fierceness of rainstorms. Our houses are light and airy but have steep roofs. In some places, houses are built on stilts because they may be in low-lying areas which get flooded easily.
In a hot and dry country such as Arabia, the houses are often box-shaped. They have thick stone walls which are painted white. White surface radiate heat while dark surfaces absorb it. The houses have no windows, only gaps with shutters over them. Even the door openings are very small and narrow; it is cool inside such houses. The roofs are also flat, so that when the sun goes down; one can sit on the roof and catch any cool breeze that is blowing. Sometimes, a water tank may be placed on the roof to catch the little rain that falls.
In cold regions, where there is heavy snow, the roofs of the houses slope steeply so that the snow can slide off easily. If the roofs were flat, the snow would build up and the roofs might cave in under the weight. The houses also have thick stone walls so that the cold is kept out.
Some countries are more likely to be affected by earthquakes. In such places, the houses are made of light building materials. If the houses collapse in an earthquake, few people will get hurt and less damage is caused.
In some parts of the world, people take their homes along with them as they travel. These people are called nomads. The Bedouins of Arab lands wander over the desert, setting up tents wherever t
【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10分 [5]
Some seven or eight hundred years ago, Hangzhou, known as Ling’an then, was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, watching the tidal bore was already a grand occasion in town when the whole population would turn out for the spectacle. The best time to do this was from the 15th to the 18th of the eighth month of each year. But beginning from about the tenth day of the month, that part of the river bank that offered the best vantage point for tide watching would already be a busy gathering place for little open-air booths and stalls where vendors piled colorful wares on their carts or boxes. There would be all kinds of snacks and cooked meats in shining pots and pans. The taverns and restaurants would put up multi-colored lanterns and flags or pennants, displaying meanwhile an attractive array of meat and vegetable dishes with a lot more exotic delicacies on the menu. In the tea-houses would be hung painting scrolls and calligraphy scrolls by famous artists while the antique vases would be filled with fresh flowers. In addition, there would be vendors displaying plasters and medicinal herbs for sale on the ground, roving artists with their monkeys for variety shows or folk artists ready to entertain the crowds. Even before the days of the tidal bore, these people would be gathered on the river bank doing whatever they could to attract pleasure-seekers. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people, visitors from other towns as well as local residents of Ling’an, would be hustling and bustling about, clogging up the way and making traffic impossible. In the large
riverside mansions that lined the banks, there would be opulently dressed men and women, some leaning against the windows or the balconies looking into the distance and some looking down gazing fixedly at something going on down below. 1.In the Southern Song Dynasty, people ______ to watch the tidal bo
【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10[6]
Has it ever struck you that what thetourist considers most picturesque about a country the local resident oftenthinks shameful and unprogressive? The average visitor to the Middle East finds camels fascinating: either they attract him strongly orthey repel him strongly, he finds them romantic and full of local color. If,however, he talks enthusiastically about camels to a local acquaintance, hopingto gain favor in his sight thereby, he will almost always be disappointed. Hewill be with blank incomprehension of his viewpoint or even hostility to it.
It seems to be a fact that familiaritybreeds contempt, and that those who seek excitement and romance cannot see itat home, under their noses, but only in distant lands. The Middle Easterner travelingabroad enjoys seeing cowboys and Indians in America,old castles and cathedrals in France,and Gypsies in Spain.It is not because they are unprogressive that he enjoys these sights; hispleasure is not mixed with feelings of superiority, just as the European orAmerican visitor to the Middle East is fascinated by camels and veiled womenand ancient buildings, not because they make him feel how rich or clever he isby contrast, but because they are strange and remote and mysterious, arousinghim feelings of curiosity which are deeply rooted in man’s nature.
1.The average visitor to the Middle East finds camels fascinating because ______.
A.they are usually regarded as ashame by the local resident
B.they are strange and thereforearouse the visitor’s curiosity
C.of their powers of endurance
D.they make him feel superior
2.When a visitor to the Middle East talks enthusiastically to a localacquaintance about camels, he is ______.
A.impressing upon the localacquaintance his general knowledge of animals
B.inviting disappointment
【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10[7]
Australia is located in the southern hemisphere between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific. It is the oldest continent in the sense that it has altered relatively little since life appeared on earth. Thousands of years before the explorers Abel Tasman and James Cook sailed into the South Pacific, the aborigines had crossed the land bridge from Asia formed by the Malay Archipelago and had spread throughout the mainland the Tasmania. When Capt. Arthur Philip of the British Royal Navy landed with the First Fleet at Botany in 1788, the event that marks the true beginning of modern Australia, there were probably not more than 300,000 Aborigines altogether.
The most striking characteristics of the vast 3,000,000 square-mile landmass are its isolation, its low relief, and the aridity of its surface. Its isolation from other continents explains much of the strangeness of Australian plant and animal life; its low relief results from the long and extensive erosive action of the forces of wind, rain and the heat of the sun during the great periods of geological time when the continental mass was elevated well above the sea level. A member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the commonwealth of Australia is a prosperous, independent nation under one government. Like Canada and the United States, contemporary Australia is a political federation with a central government (the Commonwealth) and, six constituent states (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania), each of which has its own government enjoying a limited sovereignty. There are also two internal territories: the Northern Territory was established as a self-governing territory in 1978, and the Australian Capital Territory, seat of the federal capital city Canberra, is administered directly by the Commonwealth, which also governs the external territories of Norfolk Island, Cocos Islands, Christmas Island, Ashmore and Cartier Island
【题型:阅读】【分数:10分】 得分:10[8]
Has it ever struck you that what thetourist considers most picturesque about a country the local resident oftenthinks shameful and unprogressive? The average visitor to the Middle East finds camels fascinating: either they attract him strongly orthey repel him strongly, he finds them romantic and full of local color. If,however, he talks enthusiastically about camels to a local acquaintance, hopingto gain favor in his sight thereby, he will almost always be disappointed. Hewill be with blank incomprehension of his viewpoint or even hostility to it.
It seems to be a fact that familiaritybreeds contempt, and that those who seek excitement and romance cannot see itat home, under their noses, but only in distant lands. The Middle Easterner travelingabroad enjoys seeing cowboys and Indians in America,old castles and cathedrals in France,and Gypsies in Spain.It is not because they are unprogressive that he enjoys these sights; hispleasure is not mixed with feelings of superiority, just as the European orAmerican visitor to the Middle East is fascinated by camels and veiled womenand ancient buildings, not because they make him feel how rich or clever he isby contrast, but because they are strange and remote and mysterious, arousinghim feelings of curiosity which are deeply rooted in man’s nature.
1.The average visitor to the Middle East finds camels fascinating because ______.
A.they are usually regarded as ashame by the local resident
B.they are strange and thereforearouse the visitor’s curiosity