绿色建筑设计标识申报材料清单(公共建筑) 下载本文

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is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analys, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is绿色建筑设计标识申报材料清单-公共建筑


材料分类 材料名称 1.土地使用证 2.立项批复文件 1.1项目审批文件 3.规划许可证 4.施工许可证 5.施工图审查证明文件 1.建设单位简介 1.2建设单位文件 2.建设单位营业执照 3.开发资质证明或自建批复文件 4.申报声明 1基本资料 1.3设计单位文件 1.设计单位简介 2.设计单位资质证书 3.设计实例介绍 4.设计图纸内容确认声明 1.咨询单位简介 1.4 咨询单位文件 2.咨询单位营业执照 3.咨询实例介绍 1.申报书 1.5其他文件 2.自评估报告 3. 绿色建筑评价选定项增量成本列表 2.1规划图纸 须标有清晰的红线、绿线,以及提供能反映本地块与周边居住类地块的空间相邻关系的数据(距离、高度等)。 1.场地建设不破坏当地文物、自然水系、湿地、基本农田、森林和其他保护区; 2.2环评报告书(表) 2.建筑场地选址无洪灾、泥石流及含氡土壤的威胁,建筑场地安全范围内无电磁辐射危害和火、爆、有毒物质等危险源; 3.场地内无排放超标的污染源; 2规划设计 4.场地环境噪声。 2.3场址检测报告或项目立 项书 2.4日照分析报告 2.5废弃场地利用资料 2.6旧建筑评价分析资料 3.1场地地形图 场地地形图、相应的环评报告书(表)、检测评估报告、处理方案等。 场地地形图、旧建筑相关图纸或照片、旧建筑改造方案及施工资料(图纸和说明)、旧建筑结构检测报告等。如未利用旧建筑,可免。 要求说明 3建筑设计 3.2建筑专业施工图纸、设1. 建筑总平面图(标明技术经济指标); is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is材料分类 计说明 材料名称 要求说明 2.各层平面图,其中地下室各层平面图中需标明地下室空间使用功能; 3.绿化层建筑平面图; 4.窗墙比、体形系数、最终装修施工图及设计说明、设备房的位置、地下室或室内空间有否增强自然采光的措施; 5.建筑立面图; 6.围护结构做法详图; 7.无障碍设计的说明文字或总平面图和建筑各层平面图中无障碍设施的设计; 8.可变换功能的室内空间采用灵活隔断的计算书及说明(可变换功能的室内空间为总建筑面积减去不可改变功能的室内空间(如走廊、楼梯、电梯井、卫生间、设备机房、公共管井等)的建筑面积); 9.门窗表。 3.3 建筑效果图 3.4 日照模拟分析报告 3.5项目所在地交通地图 图片像素不小于300dpi。 对各栋建筑的日照时间进行模拟计算,提供详细的计算说明书。 须是正规交通地图,并标出项目所在地,项目主要出入口、公共交通线路站点并明确有几条公交线路。 1.结构设计总说明、各层结构平面图。 2.高性能混凝土、高性能钢使用说明文件及比例计算书,关于所3.6 结构施工图、设计资料 采用的混凝土、钢材合理性论证材料; 3.建筑结构体系(包括各水平、竖向分体系,基坑支护方案)优化论证资料。 3.7 建筑工程造价预算表及装饰性构件造价比例计算如无装饰性构件可不必提供。 书 3.8 土建与装修一体化设计1.明确是否采用土建与装修一体化设计施工,采用了几套方案; 施工证明材料或避免重复2.工厂化预制的装修材料或部件重量占装饰装修材料总重量的比装修的证明材料 例计算书。 4.1景观施工图纸和说明 4.2种植施工图 4.3苗木表 4景观设计 4.4场地铺装图 4.5屋顶绿化设计施工图纸 4.6 垂直绿化设计 包含总平面图。 应标明具体的植物名称及数量。 应与种植图对应,并统计各种植物的数量。 应包含透水地面位置、面积、铺装材料。 应包含屋顶绿化方式、绿化面积、屋顶可绿化面积、种植苗木表。 此处的垂直绿化主要指建筑墙面绿化,应包含垂直绿化的方案、位置、苗木表。 5暖通设计 5.1建筑围护结构的热工设1.围护结构热工性能、窗户气密性; 计施工图纸和相关设计计2.防结露措施的详细说明及构造做法详图。 算书 5.2暖通施工图纸、设计说1.暖通设计说明(室内外设计参数、系统形式); 明 2.设备列表及性能参数计算说明书(机组额定工况能效比、机组is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑研究中心V1.5

材料分类 材料名称 部分负荷工况能效比); 3.机房图纸; 4.暖通平面图纸; 要求说明 5.特殊空间气流组织设计说明; 6.户式新风系统的新风量说明文字; 7.蓄冷蓄热技术设计说明及计算报告; 8.排风热回收系统设计说明、效益分析、系统施工图; 9.余热利用; 10.风机单位风量耗功率、冷热源系统的输送能效比; 11.分布式热电冷联供系统设计说明; 12.末端系统的调控说明; 13.遮阳系统设计施工图纸及说明。 节能计算书应以《公共建筑节能设计标准》中的参考建筑作为比5.3节能计算书及模型文件 较对象。说明书中应明确说明能耗模拟中的详细设定,包括人员作息、设备作息、室内热扰等的设定。 5.4幕墙设计施工文件 5.5 自然通风模拟分析报告 需包含光污染分析说明。 对于利用风压、热压进行自然通风的建筑,需要对其自然通风效果进行模拟计算,提供自然通风换气次数计算说明文档。 5.6室外风环境模拟分析报对不同造型、不同布局建筑的室外风环境进行模拟计算,并提出告 最优设计方案。 5.7 可再生能源(风能、太阳能、水能、生物质能、可再生能源利用系统设计说明、能够提供的电量或者提供的热水地热能、海洋能等等)设量、可再生能源利用率。 计文件 6.1水系统规划方案及说包含用水定额的确定、逐月水平衡计算、给排水系统设计、节水明、非传统水源利用方案 器具、污水处理、非传统水源利用等。 1.给排水系统施工图及设计说明(包含室内外给排水系统,须写明管材、管件、接口、阀门、水表、节水器具等的选用,管道敷6.2给排水施工图、设计说设、试压等工程措施); 明(包含设置防止管网漏损2.雨水/中水系统施工图及设计说明(包含系统图、水量平衡和雨措施的设计说明) 水/中水系统室外总图,须在总平面图上标注雨水/中水系统位置)。 6给排水设计 6.3 给排水管网防漏损相关产品、节水器具产品说明 6.4 景观水体设计说明 应有对当地水资源状况、地形地貌、气候特点的分析。 6.5绿化灌溉施工图、设计设计说明中应明确绿化灌溉方式、灌溉设施等。 说明 6.6雨水/中水系统方案及技应包括水源选择,系统设计容量的分析计算,初期投资、运行成术经济分析 本、回收期分析计算等。 6.7非传统水源利用率计算应参照《民用建筑节水设计标准》GB50555计算。 说明书 7电气设计 7.1电气施工图纸及设计说包含建筑智能化设计。