最新冀教版六年级英语下册教案(全册) 下载本文

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Step 2 : Play a game : Guess

Review the phrases such as “eat breakfast , get up , wash ?hands , wash ?face , brush ?teeth , comb ?hair ”

Step3 : Demonstrate: Draw three clocks to show : 6:45 7:00 7:15

7:00 I want to eat breakfast at 7:00.

6:45 Before I eat breakfast , I brush my teeth . 7:15 After I eat breakfast , I go to school .


T : Let’s repeat ,before and after .

Can you say some sentences with these two words ? Practice in groups . Show


Play the audiotape and read the dialogue , check up understanding . Show the exercises : Listen and order ( ) Jenny wakes up .

( ) Jenny brushes her teeth . ( ) Jenny eats breakfast .

( ) Jenny washes her face and hands . ( ) Jenny combs her hair . ( ) Jenny goes to school .

设计意图: 在听的过程中为孩子预留了任务,符合英语课标中提倡的任务型教学,并且能引导学生注意听得重点内容,为他的学习提供了方向。 (三)Class closing

Activity Book : No 2 Listen .Answer the questions . 课后反思:

Lesson 9: Eat More Vegetables and Fruit


知识目标:vegetables fruit morning afternoon evening

How often do you eat fruit? -twice a week . I like ______. I don’t like _____. 能力目标:能够表达自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物。



二、教学重难点:学会使用句子: I like/ don’t like ______. 表达自己喜欢什么食物。 三、教具学具:蔬菜水果粘贴画,哭脸和笑脸卡片,学生自画的喜欢的食物图片,单词卡片等。


Step I:Greeting and Revision: 1. Greeting

2. Sing “the fruit song”

Play the audiotape to sing the song together as the students show their pictures.

3. Ask students to introduce their food pictures to their partners to exercise “Would you like _______? Yes, please! / No, thanks!” if necessary, the teacher should give an example. Step II: New class

Part I : Do You Like This

1.T: This is my picture. This is _____.(Point to one fruit in the picture) I like _____.(Show the happy face to explain “like”.) would you like ______? S: Yes, please./ No, thanks.

T: I like ______.(Show happy face) Do you like ______? S: Yes/ No

T: I don’t like______.(Show the sad face) Do you like _____? S: Yes/No

2.Ask students to exercise with their pictures in pairs like the teacher, then show in front. 3.Game named “Finding Friends”

用两套相同的食物卡片分发给同学们,请他们用Do you like _______?句型问其他的同学,当问到和自己手里卡片食物名称一样的同学时就找了到自己的朋友。 4. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. Part II:

1. Please look at the book and guess what the picture are about.

(The teacher say the sentences and do the action to help students understand the Chinese meaning of morning, afternoon, evening . If necessary, we can explain in Chinese.) 2. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their book. 3. Work in pairs:

Talk about what they do in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Lesson 10 :Exercise


1、Students can read,write,say and aurally understand the vocabulary:minutes,hours,exercise

2、教授歌谣“Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High” 使学生能跟着节拍边做



3、通过本课教学,使学生了解健康的生活方式应加强体育锻炼。 教学重、难点:X k B 1 . c o m

1、掌握本课四会单词: minutes, hours, exercise 是重点。 2、如何在实际中灵活运用 How much/How many/How often 是难点。 教具、学具:

一个带有分针的钟表、录音机、课文录音带。 教学过程:

一、 Class Opening and Review:

1、Play“ What Time Is It” to review how to say times. 2、Play“Simon Says” to review actions and phrases such as:ride

a bike, walk, run, jump,play ping-pong等。

二、Key Concepts:1、Introduce:

(1) Demonstrate“minute, hour”with a big clock.

(2) Demonstrate“exercise” with five volunteers. Ask each

volunteer (in a whisper ) to perform an action(use the actions recommended for “Simon Says” above.) Ask the class to guess what he or she is doing. Then ask all the volunteers to perform their actions at the same time and lead a dialogue:

T: Look! They are exercising!(Point to each volunteer) Riding a bike is exercise. Playing ping-pong is exercise.Walking is exercise. What else is exercise?(Point to the next volunteer.) __ing is ...

C: ?exercise.

T: Right! (Point to the final volunteer.) And __ing is ? C: ?exercise. T: Very good!

2、Use the Student Book and Audiotape:

(1)《教科书》第一部分 T:Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.出示问题:What is exercise? How much exercise do you need? 学生边看书边听课文录音,同桌讨论后回答。回答第一题引出动名词短语作主语这一知识点,板书:Riding a bike/Walking to school/Running/Playing ping-pong is exercise. 回答第二题时引出How much 与 How many 的区别, 并利用钟表演示使学生能回答: How many minutes are there in an hour?/How many minutes make an hour?

(2)《教科书》第二部分 出示问题:How many minutes dose Danny exercise? How often dose Danny exercise? How many minutes dose Danny walk to school? 听课


文录音小组讨论后得出结论:Danny needs to get more exercise. 采取多种方式操练:同桌对话、小记者采访的形式询问同学们的锻炼情况,在活动中复习并巩固句式的运用,深刻领悟锻炼的重要性。

3、Practice: Teach “Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High” in Number 3 of the student book.

(1) Play the audiotape, the students follow words and pictures in their books.

(2) Teach line by line, students to repeat.

(3) Finally play the audiotape again, students chant along and do the actions.

(4) 各组选派一名台前表演。 三、Class Closing:

Homework:(1) 画出一些动作或尽量用动作表演出来来练说:___ing is exercise. (2) 课余将所学chant 带动作表演给家人或朋友。 (3) Make a chart : 了解身边人的锻炼情况。

板书 : Lesson 10 Exercise Sixty minutes make an hour! Riding a bike

Walking to school is exercise Running

Playing ping-pong 课后反思:

Lesson 11 Work Hard


1. 知识方面:能听、说、读、写和正确运用high、low和homework等单词。 2.能力方面:能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学的词汇和句型。 How often do you ?

_______ times a .


How many minutes do you _____ ____?

About ____ minutes.

3.情感态度,价值观:通过分组练习、游戏培养学生合作互助精神 、通过本课主题培养学生健康的生活观念。 教学重难点:

1.使学生听写词汇 homework、high、low、等单词 2. 使学生能灵活、运用并练习句型 。 How often do you ___ ___? About ____minutes. 教学过程:

Step1 Warming-up and revision 一、Greeting. 二、Chant. (内容) Everyone,everyone.

reach up high,high、high、high. everyone, everyone. bend low, low、low、low. Step2 New Concepts


二、观看幻灯,出示李明写作业的图片,放在屏幕的上方。提问:Is it low? What is he doing?引出homework,进一步提问家庭作业还有那些形式。陆续出示所有图片,问What do they do ? Do they work hard ?引出work hard 让学生说出自己最喜欢的事。问学生How How many minutes do you___?

三、1.Play a game 将全班学生分成几个组,教师设置三个场景分别为学校、体育场、家中。要求学生用本单元所学的知识来编对话。最后用Work hard at (in)____.来概括。然后学生来教室前表演。

2.(一)、教师鼓舞学生说:Let's work hard ! Does kim work hard ?出示问题,让学生带着问题听磁带,然后做出回答。

(二)、Play a game 把全班分成若干小组,每组选出一名调查员,利用教师提前制作好的表格进行调查,评选出健康之星。 Step3 Class closing