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MU-MIMO由DCI Format 1D调度 MU-MIMO需反馈RI+PMI 主要用来提高小区的容量。



主要用在信道相关性比较强不 适合作多层传输或者没有多层传输需求(比如低速率要求的业务)、UE速度比较低可以做闭环反馈的场景,可以认为是一种闭环的传输分集 闭环Rank=1由DCI Format 1B调度 闭环Rank=1预编码需反馈PMI 主要适合于小区边缘的情况。




Transmission mode 1 : Modes 2-0, 3-0

Transmission mode 2 : Modes 2-0, 3-0 Transmission mode 3 : Modes 2-0, 3-0

Transmission mode 4 : Modes 1-2, 2-2, 3-1 Transmission mode 5 : Mode 3-1

Transmission mode 6 : Modes 1-2, 2-2, 3-1 Transmission mode 7 : Modes 2-0, 3-0

Transmission mode 8 : Modes 1-2, 2-2, 3-1 if the UE is configured with PMI/RI reporting;

modes 2-0, 3-0 if the UE is configured without PMI/RI reporting

11. 理论速率计算


TB块大小*1000ms*下行子帧所占比例(DWPTS需要考虑)/1024/1024 M

子帧配置1 20M (不考虑DwPTS承载数据) 75376*1000*0.4/1024/1024=28.753662109375 子帧配置2 20M


子帧配置1 10M

36696*1000*0.4/1024/1024=13.9984130859375 子帧配置2 10M

36696*1000*0.6/1024/1024= 20.99761962890625 上行-下行 配置 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 下行-上行 子帧号 5 6 7 8 9

TM3 空间复用 子帧配置1 20M

149776*1000*0.4/1024/1024= 57.135009765625


转换点周期 0 1 2 3 4 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms 5 ms D S U U U D S U U U D S U U D D S U U D D S U D D D S U D D D S U U U D D D D D D S U U D D D D D D D S U D D D D D D D D S U U U D S U U D 12. TFT (Traffic Flow Template)

用来规定,业务数据传输的,包括数据传输的上行方向、下行方向、双向,IP地址限定、 服务器端口号限定等等。这些在PDN连接建立后,专用承载上应用业务的类型。


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Octet 1 Octet 2 Traffic flow template IEI Length of traffic flow template IE TFT operation code E bit Packet filter list Parameters list Number of packet filters Octet 3 Octet 4 Octet z Octet z+1 Octet v

Traffic flow template IEI:该参数在必选的情况下,没有;可选的情况才有。 建立请求的情景下是必须选的,修改请求的情况下是可选的。1个8位组。

Length of traffic flow template IE:长度,1个8位组

TFT operation code:3位 0 0 0 Spare

0 0 1 Create new TFT 0 1 0 Delete existing TFT

0 1 1 Add packet filters to existing TFT

1 0 0 Replace packet filters in existing TFT 1 0 1 Delete packet filters from existing TFT 1 1 0 No TFT operation 1 1 1 Reserved

The TFT operation code \packet filter list is included in the traffic flow template information element.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

E bit:指示是否包含parameters list

The E bit indicates if a parameters list is included in the TFT IE and it is encoded as follows: 0 1

Number of packet filters:TFT中过滤的数量

The number of packet filters contains the binary coding for the number of packet filters in the packet filter list. The number of packet filters field is encoded in bits 4 through 1 of octet 3 where bit 4 is the most significant and bit 1 is the least significant bit. For the \ and for the \

parameters list is not included parameters list is included

TFT operation\, the number of packet filters shall be coded as 0. For all other operations, the number of

packet filters shall be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 16.

Packet filter 结构

Packet filter identifier 1:ID号 Octet 4 Packet filter evaluation precedence 1:优先等级 Octet 5 Length of Packet filter contents 1:过滤内容长度 Octet 6 Packet filter contents 1:过滤内容 Octet 7 Octet m

Packet filter contents内容包含以下约束项目:(24.005 10.5.144)

(10)0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 IPv4 remote address type 4 octet (20)0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 IPv6 remote address type 6 octet (30)0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Protocol identifier/Next header type 1 octet (40)0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single local port type 2 octet (41)0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Local port range type 2 octet (50)0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Single remote port type 2 octet (51)0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Remote port range type 2 octet (60)0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Security parameter index type 4 octet (70)0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Type of service/Traffic class type 1 octet (80)1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flow label type 3 octet 对比一串数据流:

Packet_filter : 1[0x0001] items { 0 {

identifier : 48 [0x30] //指示上下行方向,3表示双向,filter ID是0 evaluation_precedence : 112 [0x70] //优先等级 Length : 24 [0x18]

contents : 24[0x0018] numbers {

[0000] : 48 [0x30] //Protocol identifier/Next header type

[0001] : 17 [0x11] // Protocol identifier/Next header type内容 1 octet