2018年托福综合写作预测机经 下载本文

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综合写作 Integrated Writing – W1

场次 161029CN ( new )

题目: 拯救白鲸的三种方式。 阅读:

阅读:有一些措施能够拯救belugas(白鲸) 1. 完善法律,增加规定 2. 养殖后再放生的方式 3. 不抓走young belugas 听力:

听力:这些措施都没什么用。 1. 有些人忽视法律以及规定 2. 并不是长期的办法,而且环境也会改变 3. 除非有dams,否则很难做到

场次 161217CN ( new )

题目: 建造太阳能道路。 阅读:

Build solar roads by paving glass, glass can absorb the sun’s energy and translate into electricity. 态度:Oppose 1. It is not a logical place. The roads are flat, not tilted. 2. Glass are not safe, especially in wet or icy condition 3. Will be very expensive. 听力:

态度:agree 1. It will be more efficient. The solar panel will produce more energy. It will reflect the sun in cloudy days not just in one direction but in many different directions. 2. A new kind of glass will solve the problem. The engineers have already researched for it, it will also useful in wet days. 3. The solar roads will produce more power which can be sold to other counties; its revenue can be the cost.

场次 160709CN ( new ) 题目:

Hypothesis about why Vikings left Greenland in the 15th century(关于维京 人离开格陵兰岛原因的几个假说) 阅读:

阅读1:Because of climate change the temperature got lower so the Vikings didn’t have enough food. (气候变化导致农作物减产,食物不足) 阅读2:The Vikings were driven out by the local enemies.(维京人被当地人 驱赶出格陵兰岛) 阅读3:The trade between the Vikings and the European countries was cut off by Norway. (挪威王室不允许维京人和欧洲其他国家通商) 听力:

听力1: Vikings relied on fish for food and climate change didn’t change the ocean and the fish.(维京人以鱼类为主食,并没有面临饥荒) 听力2: When the Vikings left, they took away all their valuables and tidied up, if they were driven out they would have been in a rush.(维京人离开时整 齐有序,并没有落荒而逃的迹象) 听力3: The formal trade was cut off but the illegal and unofficial trade was still on-going. Even the Norwegian King complained about the illegal trade was hard to control (虽然正式的贸易被禁止了,但是非法的和私下的通商依旧 繁荣)

场次 160710CN ( new ) 题目:

Three possible theories of what a sea-dwelling microorganism’s eye might be for. 阅读:

阅读1:The eye is used for following preys. 阅读2:The eye is used for sensing sunlight. 阅读3:The eye is used for aiming at having a better accuracy at other tiny life-forms when it is going to stab them.


听力 1:Other closely-related microorganisms which have no eyes could follow their prey successfully. Therefore, their eyes must be for other purposes. 听力2:Scientists studying the evolution of microorganism find that they are becoming less and less dependent on sunlight for energy. Compared with their ancestors, the sea-dwelling microorganism is with a much more complex eye. So it must have other functions. 听力3:After examining the eye thoroughly, researchers find that its eye couldn’t focus quite well, thus not being able to have better accuracy at other tiny life-forms when stabbing them.

场次 160716CN ( new )

题目: Three possible theories of why sturgeon fish jump into the air. 阅读:

阅读1:They need to feed themselves by the insects in the air 阅读2:They want to remove the parasites on the scales. 阅读3:They are aggressive when the tourists’ boats invade their territory. 听力:

听力1:they don’t eat in the summer since they are fed in winter with enough, and they are bottom fed, they eat from the sea floor 听力2:The most dangerous parasites are internal, not external, even some domesticated have external parasites. 听力3: The human invasion is accidently, even without the invasion, the fish also jumped.

场次 160827CN ( new )

题目: 登录火星是否可行。 阅读: