配套K12广西2018年秋九年级英语上册 Module 6 Problems Unit 1 If I 下载本文

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Unit 1 If I start after

dinner, I'll finish it before I go to bed.

1.协议________ 2.未能及格;未能达到 ________ 3.考试 ________ →同义词 ________ 4.音乐的 ________ →音乐(名词) ________ 5.志愿者 ________ 单词闯关 6.必要的;必需的 ________ 7.可惜;遗憾 ________ →同义词________ 8.知识;学识 ________ 9.社区 ________ 10.考虑;斟酌 ________ 短语互译 1.get into the habit of…____________ 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学


2.make a deal with…____________ 3.instead of____________ 4.last word____________ 5.同意 ____________ 6.一……就…… ____________ 7.弹吉他 ____________ 8.能做某事 ____________ 1.suggests, Tony, guitar lessons, Tony's, that, have, mum, should(托尼的妈妈建议托尼应该上吉他课。) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2.shame, a, that's(真遗憾。) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3.think, the library, I, go, really, so much, don't, should, to, you(我真的认为你不应该常去图书馆。) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4.point, not, the, that's(那不是我想说的。) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 连词成句

●1 deal n.协议 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学


[观察] Tony's parents want to stop him enjoying music, although they have made a deal with him before. 托尼的父母想要阻止他玩音乐,尽管他们以前已经和他达成了一项协议。

He has made a great deal of money. 他挣了很多钱。 [探究] deal作名词时,意为“协议”。

[拓展] make a deal with意为“与……达成协议”。deal作名词时还可译为“交易;大量”。deal还可作动词,意为“处理”。deal with意为“________”,与do with同义。do with常与what连用,而deal with则与how搭配使用。

How do you deal with this problem? 你怎样处理这个问题? 活学活用

1.2016·南京 It took me almost a whole day to ________ so many emails. A.deal with B.cut in C.cheer for D.run out ●2 fail v.未能及格;未能达到

[观察] I passed the maths exam but failed in English. 我数学及格了,但英语没及格。

I failed to work out the problem. 我没能解出这道题。

[探究] (1)fail既可以作及物动词,后接名词、代词、不定式作宾语,又可作不及物动词,意为“失败;不及格;倒闭;破产”。

(2)fail的固定搭配: fail in sth.意为“在某方面不及格/失败”; fail to do sth.意为“未能做某事”。

[拓展] fail的反义词为succeed;其名词形式为________。 活学活用

2.Please wake me up, or I'll fail ________ the early bus tomorrow. A.to catch B.not to catch C.catching
