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双基限时练(二十二) Unit 12 Communication

Workshop & Culture Corner


1.There is a great ________ (差异) between good and evil. 答案 contrast

2.The ________ (增加物) of apples makes the cake taste good. 答案 addition

3.The dustman hasn't emptied the ________ (垃圾箱) for over a month so far.

答案 dustbin

4.It seems that CD players and MP3 players have replaced the ________ (磁带) recorders.

答案 cassette

5.This pair of ________ (剪刀) is very sharp. It surely cuts well. 答案 scissors


1.In terms ________ achievement, last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade.

答案与解析 of in terms of意为“按照;从……方面来说”。 2.First ________ all, you should know something about the city before you go there.

答案与解析 of 结合句意,应表顺序,first of all“首先”。 3.— Look! He's running so fast!

— Hard ________(imagine) his legs were once broken.

答案与解析 to imagine 句意:——看!他跑得那么快!——很难想象他的腿以前断过。

4.— How long do you think it will be ________ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

— Perhaps two or three years.

答案与解析 before It will be+时间段+before ...“还有多久才……”,后句回答完整说法应是It will be perhaps two or three years before China sends a manned spaceship to the moon.。注意: before后边的从句此时应用一般现在时,而不用将来时。

5.She sold her house ________ she can't help regretting it. 答案与解析 but 句意:她卖掉了房子但却又忍不住后悔。中间连词表示的是转折关系。

6.— We need a person very much to think up such an idea. — ________ the new engineer have a try?

答案与解析 Shall shall用于第三人称表示征求对方的意见。下半句句意:让新来的工程师试一下好吗?

7.We're trying to put ________ a few hundred dollars every month toward our vacation.

答案与解析 aside put aside“储存(钱);备用”。句意:我们尽量每月存几百美元供度假用。

8.— The two girls look much alike.

— Yes, they look quite like each other ________some ways. 答案与解析 in in some ways意为“在某些方面”。 9.It's a good idea to put ________ some money in the bank for old age.

答案与解析 away put away意为“放好;储存”。

10.You should have followed his advice. ________addition, we should respect people older than us.

答案与解析 In in addition“另外;而且”,符合句意。 Ⅲ.阅读理解

This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers (young people aged from 13 to 19) from all over the world will spend about ten months in US homes. They will attend US schools, meet US teenagers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.

Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George's family. In turn, George's son Mike spent a year in Fred's home in America.

Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months' study, the language began to come to him. Schools were completely different from what he had expected — much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.

Family life, too, was different. The father's word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual (个人). Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.

“Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”

At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was