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Unit 1 Reading
So many jobs to choose from!
by Dai Lingling
The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect. At this time, you have to start thinking about the future and what you want to do after graduation. In this article, I am going to discuss some of the choices available to you and which jobs are best suited to you: popular jobs, more unusual jobs or everyday jobs.
When choosing a career, you should consider all the aspects of a job. Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society, while others can appear very exciting but are actually very difficult and boring. One example is the so-called ‘glamorous job’ of being a model or an actor. Would you like to be famous,wear diamonds, go to parties and relax on cushions in private jets or helicopters? In reality, these people have to spend long hours travelling ,with all their baggage packed in suitcases or trunks, and only a very small number of them are successful. Many actors, actresses and models hold ordinary, less glamorous jobs, often working as waiters and waitresses, in order to support themselves. Meanwhile, those who are successful and famous have to deal with constant media attention. They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful. Most actors and models are always on a diet, and many have had painful operations to make their faces and bodies look more attractive. It does not seem that glamorous now, does it? Maybe a career as a local grocer would be a better option.
Other popular professions for young people include careers in law or business. Many people have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer or business person, but they do not consider the stress and pressure that come with these jobs. These can be well-paid and interesting jobs, but you also have to work very long hours. Also, sometimes as a boss in the business world, you have to make difficult decisions that hurt people, and lawyers can face tough moral problems.
On the other hand, some people find more unusual jobs that are better suited to their talents and interests. A few years ago, when I was walking in the Grand Canyon National Park in the USA, I met a man who had a very unusual job. He was living by a stream in a tent surrounded by technical equipment, and his only neighbors were the birds and squirrels in the nearby trees. His job was to check noise pollution in the park zone. He loved to camp, and his job was like a holiday for him. It was very easy to see that he enjoyed doing his job. There are many other people doing unusual jobs, such as a person who tastes beer at a brewery and probably consumes one litre of beer a week, a person who designs fireworks and a person who tests rides for amusement parks. All these people love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting regardless.
In the same way, many ordinary jobs may look plain, but they are necessary to society. As we go through our daily lives, we meet many different kinds of people----shopkeepers, who sell us
things in shops; drivers, who drive trams and buses transporting us around the city; barbers, who cut our hair in barbershops, and cleaners, who clear up our rubbish. These jobs may not seem very attractive, but they are all important. For example, if no one was to collect the rubbish, the streets would soon become very dirty, the number of rats would increase, and disease would spread. These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow others to go about their daily lives.
When you think about your future career, remember that some glamorous jobs can be rather difficult and that some ordinary jobs can be quite important. All of them together, though, help society function.
Unit 1 Project
What is the best career for you?
Read each point and circle the alternatives which describe what you think or like to do. For each point, you can choose more than one answer. There are no right or wrong answers. 1 I would rather_____. 4 I like to _____ a fix or mend things a build things b solve maths problems b do lab experiments c draw or paint c design things d lead a group discussion d play team sports e sell things or promote ideas e meet important and famous people f set or systems on a computer f organize things 2 I am ______ 5 I can ____ a practical a operate tools and machines easily b curious about many things b use a computer easily c creative c sing, act or dance well d friendly d work well with others e self-confident e give good speeches f well organized f keep accurate records 3 For a hobby, I prefer____ 6 I like to _____ a playing sport a be around animals b reading books b solve problems c taking photographs c use my artistic ideas d watching sport d work with people to help them e debating with others e work with people to make money f collecting things f work with data
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen
a=□ b=□ c=□ d=□ e=□ f=□
The letters represent different types of people. Find the letter which you chose the most often and look at the description which corresponds with it on the next page. This will tell you what type of person you are and what careers would probably suit you best. If there was no one letter chosen most, look at the two letters most often chosen.
a. Realistic (people who like to do things)
These people have practical or athletic abilities and prefer to work with objects, machines, plants and animals or to be outdoors. Suitable jobs include: bus driver, butcher, greengrocer, carpenter, chef, firefighter, machine operator, sailor and tailor.
b. Investigative (people who like to think)
These people like to observe, learn, analyse, evaluate and solve problems. Suitable jobs include: chemist, dentist, engineer, physicist and software engineer.
c. Artistic (people who like to create things)
These people have artistic abilities and like to work in free and open situations (without regular office hours) using their dreams and creative ideas. Suitable jobs include: actor, architect, dancer, photographer, theatre studies/music/language teacher, pianist, violinist and writer.
d. Social (people who like to help others)
These people like to work with people to educate, inform, help, train or cure them. Suitable jobs include: librarian, maid, nurse, police officer, stewardess and teacher.
e. Enterprising (people who like to lead)
These people take great pleasure in influencing and persuading others, or leading and managing an organization. Suitable jobs include: hotel manager, journalist, lawyer, salesman/saleswoman, shopkeeper and travel agent.
f. Conventional (people who like to organize things)
These people are good at administration, like to work with data and can carry out tasks or follow other people’s instructions. Suitable jobs include: accountant, clerk, secretary, typist and telephone operator.