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Ulf:“叶中有很多水分。你可以看到树木是多么的漂亮和茂盛。” Natacha: “ . . . It can be pretty much where you think.” 娜塔莎:”。..它可以在你的想法。”
Narrator: The place has everything: life-sustaining water, trees for food, and most importantly, no guns. Each rescue comes down to this moment. Now, the most delicate—and tense—part of the rescue takes place. Will the giraffes take those first big steps to freedom?
旁白:这个地方有一切:生命维持水,树木的食物,最重要的是,没有枪。每次救援都归结到这一刻。 现在,拯救的最微妙和紧张的部分发生了。 长颈鹿会采取那些自由的第一步吗? Ulf: “They’re going to turn around and kick, ay? You’ve got to watch it, eh? They can be nasty.” Ulf:“他们会转身踢,啊?你得看了,嗯?他们可能是讨厌的。”
Narrator: After a few tense moments, the giraffe walks slowly out of the trailer, uncertain at first, but then with more confidence.
旁白:经过几个紧张的时刻,长颈鹿慢慢走出了拖车,不确定的第一,但随后有更多的信心。 Natacha: “I’m always very happy that the animal comes here in good shape. And when you can take them out of the truck one by one, you see them full of life and bouncing around and running . . . running away. That’s wonderful. And you know that here they’re going to have probably the best life they can have.”
Ulf: “It’s the most incredible feeling. It’s like you are so physically exhausted . . . you’re totally euphoric. It’s a feeling of real achievement, you know, of really having done something positive.” Ulf:“这是最令人难以置信的感觉。这就像你是如此的身体疲惫。..你完全陶醉。这是一种真正的成就感,你知道,真正做了一些积极的事情。”
Narrator: Natacha hopes for another positive outcome from the giraffe rescue: that the giraffes will breed and add to the giraffe population. Perhaps they’ll be the beginning of new herd in this area.
旁白:娜塔莎希望长颈鹿拯救的另一个积极结果是:长颈鹿会繁殖并增加长颈鹿的数量。 也许他们将成为这一领域新牧群的开端。
Although Natacha and Ulf are enthusiastic about the giraffe project’s success thus far, they aren’t planning on sitting back and doing nothing now that it’s been completed. Next, Natasha and Ulf are planning to bring back the rare black rhinoceros. The black rhino has lived in Fish River Canyon before, and Natacha believes that it should be given a chance to return to the place where it once belonged.
虽然Natacha和Ulf对长颈鹿项目迄今为止的成功充满热情,但他们并没有计划在完成任务后坐下来并且什么都不做。 接下来,娜塔莎和乌尔夫计划将罕见的黑犀牛带回来。 黑犀牛以前住在鱼河峡谷,而娜塔莎认为它应该有机会回到曾经属于它的地方。
Natacha: “We try and introduce species that should be here, or that have been here before, and just see how they go . . . and how they do.” 娜塔莎:“我们尝试引入的物种,应该在这里,或者说已经来过这里,只是看他们如何去。..他们怎么做的。” Narrator: Whatever happens in the future, Natacha is certain she’s doing the right thing. 旁白:在未来,无论发生什么事,娜塔莎肯定她是做正确的事。
Natacha: “It matters to me to know every morning that I wake up that I’m going to do something
exciting, that I am where I am happy to be, that I live a way of life that I have chosen. It’s wonderful. It’s the dream becoming a reality in a way. It’s the purpose of being here.” 娜塔莎:“每天早上醒来都知道我会做一些令人兴奋的事情,我很高兴能成为一个我所选择的生活方式,这对我来说很重要。 太棒了。 这是梦想在某种程度上成为现实。 这是存在的目的。“”
Narrator: In working for the conservation of these beautiful and unusual animals, this young woman who grew up in a distant European city is realizing her childhood dreams and finding her true purpose in the vast wilderness of Africa.
Unit 7 Firewalking
Narrator: In the northern Greek village of Agia Eleni, an annual spring festival is in progress. Greek Orthodox priests lead a church service to worship Saint Constantine, the man responsible for bringing the Christian religion to the Roman Empire. But when the Orthodox ceremony ends, another ritual commences. One that the church calls “pagan” and “sacrilegious.” It is a thousand-year-old ceremony in which practitioners test their faith in a walk—through fire. 讲述者:在希腊北部的Agia Eleni村,一年一度的春节正在进行中。 希腊东正教牧师带领教堂服务,崇拜圣君士坦丁,他是负责将基督教信仰带到罗马帝国的人。 但是当东正教仪式结束时,另一个仪式开始了。 一个教会称之为“异教徒”和“亵渎神灵”。这是一个有千年历史的仪式,在这个仪式中,修炼者在步行火中测试他们的信仰。
For much of the year, the village of Agia Eleni is a quaint little town with a population of just 700 people. Many of its residents, like 54-year-old Kyriakos Patsos, feel extremely lucky to live here. Most of the time, Kyriakos lives quietly, but at festival times, Kyriakos becomes the chief icon bearer in a firewalking festival called the “Anastenaria.”
在一年中的大部分时间里,Agia Eleni村是一个古朴的小镇,人口只有700人。 许多居民,如54岁的Kyriakos Patsos,都非常幸运地住在这里。 大多数时候,Kyriakos安静地生活,但在节日时期,Kyriakos成为一个名为“Anastenaria”的火行节日的主要标志。
The ritual centers on a set of ancient icons that worshippers believe have special powers to heal and protect. One story claims that a thousand years ago, worshippers rescued the icons from a burning church, escaping from the flames miraculously unharmed. Ever since, the descendants of those worshippers have carried the icons into the fire to prove their faith — and to seek blessings from Saint Constantine.
仪式集中在一组古代图标上,崇拜者认为这些图标具有治愈和保护的特殊能力。 一个故事声称,一千年前,崇拜者从燃烧的教堂中救出了这些图标,从火焰中逃脱,奇迹般地毫发无损。 从那以后,那些信徒的后代将这些图标带入火中以证明他们的信仰 - 并寻求圣君士坦丁的祝福。
But others view the ritual as sacrilege, a pagan custom that has survived days from long ago. Both the firewalking itself and risking the holy icons are thought to show disrespect.
但是也有人认为仪式是亵渎神灵,这是一种异教徒的习俗,从很久以前就存活了很久。 火焰本身和冒着神圣图标的行为都被认为是不尊重的。
Kyriakos Patsos, Chief Anastenarian Icon Bearer: “People who oppose the tradition dislike the fact that we take the icons along in the fire. That’s why they claim the tradition is pagan.” Kyriakos Patsos,首席Anastenarian Icon Bearer:“反对这一传统的人不喜欢我们在火中接受图标的事实。 这就是他们宣称传统是异教徒的原因。“
Narrator: Kyriakos has firewalked most of his life but for others, faith came later in life. Sotiris Panagiotou had long admired the firewalkers, but never expected to do it himself—until the day that he almost lost his life. Sotiris, a car mechanic, spent years working in the closed environment of his garage. His job exposed him to dangerous fumes that ultimately damaged his heart. Then one day at work, he suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.
讲述者:基里亚科斯一生中大部分时间都在火行,但对于其他人而言,信仰在以后的生活中出现了。 Sotiris Panagiotou长期以来一直钦佩这些火行者,但从未期望过这样做 - 直到他几乎失去生命的那一天。 Sotiris是一名汽车修理工,他在车库的封闭环境中工作了数年。 他的工作使他暴露在危险的烟雾中,最终伤害了他的心脏。 然后有一天上班,他心脏病发作,被送往医院。
Sotiris underwent emergency heart surgery in an attempt to repair the serious condition. He was only 41 years old. His wife lit candles in church, asking Saint Constantine to spare her husband’s life. Luckily, Sortiris survived. During his recovery, Sotiris attended the Anastenaria ritual and felt a calling to walk across the hot coals.
Sotiris接受了紧急心脏手术以试图修复严重疾病。 他才41岁。 他的妻子在教堂点燃蜡烛,要求圣康斯坦丁挽回丈夫的生命。 幸运的是,Sortiris幸免于难。 在他康复期间,Sotiris参加了Anastenaria仪式并感受到了穿越热煤的呼唤。
Sotiris Panagiotou, Firewalker: “I went there and I lit a candle, and while the firewalking was happening, I felt the power to take off my shoes and I joined the rest.” Firewalker:Sotiris Panagiotou:“我去了那里,我点燃了一支蜡烛,当火行发生时,我觉得脱掉鞋子的力量让我和其他人一起去了。”
Narrator: Sotiris was unharmed by the hot coals, and since that day he has become a firewalker. 旁白:索蒂里斯没有受到热煤的伤害,从那天起他就成了一名火行者。
Back at the festival, as sunset approaches, worshippers build a huge fire and the ceremony begins. As always, it starts with ancient folk songs played on traditional lyres. It’s powerful music that touches the believer’s hearts and moves their feelings and senses. It creates a powerful spiritual atmosphere. For many, dancing is a form of confession, and as the evening progresses, guilt and other emotions can become too much. Seventy-two-year-old Iro Handjantonieu is moved to tears by the weight of her sins. Iro, who lives in Athens, has attended the Anastenaria every year since 1968, but tonight will be a particularly challenging test of her faith.
在节日期间,随着日落的临近,信徒们开始大火,仪式开始了。 与往常一样,它始于传统的里拉琴演奏的古老民歌。 它是一种强大的音乐,触动信徒的心灵,感受他们的感受和感官。 它创造了强大的精神氛围。 对许多人来说,舞蹈是一种忏悔形式,随着晚上的进展,内疚和其他情绪会变得太多。 七十二岁的Iro Handjantonieu因她的罪孽重重而泪流满面。 居住在雅典的Iro自1968年以来每年都参加Anastenaria,但今晚对她的信仰将是一次特别具有挑战性的考验。
Kyriakos picks up the sacred icon. The Saint and the dancers’ faith in him are the only protection the Anastenarians will take into the fire. While the Orthodox Church may not approve of firewalking, Anastenarians still see it as a way to receive blessings from Saint Constantine. A light wind has made the coals bright and extremely hot as they’re spread into a glowing circle. The
firewalkers form a small procession. As the bearer of the holy icon, Kyriakos must lead the way. Kyriakos拿起了神圣的图标。 圣徒和舞者对他的信任是Anastenarians对火的唯一保护。 虽然东正教会可能不赞成火行走,但是Anastenarians仍然认为这是获得圣君士坦丁祝福的一种方式。 当它们散布在一个发光的圆圈中时,一阵微风使煤炭变得明亮而极热。 火行者形成一个小队伍。 作为圣像的承载者,Kyriakos必须领先。
He will cross the hot coals first from north to south; he’ll then make a second pass, from east to west. His steps form a symbol of a holy cross, and he seems to show no indication of pain. The spiritual actual act of firewalking is surrounded in mystery and analyzed by skeptics. One expert reports that there have been several cases of people trying to walk across coals without ceremony or ritual that have resulted in severe burns. However, when participating in a ritual with others, a certain energy in the group is created that often elevates the spirit.
他将先从北向南穿过,然后再从东到西。他的脚步是一个神圣十字架的象征,他似乎没有显示出任何痛苦的迹象。火焰行走的精神实际行为被神秘所包围,并由怀疑论者进行分析。 一位专家报告说,有几起人在没有仪式或仪式的情况下试图穿过煤炭而导致严重烧伤。 然而,当与他人一起参加仪式时,会产生一定的能量,这通常会提升精神。。
One by one, the followers of Saint Constantine step across the hot coals. Sotiris, the mechanic, takes his turn. But there is one worshipper who’s having trouble taking that first step. Iro Handjantonieu stands frozen on the edge of the fire. Her eyesight is weak and her faith is uncertain. Others warn her not to cross, saying that doubt and hesitation can lead to serious injury.
圣君士坦丁的追随者一个接一个地穿过热煤。 机械师索蒂里斯轮到他了。 但有一位崇拜者在迈出第一步时遇到了麻烦。 Iro Handjantonieu站在火堆的边缘冻结。 她的视力很弱,她的信仰不确定。 其他人警告她不要越过,说怀疑和犹豫会导致严重的伤害。。
Kyriakos: “You cannot persuade anyone to enter the fire. If someone isn’t ready, they cannot do it.”
Kyriakos:“你无法说服任何人进入火灾。如果有人还没有准备好,他们就不能这样做。” Narrator: For the weak of heart time is running out. The fire is dying, and it won’t be lit again for another year.
Iro: “I didn’t think I would do it. I said my prayers, but they didn’t help. My eyesight is so poor these days, so my son led me across. I helped him years ago; he helps me today.” 铁:“我不认为我会做的。我说我的祈祷,但他们没有帮助。这些天我的视力很差,所以我的儿子领我穿过。几年前我帮助他,今天他帮助我。” Narrator: Iro has completed her test of faith, but the night is not over. The ceremony continues until the hot coals are nearly stamped out. The atmosphere is a joyful one. Kyriakos, Sotiris, and everyone who managed to walk across the coals are thrilled that their faith carried them through the test.
旁白:铁已经完成了她对信仰的考验,但夜晚还没有结束。仪式继续下去,直到热煤几乎被消灭。气氛是快乐的。气氛愉快。 Kyriakos,Sotiris以及所有设法走过煤炭的人都很高兴他们的信仰通过了他们的考验。
Many of the spectators though are skeptical. Science has offered possible explanations about firewalking. One is that sweat from the body forms a protective layer between the skin and coal. But as one expert notes, while science may be a powerful way of explaining what happens, it’s not necessarily the only — or the most interesting — way to explain things.
许多观众虽然持怀疑态度。 科学提供了关于火行的可能解释。 一个是来自身体的汗液在皮肤和煤之间形成保护层。 但正如一位专家所指出的,虽然科学可能是解释所发生事情的有力方式,但它并不一定是解释事物的唯一或最有趣的方式。
Back at the shrine, the faithful need no further explanation. They could’ve been badly burned, but they seem to be untouched and completely fine. Sotiris is convinced that his faith — and his readiness to test it — has prolonged his life, and given him time with the grandson he might never have seen.
回到神社,信徒不需要进一步解释。 它们可能已被严重烧伤,但它们似乎没有受到影响而且完全没问题。 索蒂里斯深信,他的信仰 - 以及他对此进行测试的准备 - 延长了他的生命,并给了他与他可能从未见过的孙子的时间。
For Kyriakos, there’s a sense that he’s completed his duty to the village. He believes that by taking the test of fire, the firewalkers have ensured the blessings of Saint Constantine for the community for another year.
对Kyriakos来说,有一种感觉,他已经完成了对村庄的责任。 他认为,经过火灾的考验,火焰行人已经确保圣康斯坦丁为社区再祝福一年
Unit 8 Living in the Slow Lane
Narrator: The fertile hills between Florence and Siena: home to some of the world’s best-known vineyards. This is Chianti, one of Italy’s most famous wine regions. Near its center, one can find the quaint little town of Greve. Greve in Chianti, or Greve, is a quiet, modest town with a population of a few thousand. It’s a regional center for the trading of wine and various types of produce and cheeses. But while it’s full of activity, it’s also a village that appreciates tradition. The town’s culture is inherently slow, which has helped to make Greve an official Slow City and part of an organized Slow Movement.
旁白:佛罗伦萨和锡耶纳之间肥沃的山丘:世界上一些最着名的葡萄园的所在地。 这是意大利最着名的葡萄酒产区之一基安蒂。 在其中心附近,人们可以找到古雅的小镇格雷夫。 Greve in Chianti,或Greve,是一个安静,温和的小镇,人口数千。 它是葡萄酒贸易和各种农产品和奶酪贸易的区域中心。 虽然它充满活力,但它也是一个欣赏传统的村庄。 该镇的文化本质上是缓慢的,这有助于使格雷夫成为一个官方的慢城,并成为有组织的慢运动的一部分。。
Paolo Saturnini, Mayor of Greve: “Our challenge and our duty, is to try to maintain the soul, the essence, the ‘specialness’ of Greve in Chianti and all the other Slow Cities.” 保罗·沙特尼尼,市长:“我们的挑战和责任,就是努力保持格雷夫在基安蒂和所有其他慢城市的灵魂,本质,‘特殊性’。”
Narrator: These unusual cities are vetted according to carefully selected criteria. The manifesto of the movement is to improve the quality of life in smaller towns and villages and to resist the globalized atmosphere of the big cities.
旁白:这些不寻常的城市根据精心挑选的标准进行审查。 该运动的宣言是提高小城镇和村庄的生活质量,抵制大城市的全球化氛围。
Narrator: Alongside the Slow City movement, another movement has developed: the Slow Food movement. Its practitioners aim to preserve the pleasures of good, locally grown, high quality food that is prepared slowly and carefully. Now the movement has gone international, having more than 80,000 members in over 100 countries worldwide.