四级笔试新题型模拟题07(1) 下载本文

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to its role in storing energy as a way to (44)fight against future famine, getting fat is a (45)protective mechanism against metabolic syndrome. A) proposal B) issue C) developing D) stored E) protective F) negative G) fight H) collection I) reviewing J) assigned K) risk L) found M) discovered N) associated O) potential

36.正确答案为 N) associated 你没有作答。

解析:N) associated

第36题:句子意思题。这里要表达的意思是:与肥胖有关的健康问题。be associated with sth为固定搭配,意思是“与……有关、与……相关的”,所以此处填人associated。

第37题:上下文联系题。上文描述了一种对于肥胖的新的认识理论,这里是说这就是由Roger Unger 和Philipp Scherer提出的貌似异端邪说的新提议。Proposal有“建议、提议”的意思,所以此处填入proposal。




第41题:上下文联系题。上文提到syndrome时说这是指a host of symptoms(许多症状)。这里要选出与之意思相近的单词,a collection of可以表示“一堆、许多”的意思,所以此处填入collection。


第43题:单词用法题。Develop有患病、得病的意思。这里是说一个人体重超标和他患上其他症状之间通常有几年时间,所以此处填入developing。 第44题:固定用法题。这里要表达的意思是:对抗将来的饥饿。Fight against为固定用法,意为“与……作战;对抗……”,所以此处填入fight。 第45题:句子意思题。这里要表达的意思是:变胖是对抗代谢综合症的一种保护机制。Protective意思是“保护的、防护的”,所以此处填入protective。

37.正确答案为 A) proposal 你没有作答。

解析:A) proposal 略

38.正确答案为 I) reviewing 你没有作答。

解析:I) reviewing 略

39.正确答案为 K) risk 你没有作答。

解析:K) risk

40.正确答案为 L) found 你没有作答。

解析:L) found 略

41.正确答案为 H) collection 你没有作答。

解析:H) collection 略

42.正确答案为 O) potential 你没有作答。

解析:O) potential 略

43.正确答案为 C) developing 你没有作答。

解析:C) developing 略

44.正确答案为 G) fight 你没有作答。

解析:G) fight 略

45.正确答案为 E) protective 你没有作答。

解析:E) protective 略

Section B Match

Directions:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter.


A Recently, climate scientists have taken a widely-spreading criticism in the media and on the Internet, accused of hiding data, covering up errors and preventing others from expressing views. Their response until now has been largely to assert the legitimacy (合法性) of the vast body of climate science and to call their critics as know-nothings.But the volume of criticism and the depth of doubt have only grown, and many scientists now realize they are facing a crisis of public confidence and have to fight back. Up to now, they are beginning to face their critics, admit mistakes, open up their data and reshape their working way. B The release last fall of hundreds of e-mail messages from a major climate research center in England, and more recent exposure of a handful of errors in a supposedly authoritative United Nations report on climate change, have created what a number of top scientists say is a major destruction of faith in their research. They say this strong threat has undermined decades of work and has badly damaged public trust in the science.

C The e-mail episode, called \傲慢) and what one top climate researcher called \宗派意识)\among some scientists. The correspondence appears to show efforts to limit publication of contrary opinions and to escape \concealing temperature data from rival researchers and manipulating results to be consistent with precooked conclusions. \obviously written some very awful e-mails,\But he sharply disagreed with charges that he had hidden data or faked results.

D After the e-mail was exposed, serious damage has already been done. A survey conducted in late December by Yale University and George Mason University found that the number of Americans who believed that climate change was just scientific cheat had more than doubled since 2008, to 16 percent of the population from 7 percent. An additional 13 percent of Americans said they thought that even if the planet was warming, it was a result solely of natural factors and was not a significant concern.

E Climate scientists have been shaken by the criticism and are beginning to look for ways to recover their reputation. \clear that the climate science community was just not prepared for the scale and intensity of the attacks and they simply have not responded quickly and appropriately,\said Peter C. Frumhoff, an ecologist and chief scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists. \need

to acknowledge the errors and help turn attention from what's happening in the blogosphere (博客圈) to what's happening in the atmosphere.\

F A number of institutions are beginning efforts to improve the quality of their science and to make their work more understandable. The official British climate agency is undertaking a complete review of its temperature data and will make its records and analysis fully public for the first time. Two universities are investigating the work of top climate scientists to determine whether they have violated academic standards and broken faith in science. The National Academy of Sciences is preparing to publish a non-technical paper outlining what is known—and not known—about changes to the global climate. And a hot debate is under way among climate scientists on how to make their work more transparent and regain public confidence.

G Some critics think these are merely useless efforts that do not address the real problem, however. Willis Eschenbach, an engineer and climate critic who posts frequently on climate skeptic (怀疑的) blogs, wrote in response to one climate scientist's proposal to share more research. \to inspire trust by covering your dishonest practices in new and creative ways. You should just do more successful and creative science.\

H Ralph J. Cicerone, president of the National Academy of Sciences, the most well-known scientific body in the United States, said that there was a danger that the distrust of climate science could mushroom into doubts about scientific inquiry more broadly. He said that scientists must do a better job of policing themselves and trying to be heard over the loudest voices on cable news, talk radio and the Internet. \atmospheric chemistry.No scientific body is under more hostile scrutiny than the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which collects the climate research of hundreds of scientists around the globe and changes the research into periodic reports intended to be the final statement of the science and a guide for policy makers. Critics, citing several relatively minor errors in its most recent report and charges of conflict of interest against its leader, Rajendra K. Pachauri, are calling for the IPCC to be dismissed or radically reformed.

I On Saturday, after weeks of refusing to engage critics, the IPCC announced that it was asking for the creation of an independent panel to review its research procedures to try to eliminate bias and errors from future reports.

J \意识形态) groups reason,\scientists are paid to do climate science,\Schmidt, a senior climatologist with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Institute of Space Studies. \to climate science had been driven as much by the cold winter as by any real or perceived scientific sins. \

46.Scientists should remember that their job is to do good science. J 正确答案为 J 你没有作答。


文章J部分从另一个角度看待批评家对气象学家的批评,认为科学家更应关注科学,而不是去回应对科学的怀疑和批评,而做好科学就是对批评的最好反击。Climate scientists are paid to do climate science. Their job is not persuading the public. \Schmidt said. \

47.Finally many scientists realize that they should accept the public criticism and regain the public support although they thought their cirtics were ignorant. A 正确答案为 A 你没有作答。


文章A部分中开始提到公众对气象学家的批评,隐藏数据,掩盖错误,不容许别人表达观点,气象学家并不接受批评。但随后批评呼声越来越高,气象学家意识到他们将失去公众威望,于是开始直面批评,承认错误,公开数据。But the volume of criticism and the depth of doubt have only grown, and many scientists now realize they are facing a crisis of public confidence and have to fight back. Up to now, they are beginning to face their critics, admit mistakes, open up their data and reshape their working way. 48.After the exposure, more Americans thought that they were cheated by the climate scientists. D 正确答案为 D 你没有作答。


文章D部分主要内容是说曝光带来的严重后果,使更多的美国人相信气候变暖是科学欺骗,是自然因素造成的结果,不值得过多关注。A survey conducted in late December by Yale University and George Mason University found that the number of Americans who believed that climate change was just scientific cheat had more than doubled since 2008, to 16 percent of the population from 7 percent. An additional 13 percent of Americans said they thought that even if the planet was warming, it was a result solely of natural factors and was not a significant concern.

49.Climate scientists need to do something that they haven't experienced before in order to change the status quo. H 正确答案为 H 你没有作答。


文章H部分是国家科学院院长对气象学家的期望,他认为,气象学家一定要做好整顿工作,要关注公众的声音。而这一点恰好又是科学家们所欠缺的。He said that scientists must do a better job of policing themselves and trying to be heard over the loudest voices on cable news, talk radio and the Internet. \50.The exposure of errors has badly ruined the public confidence in the science. B 正确答案为 B 你没有作答。


文章B部分讲述对大量气象错误的曝光大大损坏了民众对科学研究的信赖,而且威胁到几十年的气象工作成果。….more recent exposure of a handful of errors in a supposedly authoritative United Nations report on climate change, have created what a number of top scientists say is a major destruction of faith in their research. They say this strong threat has undermined decades of work and has badly damaged public trust in the science.

51.Scientists need to regain their reputation and draw the public attention again back to the climate change. E 正确答案为 E 你没有作答。


文章E部分提到气候科学家没有想到会受到如此强烈的攻击,正着力寻找出路恢复名誉,使大众再次关注环境,而不要过分关注博客。Climate scientists have been shaken by the criticism and are beginning to look for ways to recover their reputation. We need to acknowledge the errors and help turn attention from what's happening in the blogosphere (博客圈) to what's happening in the atmosphere. 52.Some scientists were charged with hiding data and faking results. C 正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


文章C部分提到某些知名科学家被指控隐藏数据,编造结果。但也有科学家不同意此说法。The content of the messages opened some well-known scientists to charges of concealing temperature data from rival researchers and manipulating results to be consistent with precooked conclusions.

53.However, some critics are still unsatisfied with the climate scientists and their work. G 正确答案为 G 你没有作答。


文章G部分表明批评家们仍然对气象学家所做的改进工作不满意,认为气象学家没有解决实际问题。Some critics think these are merely useless efforts that do not address the real problem, however. \don't want you to learn better ways to advertize for fake science. I don't want you to figure out how to inspire trust by covering your dishonest practices in new and creative ways. You should just do more successful and creative science.\

54.The officials and institutions are making efforts to imporve their work and trying to regain public confidence. F 正确答案为 F 你没有作答。



55.The United Nations IPCC were forced by the critics to reform, reviewing its research procedures and trying to eliminate bias and errors from their reports. I 正确答案为 I 你没有作答。


文章I部分主要讲述IPCC联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会所面临的压力,必须重新审视研究过程,努力在将来的工作中剔除错误。On Saturday, after weeks of refusing to engage critics, the IPCC announced that it was asking for the creation of an independent panel to review its research procedures to try to eliminate bias and errors from future reports.

Section C Reading Comprehension

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D).


Worried that the 27-year-old man making $70,000 as profiled (描绘) on an online dating service isn't so young or taking home that much cash? Chances are he's telling the truth if the site is aimed at long-term relationships. But if he's lying, he's probably a people pleaser—the type of person who'd try to put himself in the best light even if you'd found him offline first.

In Professor Jeffrey Hall's survey of 5,020 men and women who belonged to an undisclosed Internet dating site, most respondents (被访者) indicated they wouldn't lie. But those saying they were most likely to lie generally gave answers to other questions indicating they were people pleasers, or \may lie about weight, age, income and interests, Hall said.

In the study, published in the February issue of the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, respondents were asked to rate on a 10-point scale the likelihood that they would misrepresent their education, income, relationship goals, personal interests, weight and age to a potential date online. \Hall said. Men indicated they were more likely than women to lie in every category except weight, according to the study.

However, the differences between men and women were small, Hall said. For example, men led women 2.01 to 1.83 when it came to lying about education and income. Women led men 3.24 to 2.37 in lying about weight. \in how much people lie,\site.\

\release before Thursday's phone interview. \56.What is the passage mainly about?

A) A 27-year-old man making $70,000 is dating online. B) People pleasers always lie to others online and offline. C) People should not believe in online dating.

D) Online daters don't lie as much as people think they do.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。



57.According to Professor Jeffrey Hall, those \

A) aim at having a long-term relationship B) behave as such people that everyone likes C) try various ways to make other people like them D) lie about their weight, age, income and interests

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


文章第二段第三句话指出,这些“high self-monitors”希望能够讨人喜欢,与周围人打成一片(Such people want to be liked and fit in),所以选C。

58.What's one finding of the study mentioned in Paragraph 3 and 4?

A) Men lie in more aspects than women when dating online. B) Women lie in more aspects than men when dating online.