2017年冀教版四年级下册英语期中试卷 下载本文

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一. 听录音,选出你说听到的单词或短语。(10分) ( )1. A.September B.October ( )2. A.seven B. seventeen ( )3. A.glue B.blackboard ( )4. A. ruler B. pen ( )5. A.twelve B.twenty

( )6. A.National Day B. International workers’ Day ( )7. A.New year’s Day B.Children’s Day ( )8. A. sunny B. cloudy ( )9. A. first B. second ( )10. A.Sunday B.Monday 二.听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分)

三. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)

( )1.A.When is your birthday? B.When is Teachers ’ Day? ( )2.A.How are you ? B.How do you do ? ( )3.A.How is the weather? B. what’s the date? ( )4.A.What’s this? B.What are they? ( )5. A. What’s your name ? B.What’s his name? 四. 听录音,判断正误。(5分) ( ) 1. What day is it today? ( ) 2. My birthday is June fifth.

( ) 3. It’s a pencil.

( ) 4. When is Spring Festival? ( ) 5. Jenny is beside Kim.



1、 s__n (太阳) 2、 ch__lk (粉笔) 3、penc__ l (铅笔) 4、cl__ ud ( 云彩) 5、ra__n (雨) 6、forty-t__o (42) 7、gl__e (胶水) 8、Ma__ ch (三月) 9、sn__wy (有雪的) 10、w__ndy (有风的) 六、选词填空。(5分)

(My , He , His , She , Her )

1. _____ is a girl . 2. _____ is a boy . 3. What`s your name ? ____ name is Li Ming. 4. What`s her name ? ____ name is Jenny. 5. What`s his name ? ____ name is Danny. 七.英汉搭配。(10分)

( )1.Teachers’ Day a. International Workers’( )2.新年


( )3.in front of c. New Year’s Day ( )4.在教室里 d.在……前面 ( )5.under the desk e. in the classroom ( )6.儿童节 f.教师节

( )7.国际劳动节 g. Spring Festival ( )8.Children’s Day h. 国庆节 ( )9.春节 i.在桌子下面

( )10.National Day j. Children’s Day、八.找出下列每组中与其他两个不同类的单词。(10分)


( )1.A. ten B. five C. June ( )2.A. in B. on C. rainy ( )3.A. sun B. snow C. eraser ( )4.A. cat B. she C. he ( )5.A. month B. pencil C. glue 九、选择 (10分)

( ) 1. How’s the weather today? A. Sunny B. Thanks . ( )2. What day is it ? It’s _________ . A. Saturday B. March 10.

( ) 3.What _________ is it ? —— It's 4 o'clock.

A. colour B. time ( )4.My birthday is _____July.

A. in B. on

( )5.How many ______do you have?

A. book B. books

十、根据Ⅰ栏的问句,在Ⅱ栏中找出相对应的答语。(5分) I II ( ) 1. How are you ? A . I am 10. ( ) 2. How is the weather today ? B. Fine , thank you . ( ) 3. Nice to meet you . C Nice to meet you , too . ( ) 4.How old are you? D. It’s sunny. . ( ) 5. Good afternoon. E Good afternoon. 十一、选择各句恰当的译文,并在括号内填上正确译文序号。(5分) ( ) 1. 风吹着树叶。 A. How is the weather today? ( ) 2. 天下着大雨。 B. This is a sunny day. ( ) 3. 这是一个晴朗的日子。 C It is raining hard. ( ) 4 什么时候了? D. When is it?

( ) 5. 今天天气怎么样? E The wind is blowing the tree`s leaves. 十二、情景交际。(5分)

( )1.下午你遇见Mr. Zhang ,你应说:

A. Good morning, Mr. Zhang. B. Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang. C. Good-bye, Mr. Zhang.

( )2.询问对方年龄时,你应说:

A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. How is the weather? ( )3.如果你想知道对方姓名时,你应说:

A. Who are you? B. How are you? C. What’s your name? ( )4.你刚认识一位新朋友时,你应说:

A. How are you? B. Thanks. C. Nice to meet you. ( )5.当你把Li Lei介绍给别人时,你应说: A. Hello. B. Fine, thanks. C. This is Li Lei 十三.写出单词的适当形式。(5分)

1.one(序数词)________ 2.ten (序数词)_________ 3. above (反义词)________ 4. snow(形容词)_______ 5.hot(反义词)________ 十四. 选择与对话相符的图片.(10分)

( ) 1. —What time is it?

—It’s three o’clock.

( ) 2. —What’s the date?

—It’s June first.

( ) 3. —What’s this? —It’s a chair. ( ) 4. —How’s the weather today? —It’s rainy. ( ) 5. —How many books do you have? —Five.