英语五上5Aunit8单元知识 下载本文

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Unit8 知识点


买buy 看起来look 在……以后after 早早地early 歌曲song 信letter 我们(宾格) us 他(宾格) him 放put 首先first 接着,然后next 然后 then 最后finally 二、短语

1. 在平安夜 on Christmas Eve 2. 圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas! 3. 有许多开心的事 have a lot of fun 4. 吃顿大餐have a big lunch 5. 过得愉快have a good time 6. 往上跳jump up 7. 写一封信write a letter

15. 去看圣诞老人go to see Father Christmas 16. 在圣诞节at Christmas / on Christmas Day

17. 把一个长筒袜放在我们的床上put a stocking on our beds 18. 给我们的家人朋友买礼物buy presents for our family and friends

19. 把一些漂亮东西放在圣诞树上put some pretty things on the Christmas tree 20. 他怎么了?What’s the matter with him ?他看起来很难过。He looks sad. 21. 画一张画draw a picture 22. 写你的信息write your message 23. 写你的名字write your name 24. 做一张圣诞贺卡make a Christmas card 25. 把你自己弄湿get yourself wet

26. 把果汁弄到我的夹克衫上get juice on my jacket 三、作文

A. At Christmas

I have a good time at Christmas. First, I go shopping. Next, I go to see Father Christmas. Then, I put a stocking on my bed. Finally, I have a big lunch. B. After school

First, I play the piano after school. Next, I do my homework. Then, I have dinner. Then, I read a story book. Finally, I go to bed.


8. 去购物go shopping 9. 等待礼物wait for presents 10. 早早地醒来 wake up early 11. 打开我们的礼物open our presents 12. 圣诞布丁Christmas pudding 13. 唱圣诞歌曲sing Christmas songs 14. 买一颗圣诞树 buy a Christmas tree