新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程第四册课本练习答案 下载本文

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domination scanners humanist confrontation leftists orientation erased terrorists manufacturers binder imperialists composers

1. The Internet challenges the domination of traditional media such as newspapers and television as the main sources of news in modern society.互联网挑战了报纸、电视等传统媒体作为现代社会主要


2. Some scientists warn that the x-ray scanners now being used to screen passengers at many

airports may be harmful to the human body.一些科学家警告说,目前在许多机场用于筛查乘客的x射线


3. Many people think that a(n)humanist should have very strong morals, in addition to beliefs

in a philosophy that focuses on human values and concerns.许多人认为一个人道主义者应该有很强的


4. The police interviewed all six witnesses, but none of them could describe clearly how the

confrontation began and who opened fire first.警方采访了所有六名证人,但没有人能清楚地描述对峙


5. In politics, leftists are people who generally support social changes to create a more equal society and show concern for those who suffer disadvantages.在政治上,左翼人士通常支持社会变革,创造一个更加平等的社会,并关心那些遭受不利影响的人。

6. A study of mid-level administrators career orientation showed that many of these managers view their current position as a temporary step on an upward path.一项关于中层管理者职业取向的研究表明,许多管理者认为他们目前的职位是向上发展的暂时的一步。

7. The idea that the United States is a melting pot implies that racial differences are to be erased

and that immigrants should give up their own cultural traditions.认为美国是一个大熔炉的观点意味着


8. Effective measures should be taken to prevent terrorist from attacking civilians, people who have no power to defend themselves from bombs and guns.应该采取有效措施,防止恐怖分子袭击平民,这些平民没有能力保护自己不受炸弹和枪支的袭击。

9. Toyota is one of the world's largest manufacturers of cars,with more than 50 plants across the globe outside Japan.丰田是世界上最大的汽车制造商,在全球50多个植物以外的日本。 10. He sent his parents some of his recent news articles in a(n)binder, arranged according to their publication dates.他给他的父母他的一些最近的新闻文章(n)粘合剂,安排根据他们的出版日期。

11. This island became a colony after European imperialists decided to use it as their trading port

in the 19th century.在19世纪,欧洲帝国主义者决定把这个岛作为他们的贸易港口后,这个岛成了殖民地。 12. The concert to be held next month promotes music by composers from Africa and South America.下个月将举行的音乐会宣传来自非洲和南美的作曲家的音乐。 [6]

1-10 : J M L B I A H O D F

? I was once in a relationship with a woman who was the most brilliant,creative and driven

person I'd ever known. I told her these things often because she didn’t see herself this way despite1)J achieving great success and acclaim(称赞)in her professional field. She was also 2)M gorgeous and sexy, though she seemed not to realize this either, so I told her these things too. But while I thought it was more important to praise her brilliance, it seemed to mean more to her that she was 3)L considered attractive.

? My experience with this girlfriend exemplifies a common phenomenon in life-when it comes

to complimenting a woman,men often walk a very difficult line. Of course, 4)B context matters. In a professional setting, talking about appearance is often inappropriate, but at a singles club, it may be important. She will be very pleased if a man thinks her clothes and 5)I accessories are pretty, or her hair looks wonderful. However, things in between these two cases are unclear. Women have every right to be recognized and 6)A appreciated for their intelligence and creativity. But at the same time, they want to be admired for their looks as well, for example, their perfect skin 7)H complexion and elegant outfits.

? Unfortunately, most guys don’t understand this. If we receive compliments from women,

they're usually about our achievements, not our looks. Most of us don't expect a woman to tell us how 8)O handsome or sexy we are, and some of us would find it hard to regard such a(n)9)D comment as sincere.

? I'm not saying it's very hard to be a guy these days.It is important for every man to

understand how to treat women with both respect and 10)F admiration. But as far as the right balance of these two is concerned, we really have no frame of reference, especially when it comes to looks.






in hopes of came up with excused herself was obsessed with reaching out to voice an opinion on live up to in terms of

1. Every month, the Community Services Center offers several lectures on health and fitness in hopes of introducing people to healthier lifestyles.每个月,社区服务中心都会举办几场关于健康和健身的讲座,希望向人们介绍更健康的生活方式。

2. Do you know who came up with the idea of having cheesecake for dessert yesterday? It was

delicious and made everyone happy.你知道昨天谁想出了吃芝士蛋糕当甜点的主意吗?味道很好,让每个


3. The pain medication left Claudia feeling rather dull and sleepy, and soon after dinner she

apologized for being such poor company and excused herself to bed.止痛药让克劳迪娅感到相当的沉


4. When I was young, I was obsessed with maps, and I sometimes spent the whole day charting land routes from one point to another.当我年轻的时候,我痴迷于地图,有时我花一整天的时间绘制从一


5. To make immigrants comfortable reaching out to police for help, more than 70 cities now bar

police from asking them to prove their legal status.为了让移民们乐于向警方求助,70多个城市禁止警


6. Mary was often accused of“having a strong personality”because she was not afraid to voice an

opinion on subjects about which she was knowledgeable.玛丽经常被指责“个性很强”,因为她不怕就


7. At the end of his term in office the governor was criticized for failure to live up to his campaign promise.在他任期结束时,州长因未能履行其竞选诺言而受到批评。

8. Results of a survey revealed that of the top 10 automobile makers in terms of customer satisfaction, six were Japanese and two were German.一项调查结果显示,在消费者满意度排名前10的汽车制造商中,有6家是日本公司,2家是德国公司。

UNIT three Language focus Words in use [3]

exquisite dispersed decentralized deduce fixture frugality administrate disjointed Reviving elapse

1. The curtains changed the atmosphere of the house completely and made it into a place of exquisite beauty.窗帘完全改变了房子的气氛,使它成为一个优美的地方。

2. As the sun dispersed the clouds,we enjoyed our afternoon of playing cards in the forest under the clear sky and observing the most spectacular view I have ever seen in my life.当太阳驱散乌云时,我们在晴朗的天空下的森林里打牌,欣赏着我一生中所见过的最壮观的景色。

3. The big company decentralized their operations last year and opened several regional offices

in the country to meet the needs of the market.这家大公司去年将业务分散,并在中国开设了几个地区


4. It is not easy to deduce a trend of growth from the available facts since they are quite scarce

and not that convincing.从现有的事实推断增长趋势是不容易的,因为它们非常稀少,也没有那么令人信


5. Formerly found only in large industrial applications, microwave ovens now have become a

standard fixture of most modern kitchens.以前只在大型工业应用中被发现,现在微波炉已经成为大多数


6. He calls on the public to save in everyday life and believes that frugality is the key to battling

a culture that rewards mindless consumption.他呼吁公众在日常生活中储蓄,并相信节俭是对抗鼓励盲


7. He is suitable for the position as he is young enough to understand what the teenagers think but old enough to administrate their programs.他很适合这个职位,因为他足够年轻,能够理解青少年的想法,但足够年长,能够管理他们的项目。

8. When asked about her whereabouts at 9 o'clock that night, she gave a rather disjointed

response, which caught the detective's attention.当被问及那天晚上9点她在哪里时,她回答得相当不连


9. Reviving the stalled economy and sticking to promises to bring the deficit down next year is

proving to be the principal test for the new president.复苏停滞的经济,并坚持承诺明年将削减赤字,


10. A considerable period of time has to elapse before the effects of such security measures as closed-circuit television cameras and cell-phone monitoring become evident in reducing crimes.在闭路电视摄像机和手机监控等安全措施在减少犯罪方面发挥明显作用之前,需要相当长一段时间。 [4]

Words learned -ity punctual pure scarce senior sensitive solemn special superior valid visible re- assure structure reassure restructure punctuality purity scarcity seniority sensitivity solemnity specialty superiority validity visibility New words formed [5]

seniority purity specialties reassure scarcity punctuality sensitivity restructuring superiority validity visibility solemnity

1. The new evaluation policy will base its decisions on workers' efficiency and effectiveness, not simply on seniority or how long one works in the company.新的评估政策将根据员工的效率和效率做出决定,而不仅仅是根据资历或在公司工作的时间。

2. The French government has called on its people to defend the purity of their language and

fight against foreign cultural invasion.法国政府呼吁本国人民捍卫本国语言的纯洁性,反对外国文化入


3. My friend has lived in New York for 10 years and loves Chinese food. He is familiar with all

the specialties of Chinatown restaurants.我的朋友在纽约住了10年,喜欢中国菜。他熟悉唐人街餐馆的


4. Totally shocked by the sight of the great snowstorm, she closed her eyes, and then opened

them again to reassure herself she wasn't dreaming. 她被眼前的暴风雪惊呆了,她闭上眼睛,然后再睁


5. Her recent book describes parents pressured by circumstances such as the ever-expanding workweek and the scarcity of high-quality childcare.她最近的书描述了由于工作时间的不断延长和高质量的儿童保育的缺乏等环境所带来的压力。

6. Make sure not to be late for the meeting. You know the boss does expect punctuality from us.确保开会不要迟到。你知道老板确实希望我们准时。

7. Effective communication combined with sensitivity to the concerns of others makes resolution of most disputes possible.有效的沟通和对他人关注的敏感使大多数争议的解决成为可能。

8. An experienced manager from the headquarters has been brought in to assist management in restructure the local branch of the company.总部的一位经验丰富的经理被请来协助管理层重组公司的


9. The slightly graying hair and piercing eyes of our team leader added to an air of professional

superiority and power on his face.我们队长略显灰白的头发和锐利的眼睛给他脸上增添了一种职业化的


10. Shocked by the results of the elections, many people start to question the process of elections

and challenge the validity of the vote.许多人对选举的结果感到震惊,他们开始质疑选举的进程,并质疑


11. Fog has reduced visibility to under 20 meters and no planes have taken off since early morning.大雾使能见度降低到20米以下,自清晨以来没有飞机起飞。

12. The old gentleman delivered his speech with such grave solemnity that he silenced all the

students in the auditorium(礼堂).那位老先生严肃而庄严地发表演说,使礼堂里的所有学生都鸦雀无声。 [6]

1-10 : G I E A H N B O K L

? In some urban centers, workaholism(工作狂)is so common that people do not consider it

unusual: They accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D. C. for example,1)G frequently work 60 to 70 hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to;they do it because they want to.

? Workaholism can be a serious problem. True workaholics, being deeply 2)I immersed in their

work, allow themselves little or no time to take breaks. They like to work without being3)E disrupted, and they probably don’t know how to relax.

? But Is workaholism always bad? Perhaps not. There are people who work well under4)A

stress. Besides, some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest n their own 5)H sphere. Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same thing. Their work 6)N challenges them keeping them busy and genuinely engaged.

? Why do workaholics enjoy doing their jobs so much? Of course they get Paychecks from it

but it is hard to 7)B quantify the pleasure with money. It offers more than 8)O financial security. Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity and provides them with self-confidence People have a feeling of satisfaction when they 9)K administrate a business well or complete a challenging piece of work. In addition, most Jobs Provide a socially acceptable way for people to meet others.So, though some people are compulsive(强迫性的)about their work, their 10)L addiction seems to be a safe or even an advantageous one.They feel empty and incomplete when they are involved in activities not related to work.

在一些城市中心,工作狂是如此常见,人们并不认为它不同寻常:他们接受正常的生活方式。政府工作人员在华盛顿特区为例,经常每周工作60到70个小时。他们不这样做,因为他们;他们这样做是因为他们想。 工作狂可能是一个严重的问题。真正的工作狂,沉浸在工作中,几乎没有时间休息。他们喜欢不受干扰地工作,而且他们可能不知道如何放松。
