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aptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Test matriculation 录取入学 vocation 职业 (= calling, occupation, career) à vocational
vocational education
TAFE Technical And Further Education (Australian) abbreviation 缩略(词)~ abridge (缩短,删节) transferable (学分等)可转换的 scholarship 奖学金= fellowship tutorial 辅导(课)? tutor (= lecturer, instructor) pedagogue lexicography assignment dissertation credential alumni overestimate decipher caliber homogeneous heterosexual mainstream dialect discrepancy misconception barrier discrimination hierarchy insularity microcosm nostalgia
教员,学究~ pedagogy (教育学,教学法) demagogue (政治煽动家) 词典编撰 (à lexicographer) 任务,(课外)作业 论文 (= thesis) 证明,文凭 “cred”: creditlinguistic credentials 校友(男)<> alumnae
高估 (<> underestimate= 解码,解释 (= decode)decipher workplace culture 才干
同质的 homo + gene +ous(<> heterogeneous=^ homosexual, 主流 主流的 方言 (v.s. accent) 差异
误解 (mis + concept + ion)= misunderstanding 障碍(物)~ bar, = barricade
区别,歧视racial/sexual discrimination? discriminate (+against) 等级制度heir + arch(govern) + y 岛国性质 (? insular, ^island) . 小天地 micro + cosm(os) = homesickness
patriot 爱国者 (<> traitor=à patriotic, patriotism compatriot 同胞 同胞的com + patriot vernacular 本地的,本国的 本地话,本国话the vernacular languages of India Hispanic An American whose first language was Spanish
immigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate) antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes” permeate entrepreneur practitioner celebrity proxy anecdote notoriety counterpart peer subordinate tactics nuance benchmarking punctual absenteeism flextime harass redundancy downsize ballot impartial lobby shortlist equilibrium questionnaire quantitative contingency incur ethical dubious manifestation subtitle dubbing vogue bizarre .
渗透,弥漫Smoke permeated the house. 企业家 (~ enterprise)à entrepreneurship 开业者,从业者praction(practice) + er a famous person= luminary, VIP 代理人 轶事 (à anecdotal) 恶名 (? notorious)
对应人,对等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China counterculture, counterbalance 同等的人 凝视,窥视(~ peep) 下级 下级的<> superior 战术,技巧v.s. strategy (战略,策略) marketing strategy v.s. selling tactics
a subtle difference in meaning 类比分析 准时的,守时的 (à punctuality) 旷工absent à absentee à absenteeism 弹性工作时间flex(flexible) + time 骚扰 (à harassment)Mary said that Gary had sexually harassed her. 冗余,冗员network redundancy 裁员 (~ lay off) 投票 (= vote) 不偏不倚的 (<> partial= 大堂(n.) 游说(v.) (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from
which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)
平衡,均衡 调查表,问卷
定量的 (<> qualitative= 偶然性,偶然事件 招致incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur, concur, recur 伦理的,符合伦理的~ ethics, <> unethical 疑惑的,可疑的 (~ doubt)People were dubious about the result. 显示,证明 (? manifest) 字幕,副标题 (sub + title)^ subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE:
underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts)
配音录制 时尚 ^ chic 奇异的v.s. weird (怪异的)
mediocre dietitian connoisseur
饮食学家 (~ diet) 行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carte
molecule cell amino protein enzyme
分子à molecular cellular à amino acids (氨基酸) 蛋白质
酶(proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions)
catalyst 催化剂 chlorophyll 叶绿素“chloro-”: Cl
photosynthesis 光合作用 (photo + synthesis)à photosynthetic botany 植物学 (<> zoology=à botanist, botanical flora 植物群 fauna 动物群 bacterium bacteria (pl.) 细菌 fungus fungi (pl.) 真菌 algae alga (pl.) 海藻 herb à herbal: ~ teaà herbicide (^ insecticide, pesticide) carnation 康乃馨à reincarnation fade 凋谢,褪色 organism 机体,组织? organ arthropod 节肢动物v.s. anthropoid (↓) reptile 爬行动物 amphibian 两栖动物 mammal 哺乳动物 (? mamma!) primate 灵长目动物 evolution 进化 (? evolve) anthropoid 类人猿 (“anthrop”: humankind)~ anthropology, philanthropy v.s.
ape, gorilla, chimpanzee
gene 基因^ DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)~ genome (基因组) genetics 遗传学 (à genetical) helix 螺旋,螺旋壮物… analyze every single gene within the double helix
of humanity’s DNA
identical 同一的~ identity (à ID card)^ clone mutation 突变 gene mutationà mutable, immutable, mutant predator 捕食者 (<> prey= embryo 胚胎à embryonic (萌芽的) roe 鱼子>>> caviar (鱼子酱) tadpole 蝌蚪>>> frog, toad (^ told) caterpillar 毛毛虫 (cater + pillar)The American Company: Caterpillar (CAT) grasshopper 蚱蜢,蝗虫 (= locust)grass + hopper, ^ bellhop cricket 蟋蟀 (另)板球 butterfly v.s. moth^ dragonfly, firefly pollen 花粉 传粉à pollinate, pollination hive 蜂房>>> honey, ^ concoction larva larvae (pl.) 幼虫v.s. lava pupa 蛹à pupate penguin 企鹅v.s. dolphin (海豚) raccoon 浣熊v.s. kangaroo (袋鼠) hibernate 冬眠 (=hole up) torpid 麻木的,蛰伏的v.s. torpedo (鱼雷) cerebral (大)脑的 hemisphere 半球 (hemi + sphere) cortex 脑皮层 migraine 偏头疼? migrant somatic 躯体的 limb 四肢 upper/lower limb anatomy 解剖,剖析 paralyze 使瘫痪 (=incapacitate, immobilize) artery 动脉 (<> vein= gland 腺体 pancreas 胰 hormone 荷尔蒙,激素 cholesterol 胆固醇 efficacy 功效v.s. efficiency, effectiveness
conservation 保护,保存 (? conserve)v.s. conversation environmentalist = conservationist acid 酸 酸的 (<>alkali=acid rain carbon 碳 (C) v.s. charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide fume exhaust fumesv.s. smoke, fog, smog petroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gas ozone 臭氧 (o + zone)ozone layer ooze 渗出 渗出物 radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactive greenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gases solar 太阳的 (solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar) phenomenon 现象
catastrophe = disaster, cataclysm deterioration 恶化 (? deteriorate) extinction 灭绝 (? extinct) species endangered species drought 干旱 (^ “找它”)>>> famine v.s. flooding recurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rentv.s. concurrent inundate 淹没 ^ “淹掉它”
embankment 筑堤 (em + bank + ment) sediment 沉积(物)= deposit delta 三角洲the Pearl River Delta alluvial 冲积的
desertification (v.s. dessert) dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstorm barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的 dune sand dune the game “DUNE”! attributable 归因于be attributable to… deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<> afforestation/reforestation log 原木,日志 伐木v.s. logo