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天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/ 应对GMAT考试,大家肯定都会想到GMAT机经,GMAT机经是考生们对GMAT考试真题的回忆,接下来天道小编就为大家分享一下GMAT阅读机经的详细内容,看看大家对于GMAT阅读真题回忆有没有用呢?下面就是GMAT阅读机经最新更新的内容。
以下GMAT机经是2016-01-11更新GMAT阅读机经的内容,是对GMAT阅读真题的总结。 一、早期作品研究 本月原始:
V1 关于早期作品研究的。以下是我在网上找到的,不是原文,但是很多句子都在原文里出现了。原文不长,问题也不难。原文第一段讲很多研究忽视研究作家的早期作品,除非是写传记。而对早期作品的研究其实对研究该作家观点和写作手法的形成有很大的价值。第二段讲了一个叫什么 Dent的人,对African American 的历史和政治有subtle 观点,他的观点主要源于他早期当editor的工作。所以说明研究早期作品作用很大。
Unless one is engaged in the task of writing a fairly comprehensive biography, the study of a writer rarely begins with attention to her or his juvenilia. A writer's early attempts to overcome various anxieties of influence, to master the intricacies of language, and to forge a distinctive voice are either dismissed or trivialized. This habit, or perhaps convention, precludes opportunities to inquire into the origins of the writer's ultimate achievement and power. Valid inquiries, of course, can be initiated at points other than the formative years. Nevertheless, our insights into the writer's style and aesthetic might be strengthened by trying to identify the literary origins of creative production. This procedure is especially germane in efforts to account for Tom Dent's importance as an African American writer and intellectual.
The governing presupposition for these notes is a claim about quality in writing. The art or skill that makes good writing is a possession of value and an activity of mind that is never exactly, as Richard Wright accurately proposed in \on the page. The art is in perspective. The page is a catalyst for the engagement of the reader's mind with that of the writer; they collaborate on a vision of reality, agreeing or disagreeing as the case might be. Thomas Covington Dent (or as he preferred, Tom Dent), a New Orleans writer best known for his work with Free Southern Theater and his
extraordinarily popular play Ritual Murder, his electric mentorship of younger writers and artists, and his work in oral history that culminated in Southern Journey (1997), certainly had perspective in the sense that Richard Wright intended; Dent also had subtle political and historically analytic perspectives on African American cultures. These perspectives are richly manifested in Dent's fledgling work as a journalist, specifically from writing produced during his tenure as editor-in-chief of the Maroon Tiger, the Morehouse College newspaper, during 1951-52. His editorials in Volume 53, Numbers 1-6, provide early evidence of what we are beginning to understand about his orientation toward reality, his aesthetic preferences, his complex and historically grounded modes of thought and expression. This
天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道! 天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/ evidence, crucial for a full assessment of Dent's later work, marks Dent as a writer from the Black South who sought more than the vapors of fame.
V2 是关于研究writer早期文章的作用,很短,分两段,第一段就是说研究一个writer 的早期文章怎么怎么好,第二段重点说一个writer名字叫X吧,说他现在是一个针对政治和历史方面的作家,但是以前是一个什么什么杂志的记者,说研究他当时的文章,可以帮助我们理解他现在的观点是怎样形成的。大概就是这样,楼主的v也就这点分数,大家酌情参考啊 二、 二战后的职业女性 本月原始:
V1 还有一个阅读是关于女性的,以下是以前的寂静,确定就是这个内容。标黄的是出题了的部分。
第一段背景:二战前后妇女的工作问题。引出研究的主要课题是 1940年的revision ...和1950年 feminine什么的是如何联系起来的。上来就是个问句,提出一个历史学家没弄懂的问题:二战期间妇女工作多了 可影响力木有提高呢?也就是二战时女性形象的提升对二战后女性形象没有多大影响。然后开始研究这个现象,二战后更多女人变成职业女性。妇女的地位有所提升。然后说有个inquiry调查怎么怎么的,女人的形象和symbols of family & xxx联系在一起。(然后又提了一个反对观点。)
(主旨题:1提出一个问题并展示line of inquiry. 2提出一个现象并试图解释 我760选了第一个,因为文章中貌似没有解释)
第二段 举了during the war时候的两个杂志的例子。说Honey这个人(她和别人的不同之处就是分析加入了妇女的社会阶级的分析,从SOCIAL CLASS的角度研究。我在此处遇到了考题,题。问这个叫honey的人的研究和其他研究有什么不同,就是加入了social class的角度)对前人研究的补充。(有细节题,问她的研究的作用,选social class) 然后她研究了两本杂志(一个杂志名为 XXX Post,另一个叫 XXX Survey)他们的相同点是都把二战后的职业女性描述得更正面化,承认了女人作为职业女性的自豪地位之类的(这里也有考题,原题我忘了)(大概是这样)。也就是说这两本杂志都是当时政府用来宣传(propagandize)以让妇女走出家门加入战时工作的。这两本杂志一个target在middle class,一个working class,但是他们又一些共同点。(记得共同点之一是modify了关于pre-war的对于女性 marriage and career 有conflict的观点,后来有一道问题是关于这个的)都美化了女性形象.(有题问战前的情况,我选了女性工作和婚姻冲突 modify了 the marriage-work conflict)
第三段 比较了两种magazine观点的不同。(这段压根没看)说这2个杂志的不同点,即他们focus的social class不同,Post注重middle class,Survey注重working class。(我看的那篇没有这一段)
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