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2014 National English Competition for College
Students (Level C-Preliminary)
PartⅠListening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) 1-5 CACBA
Section B (10 marks) 6-10 CABDA 11-15 BABCA
Section C (5 marks) 16-20 CBCBD Section D (10 marks) 21. get over 22. preferred 23. the same effect 24. cliam to be 25. make sure 26. charges 27. right away 28. amount of time 29. insurance company 30. feel safe in
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary ,grammar & Cultures(15 marks) 31-35 BBACB 36-40 DABCD 41-45 DBCAB
Part Ⅲ Cloze(10 marks) 46. geese 47.before 48. survival 49. shorter 50. enormous 51.flies 52. against 53. Navigation 54. Amazingly 55. which
Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (35 marks)
Section A (5 marks) 56. F 57. T 58. T 59. T 60. F Section B (10 marks) 61.F 62. G 63. B 64. A 65. D
Section C (10 marks) 66. There are only three medical schools in Norway and it is difficult for her to find a chance. 67. For six months. 68. She wants to be a doctor. 69. Almost all people in Munich drink beer. 70. She did a part time job in a hospital near Olso. Section D (10 marks) 71.creams 72. harming/damaging 73. reduce 74. properties
75. applied
Part Ⅴ Translation (15 marks) Section A (5 marks)
76.远程教育属于正规教育,它打破了传统的课堂教学模式。 远程教育与传统教育相比有两大区别,即远程教育具有灵活性和开放性,不受时空和学习进度的限制。教师在一处授课,而学生在另一处学习,打破了时空限制。有些学生由于工作、家庭或是地理条件的限制等原因无法接受传统教育,而远程教育可以为他们提供受教育的机会。 Section B (10 marks)
77. Sports and games can prevent us from getting too fat, build our bodies , and keep us healthy.
78.Computers , which have many advantages , cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 79.The distinctions we have been discussing here are practical techniques rather than theoretical backgrounds. 80.People should learn from each other so that each can adopt the other’s strong points and offset his own weaknesses.
81. Tourism is the word’s number one employer, accounting for 10 percent of jobs globally. Part Ⅵ Error Correction (10 marks) 82.将 through 改为throughout 83.将 peoples’ 改为people’s 84.将 rapid 改为rapidly 85.在 reach peak 之间加 a 86.将till 改为until 87. √ 88.去掉high point之前的the 89.将grows 改为grow 90.在find之后加 it 91.将 adjusted 改为adjust Part Ⅶ IQ Test (5 marks)
92. D 93. SANDPAPER POTENTIAL 94. Because it waves. 95. You are under arrest. 96. E Part Ⅷ Writing (30 marks)
回报几何的真心相助? 真正好的朋友,从来不需要这些表面功夫。走在这漫漫俗尘,形如微尘的我们,每天忙碌的像只蝼蚁,哪有时间去整那些虚假的表面文章。那些沉淀在岁月里的真情实意,哪一个不是无事各自忙,有事时,却又从不问 至于那些平日里看上去可以一起打闹,一起吃喝,一起厮混,看似好成一片的人,或许,只是你在多少次的四目相对之时,动了真心,存了真义,是你默默认定对方可称朋友,有困难的时候是你愿意伸以援手,但未必对方一样。 多少看似热情的人,内心是薄情的。而多少看似淡漠的人,内心实则一片温热。那些表面热诚的人,总是相安无事各自好,一旦你有事需要援助,别说大事,就是小事需代劳,你都会发现原来不过情比纸薄,对方远比你自己想的要现实的多。 有些人,自从与你接近,内心就存有一份自己的打算。定是你于他而言,多少有些可用之处。正所谓无事献殷勤,非奸即盗。在这个功利心弥漫的世态下,没有哪一份意外的热情不无所图。不仅是职场如此,男人如此,就连女人也不能免俗。 接孩子的时候,被困高层电梯下不来,一个电话打来,希望能帮忙照看一下放学的孩子。实在的人总是把别人毫不见外的信任,当作是一种荣幸,于是想都不用想就能一口答应。可当你有事需要对方只是代笔签个字这样的举手之劳时,对方都能各种不情愿各种推脱,至此你终是发现,原来人与人之间真不是一杯换一盏的事儿。关键时刻,还是得找那些看似平时不联系,但一开口能力范围之内就愿意为你想办法的人。 多少人天真的以为,认识的人越多,人脉就越广,自己就越厉害,其实,那些所谓的人脉,不过廉价。倘若你没有同等的利用价值,谁会与你建立起所谓的交际?最是谈钱伤感情,也最是感情不值钱。别结识了比自己优秀比自己有能力的人,就觉得有了依靠有了光环,自己不足够优秀,结识谁都没有用。在你困难需求的时候,你开口求助,能够推脱敷衍那算给面子,对你闭门不见佯装不熟也是情理之中。