各时态时间状语 下载本文

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初中英语语法总结 各时态时间状语

1.一般现在时(do /does , am /is /are 被动:am/is/are done ) every day/ week , on Sundays, on/ at weekends(在每周末), ever,always ,usually, often, sometimes, seldom(很少) , hardly(几乎不), never .once a week. twice 3 months .

2.一般过去时(did , was / were 被动:was/were done )

yesterday , the day before yesterday , last (year,, night, month…), , an hour ago ,the other day , just now = a moment ago , in the past(过去) , that day , from then on (从那时起) ,in 2008, in the old days , once upon a time(从前), when I was 5 years old , at the age of 5 , long long ago(很久很久以前), used to do.

3.一般将来时(will/ shall do , am/is/are going to do

被动:will/ shall be done , am/is/are going to be done)

tomorrow ,this evening , next week , soon , at once , right away, in three minutes , just a moment, in the future, sometime, in 2020, some day, one day, another day. in ten years. by 2020(到…为止)

4.过去将来时(would/ should do , was/were going to do

被动:would/ should be done, was/were going to be done)

the next day ,after three years ,three years later ,soon ,right away . (这些时间状语用于间接引语)

5.现在进行时(am /is /are doing, 被动:am /is /are being done) now , just now , at the moment ,at present , always (带有感情色彩) 现在进行时常见的动词有:look, now, listen

6 过去进行时(was /were doing , 被动:was /were being done)

at six yesterday evening ,from 7 to 9 yesterday evening ,at that time . this morning, the whole morning, all day, yesterday, when, while,at this time yesterday.

7 现在完成时(have /has done , 被动:have /has been done)

since 2000 , since 2 days ago, for some years ,ever, never , already ,yet, just , before, recently , so far , up till now , in the past few years , before, recently, lately, in recent years.

8 过去完成时(had done , 被动:had been done )

by +过去时间, three years before , up to the end of last year

从句by the time + 一过 ,主句过完。by the end of last year(到去年末为止)