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词数:305 体裁:记叙文 难度:4

I think we should try to find a happy memory, something to lift us up on those unpleasant days. I'm saying this because I think I just found mine!

I had some work in Glasgow then. I was on a really 36 schedule, which meant I would have no time for myself all day. I was having one of those days, the train was completely 37 and the conversation going on around me seemed to be particularly 38 . Besides, I had a bit of a headache. _39 quickly across the station hall, I fished some 40 from my pocket. There was usually someone at the exit 41 The Big Issue ( a magazine that helps homeless folk earn a living). _42 the crowd parted ways at the bottom of the hall, I saw someone selling the

Big Issue. She really looked like she'd been sleeping 43 . Her clothes were 44 and she obviously hadn't had a scrub up (擦洗) for quite a while.

As I 45 the exit, I saw that she was 46 from side to side. At first I thought maybe she was trying to keep 47 against the biting wind. But she wasn't, she was moving in time to a 48 . I couldn’t hear her, but I could see her lips moving.

When I got closer, I saw a white 49 hanging from her elbow and noticed that she had sunken eyes. She was 50 , dirty and living on tile streets. I came closer and through the 51 of the traffic I heard her 52 the immortal (不朽的)line, \and I think to myself, what a wonderful world!\

I bought her last magazine for twice what I'd originally 53 . She thanked me, then she 54_ her belongings and went tapping off along the pavement – still singing!

So, I have my happy 55 for the day. And I think it will stay with me a long, long time. 36. A. enjoyable

B. relaxing C. tight D. tiring

37. A. crowded B. delayed C. loaded D. crashed

38. A. moving B. interesting C. pleasing D. meaningless 39. A. Crawling B. Walking

C. Wandering D. Searching

C. change D. paper

40. A. cigarettes B. sweets 41. A. selling

B. buying C. collecting D. delivering

C. Until D. As


42. A. With B. Since

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43. A. comfortably B. rough C. soundly D. anxiously 44. A. ragged B. costly 45. A. left

C. tidy

D. fashionable

B. passed C. approached D. examined

C. rolling

D. rocking

46. A. jumping B. climbing

47. A. active B. energetic C. warm D. awake 48. A. dance

B. tune C. step

D. sound

49. A. issue B. arm 50. A. deaf

C. stick D. log

B. lame C. mad D. blind

51. A. noise B. music C. voice D. whistle 52. A. recite 53. A. expected

B. compose C. read D. sing B. charged

C. intended D. organized

D. hid away

D. design

54. A. picked up B. throw away C. put down 55. A. decision

B. memory C. program

36.C 考查形容词词义辨析。此处 on a really tight schedule\时间安排得确实很紧”。 37.A描述火车上十分拥挤,故选crowded。


39.B下车后,穿过车站大厅,walk across\穿过,走过”;wander \徘徊;漫步;闲逛”。 40.C从下文看作者要在出口处买一份杂志,所以从口袋里寻找零钱,change符合意义。 41.A作者知道在出口处会有人买(卖)杂志(the Big Issue)。 42.D当拥挤的人群在大厅里散开时,故选连词as。

43.B sleep rough是固定搭配,意为“露宿(在公园过夜);睡得难受”。 44.A根据上下文可知买杂志的妇女衣衫褴褛,故正确答案是ragged。 45.C approached \接近,靠近”.符合意义。


47.C开始我认为她也许是为抵御刺骨的寒风而摆动身体保持温暖。keep warm\保持温暖”。 48.B但事实并非如此.她是在准确地随着曲.周而舞动。tune意思是“曲调,旋律”。

49.C根据下文“…and went tapping off along the pavement(用拐杖敲打着沿人行道离去)”及凹陷的眼睛(sunken eyes),可判断出她是一位盲人,故手肘部位挂着的应是一根拐棍(stick)。

50.D根据上文看见买杂志的妇女手肘部位挂着的白色拐棍和凹陷的眼睛(sunken eyes)。故可判断出她是一位盲人。


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52.D根据下一段最后的“still staging”可知她在唱一首不朽的歌词。

53.C我从她那里以两倍的价格买了我原本就想买的最后一本的杂志。intend“打算,想要”。 54.A她收拾起她的东西,用拐杖敲打着沿人行道离去,嘴里还哼着那首歌曲。pick up在此是“收拾”的意思。




词数:351 体裁:记叙文 难度:3

Many years ago, there was a king in China. He 36 a beautiful girl named Chang Er and made her stay in the palace so that he could see her 37 he wanted. However, the girl did not like the frightened figure of the king. She 38 spoke a word in the palace. Each time the king went to her place, he 39 show her some treasures and brough some gifts to 40 her.

On every full moon, the girl would light candles to worship the moon. People believed that there was a god living in the moon that made the moon 41 .

One day, the full moon of the eighth month, the king 42 three pills to show her. “ This is from the priest(道士) of the palace. If we eat them up, we can live forever.” He 43 . Because the king was afraid that the pills would have side effects. He forced the girl to take the 44 first. If nothing wrong with her after taking the pill, he would take it immediately. 45, the girl recognized that if she took all three of them, the king would 46 her eventually. Therefore, she 47 the king for the first time, “ Let me have a look at the pills first. Otherwise, I will not try at all.”

The king was 48 that the girl talked to him. So he 49 the pills to the girl. She did not say 50 but eat all of them. The king was extremely angry. He wanted to kill her.

At this moment, the girl started to 51 . She could fly for the sake of the 52 of the pills. The king could not catch her but had to watch her fly 53 the moon and disappear.

After that, people 54 . that there was a beautiful girl stay in the moon with a little old man and a bunny. The old man was believed to be the god inside the moon and bunny was his 55 . Day after day, Chinese believed that there were people lived in the moon. 36.A.met

B.married C.inspected


37.A.wherever B.however C.whatever D.whenever 38.A.seldom

B.never C.ever D.always

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