高考英语一轮复习第1部分Module3AdventureinLiteratureandtheCinema课时作业外研版必修5 下载本文

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Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

Ⅰ.完形填空导学号 58082507

It was Mother's Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were _1.A__, we realized that only minutes earlier an _2.D__ woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground._3.A__ was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock._4.D__, a lot of people stopped to help out.

_5.C__ we were walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very _6.D__ about what had happened to the elderly couple. He _7.B__ to me, “Mom, it's not much fun falling over in front of _8.C__.” Seeing that there was a flower stall(摊位)at the front of the supermarket, he added, “Why shouldn't we _9.D__ the lady a flower? It will make her feel better.” I was _10.A__ that he'd come up with this _11.B__ idea. So we went over and told the flower seller_12.C__ we wanted. “Just take it,” she replied. “I _13.B__ take your money for such a wonderful _14.D__.”

By now medical staff had arrived, and were _15.B__ the injured woman. We gave the flower to the woman's husband and I told him it was _16.A__ my son. At that, the old man started crying and said, “Thank you very much.” He then turned to me, “You have a _17.D__ son. Happy Mother's Day to you.”

The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from._18.B__ being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with _19.A__ in her eyes and gave him a little _20.C__.


1.A.leaving C.moving

B.driving D.stopping

[解析] 由上下句意可知我们要离开时,有人受伤了。leave“离开”,符合句意。drive“驾驶”;move“移动”;stop“停止”。

2.A.injured C.honest

B.awkward D.elderly

[解析] 由下文the elderly people提示可知D项正确。 3.A.Her husband

B.My son


C.The crowd D.The seller

[解析] 由下文可知是一对老夫妇,因此陪在身边的应该是她的丈夫。 4.A.Specifically C.Interestingly

B.Particularly D.Fortunately

[解析] 由下一句话可知,老人摔倒后,很多人停下来帮忙,故选“幸运的是”(fortunately);specially“专门地”;particularly“尤其、特别地”;interestingly“有趣的是”。

5.A.If C.While

B.Since D.Unless

[解析] 句意:正当我们向事故地点走去时,while“当……时候”,符合上下句意。if“如果”;since“从……以来”;unless“除非”。

6.A.guilty C.angry

B.curious D.worried

[解析] 由上文可知孩子想安慰老人,故他担心老人。be worried about“对……担心”;guilty“内疚”;curious“好奇的”;angry“生气的”。

7.A.complained C.lied

B.said D.responded

[解析] 从后面的引号可知是孩子说的话,故say正确。complain“抱怨”;lie“说谎”;respond“回答”。

8.A.no one C.everyone

B.someone D.anyone

[解析] 由上下句意可知老人在超市门口摔倒,故在公共场合,在所有人面前。everyone“每个人、所有人”;no one“没人”;someone“某人”;anyone“任何人”。

9.A.lend C.leave

B.bring D.buy

[解析] 由上文there was a flower stall“有一个卖花的摊位”可知去买花。buy“买”;lend“借”;bring“带来”;leave“离开”。

10.A.amazed C.puzzled

B.shocked D.concerned

[解析] 对于五岁的孩子提出这样一个想法,母亲感到惊讶。amazed“感到惊讶的”;shocked“震惊的”;puzzled“迷惑的”;concerned“担心的”。

11.A.wise C.innocent

B.sweet D.crazy

[解析] sweet“甜的,美妙的”;wise“明智的”;innocent“无辜的”;crazy“疯



12.A.which C.what

B.when D.whether

[解析] what引导宾语从句,且在从句中充当宾语。 13.A.must not C.may not

B.can't D.needn't

[解析] 由下文可知孩子买花是一件wonderful的事情,故店主是不会收钱的。can't“不能,做不到”;must not“表示禁止”;may not“或许不”;needn't“没有必要”。

14.A.scene C.flower

B.habit D.deed

[解析] 由上下文可知小孩买花是善举,故用deed“行为,行动”;scene“场景”;habit“习惯”;flower“花朵”。

15.A.checking with C.operating on

B.looking after D.praying for

[解析] 由前一句可知医疗队已经到达,可推知在照看老人。look after“照料”; check with“与……相符”;operate on“动手术”;pray for“祈祷”。

16.A.from C.with

B.to D.about

[解析] 由句意可知花是儿子送的。from表示出处,“来自”。 17.A.respectful C.successful

B.cheerful D.wonderful

[解析] 由老人表示感谢可知老人是赞扬儿子,故用wonderful“极好的”;respectful“尊重的”;cheerful“快乐的”;successful“成功的”。

18.A.Out of C.Thanks to

B.Regardless of D.As to

[解析] 由句意可知老人不顾自己的重伤,依然充满爱意的看着孩子。regardless of“不管,不顾”;out of“出于”;thanks to“幸亏”;as to“关于”。

19.A.love C.pity

B.hope D.pain

[解析] 由上文可知老人被孩子的行为感动了,故充满爱意最合适。love“爱”;hope“希望”;pity“可惜”;pain“痛苦”。

20.A.idea C.smile

B.money D.comfort

[解析] and连接应为并列的含义,由前面的love可推知smile微笑正确。idea“想