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1. This city has population of more than 1,000,000 and 80% of —— population are workers. A. a; a

B. the; a

C. the; the

D. a; the

2. It was obvious to everyone he was lying but no one would blow his cover. A. that

B. who

C. because

D. why

3. I made a trip to Guilin during the summer vacation, is famous for its beautiful scenery. A. when

B. where

C. which

D. who

4. — What’s the like in your hometown?

— It’s quite pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. A. climate B. position

C. reality

D. view

5. “If you work hard, your dream of going to college ,” our teacher keeps encouraging us.

A. will be come true

B. comes true C. is come true D. will come true

6. — Why are you so crazy about bird-watching?

— Looking at the beautiful creatures and listening to their songs, I feel I’m in direct contact with nature. A. what if B. only if

C. as if

D. even if

7. There’s no need for you to worry about the exam. You study very hard; , you are so clever. A. on the whole

B. as a result C. sooner or later D. what’s more

8. Jinan, as “the city of spring”, is located in the Midwestern part of Shandong Province. A. known

B. knowing

C. to be known D. being known

9. — Were you disappointed when your suggestion was ? — A little bit, but I haven’t let it bother me. A. affected B. fancied

C. settled

D. rejected

10. With the moon in the sky, what fun it is to walk along the river with a close friend!

A. to shine B. shine

C. shining

D. shone

11. If I time, I would go to the cinema with you, but I have a lot of work to do. A. have

B. had

C. had had

D. will have


12. With the wide use of the computer and the Internet, a new language called Weblish in the last few years. A. developed

B. had developed C. has developed

D. develops

13. — Do you have anything for this weekend? — We may go to the seaside. It depends on the weather. A. planning B. being planned 14. — Must I take a taxi?

— No, you don’t need to. A(n) bus service connects the train station with the town centre.

A. average B. common

C. regular

D. normal

C. to plan D. planned

15. — Can I speak to Mr. Smith? — I’ll just see if he’s in. A. Hang on. to you.


The middle of March might seem early to think about Mother’s Day, but it’s not too early if you know what you want. Every year, my 16 ask me what I’d like for Mother’s Day, and I think I will disappoint them if I 17 with an answer like “I just want your hugs.” I know they really do want to get me a 18 , but it’s just hard to 19 what I might want is what they can actually buy or 20 on their own.

This year is 21 , and I know 22 what I want. I want tomatoes! Last year I didn’t get even one single 23 tomato all summer long. Since I had a hysterectomy (子宫切除) and was 24 to garden, I didn’t 25 any. My garden was 26 most of the spring and summer, so it was overgrown (长满了) with 27 and now it is a mess. My kids have been in their teens and are 28 enough to work on the garden and get it into shape for me. I’ll have to tell them to get some fresh soil, and dig out the grass and weeds and get things ready first. It’s a(n) 29 job. They have worked very hard, and though they haven’t got far, there is much 30 . When the garden bed is all ready, they can plant tomato seedlings. Then all we’ll have to do is water, weed and 31 the fruits.

I think soon there will be tomatoes in my garden, red and ripe and ready for being 32 . All summer long, I will keep on 33 my children’s gift. The hard work will go into the best Mother’s Day gift. Not only will the present make me 34 and healthy, but also it will let my children know the benefit and 35 of hard work. 16. A. relatives B. colleagues C. friends 17. A. recall

D. kids

B. That’s right! C. Thanks for the offer.

D. It’s up

B. explain C. respond D. agree


18. A. present 19. A. set up 20. A. borrow 21. A. different 22. A. nearly 23. A. delicious 24. A. unable 25. A. buy 26. A. cleaned 27. A. plants 28. A. old 29. A. attractive 30. A. chance 31. A. look for 32. A. sold 33. A. changing 34. A. lucky 35. A. importance B. pain

B. hug C. plan B. sort out C. give up

D. reply D. figure out

B. create C. share D. expect B. ordinary C. common D. regrettable B. sadly C. exactly D. frequently B. ripe C. home-grown D. sweet B. willing C. ready D. eager B. plant C. imagine B. protected C. used B. weeds C. crops

D. send D. ignored D. flowers

B. careful C. generous D. honest B. boring C. casual B. difficulty

D. hard

D. space

C. progress

B. wait for C. ask for D. pay for B. purchased C. produced

D. picked

B. discovering C. enjoying D. passing B. happy C. active D. popular C. purpose D. cause




Gustafson, 66, went outside to do yard work one afternoon last September. His nine-year-old white dog, Bounce, played nearby. Suddenly, Gustafson was shocked by a terrifying sound. “I heard a scream from Bounce,” he says. “I ran down the hill and saw Bounce in the mouth of an alligator. It was headed right to the water.”

The little dog had wandered into the tall grass along a pond nearby. The alligator had

sprung (跳跃) from the shallows of the pond and was now holding the dog’s collar between

its teeth. It turned away from the bank and began quickly swimming into the water.

Gustafson did a flying leap, landed on top of the alligator, and grasped the back leg and tail of the alligator and yanked (猛地一拉)—which caused the animal to release (释放) the dog. Bounce paddled frantically (疯狂似地) toward the shore.

Then the alligator turned around and sank its teeth into Gustafson’s right hand. “I screamed at the top of my lungs,” he says. “I thought I was in trouble.” Gustafson was able to free his hand when the beast opened its jaws again. With his injured hand, Gustafson hit the animal and pulled its head underwater.

“I yelled at Bounce reminding her to get to the shore, but she was exhausted. If I