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结 论


回想这次制作过程的主要任务,首先阐述了系统的开发背景,明确了系统的开发目标,最后还简述了系统开发所使用的ASP.NET和SQL Server 2005技术的特点及其应用范围。从市场需求的角度总体分析了整个系统的主要业务流程,并详细地对设计所做的子系统的业务流程进行分析描述。同时,针对现行的同类网站所存在的问题进行了解分析,从而对系统开发设计进行可行性分析,以确保系统的开发是有针对性的、稳定的和可行的。通过对整个物业管理系统的功能模块分析和对整个网站设计结构的叙述说明,明确网站的设计思想、设计目标,并对系统进行总体分析。在数据库设计中,叙述了系统数据库的设计思想,同时从数据流图、实体关系图和数据库表三个方面建立了数据库概念模型,描述了数据库和数据表的创建过程,这是子系统要与数据库相连接的必要实施步骤。




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A Multilingual Database of Idioms

Aline Villavicencio, Timothy Baldwin, Benjamin Waldron


This paper presents a possible architecture for a multilingual database of idioms. We discuss the challenges that idioms present to the creation of such a database and propose a possible encoding that maximises the amount of information that can be stored for different languages. Such a resource provides important information for linguistic, computational linguistic and psycholinguistic use, and allows for the comparison of different phenomena in different languages. This can provide the basis for a better understanding of regularities in idioms across languages. 1.Introduction

This work is concerned with enabling the creation of a multilingual database of idioms. Idioms are often defined as a group of words which have a different meaning when used together from the one it would have if the meaning of each word were taken individually (Collins, 2000). They comprise expressions like spill the beans, kick the bucket and pull strings, that are usually employed in everyday language to precisely express ideas and concepts that cannot be compressed into a single word. Even though some idioms are fixed, and do not present internal variation, such as ad hoc, there is also a large proportion of idioms that allow different degrees of internal variability, and with a variable number of elements. For example, the idiom spill the beans allows internal modification (spill mountains of beans), passivization (The beans were spilled on the latest edition of the report), topicalization (The beans, the opposition spilled), and so on.

As we can see, idioms are a highly heterogeneous kind of multiword expression, ranging from (semi-)fixed cases (e.g. kick the bucket) which only allow morphological


in- flection, to more flexible ones (e.g. spill the beans) which can undergo different types of syntactic variation and mod- ification (Nunberg et al.,1994). Moreover, for the later case, the type of syntactic variation that these idioms allow is highly unpredictable (Riehemann, 2001). Even if these works focus their discussion on idioms in English, the same phenomena can also be found in idioms in other languages. Such variation tends to be a challenge for their successful (computational) linguistic treatment (Sag et al., 2002). In linguistics, for example, they have been often used as evidence for or against the properties of grammatical theories (e.g. must “syntactic theory” include transformational operations? From Nunberg et al. (1994)).In computational linguistics,for applications such as machine translation, appropriate understanding/treatment of idioms is necessary for these systems to be able to deal with natural languages, and avoid the generation of unnatural or nonsensical sentences in the target language.There are even cases where a pair of corresponding idioms in two different languages may share the same properties (e.g. the other side of the coin in English and its literal translation in Portuguese o outro lado da moeda, which is also a noun phrase idiom) But exactly how much variation do these idioms have? What is the proportion of idioms that are fixed in a given language? And what proportion have equivalents in other languages?

Having access to a multilingual database of cases and being able to analyse them can give us some insight into the nature of idioms, and into what is required of a proper treatment of idioms crosslingually. In this work we propose an encoding that supports the collection of idioms in several languages, and the mapping of equivalent parts. 2.Idioms across Languages

Idioms are commonly thought of as metaphors that have became fixed or fossilized over time. While in some cases the metaphor is transparent and can be easily understood even by non-native speakers (e.g. kill two birds with one stone as achieve two things at the same time), in other cases the metaphor is opaque and if the idiom is


not known by the hearer, it can lead to misinterpretations (e.g. kick the bucket as die).

Some of these metaphors can be found in idioms across languages, and in some cases, in very similar idioms. For instance, one idiom that can be found in both English and Portuguese that shows full lexical, syntactic and semantic correspondence is in the red, which is no vermelho in Portuguese, where no is the contraction of in + the and vermelho means red, and both idioms are prepositional phrases (PPs) and have the same meaning.However, there is a large range of variation to be found in idiom pairs across languages, and some idioms do not have such a direct map- ping, and may differ in one or more ways and/or may al- low different forms of modification/variation. For example, some idiom pairs are syntactically and semantically but not lexically equivalent. One example is in the black and its Portuguese counterpart no azul (in the blue), where both are PP idioms and the only difference is in the choice of colour (blue instead of black), or alternatively bring the curtain down on and its counterpart botar um ponto final em (put the final dot in) that are both verbal constructions. There are also idioms that are semantically equivalent, but realised using different constructions across languages. For example, in a corner and encurralado (meaning cornered) are semantically equivalent but realised by different construc- tions – a PP in English and an adjective in Portuguese). Finally, some idioms have multiple idiomatic equivalents in a second language, while others have none, and this information is also of importance (see Tanaka and Baldwin (2003) for a discussion of English and Japanese compound nouns in the context of a machine translation task).

The challenge is then to define a database design which is capable of encoding all the variation found in these phenomena as well as the correspondences between them in a common format. We propose a database design that can be used for such a task, allowing the maximum amount of information to be stored about an idiom and its counterparts in different languages. 3.A Possible Architecture