2018届天津市和平区高三上学期期末考试英语试题 下载本文

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An expression used by Americans for about 100 years is “to pass the buck”. It means refusing to take responsibility, letting others decide and act for you.

President Gerald Ford dramatized the phrase after taking Richard Nixon’s place in the White House. Ford announced in a special television broadcast that he had decided to pardon Nixon for any crimes he may have committed as President. Ford said such a decision had to be made by him alone, and that he could not let others do it for him. “The buck stops here,” said Ford.

He remembered how another President, Harry S. Truman, made that expression famous more than 25 years ago. Truman had a sign on his desk which said: “The buck stops here.” The message was clear: if the President of the United States could not act and make the final decision on important national matters, who else could? A president who refused to take the responsibility and “passed the buck” to someone else would soon find himself in serious trouble.

Where did the expression come from? It seems to have come from the card game of poker where the players, one after the other, mix and pass out the cards. In the game, a buck is a counter or marker formerly passed from one poker player to another to indicate an obligation, especially one’s turn to deal.

The phrase seems to have come to life in the gambling houses of the West. There, a silver dollar was put in front of a player to show that he would be the next dealer to pass out the cards. A dollar, silver or paper, was therefore called a “buck”.

Forceful leaders, of course, make decisions, and take risks and responsibility. The risks can be great. Every choice at times may lead to disaster. Therefore, it is easier to pass the responsibility and let others take the risks. Nobody, however, likes a man who passes the buck. He is soon found out and given an unpleasant name — buck-passer.

46. What can we infer from Paragraph 2? A. Nixon was very brave.

B. Nixon was very tolerant. D. Ford made a hard decision.

C. Ford made a big mistake.

47. Which word can best describe President Harry S. Truman according to Paragraph 3? A. Patient.

B. Intelligent.

C. Responsible.

D. Humorous.

48. What should the poker player behind a buck do? A. Mark cards.

B. Count cards. D. Distribute cards.

C. Purchase cards.

49. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about? A. How to pass a buck.



B. The functions of a dollar.

C. Why a buck means a dollar. D. A popular form of gambling.

50. What is people’s attitude towards a buck-passer? A. They dislike him.


We live in a judgmental world where people are quick to point out, the faults and imperfections of others yet seem unaware of their own. Some misguided souls believe they have a civil duty to help you to be a better person by telling you what a failure you really are first and then offering suggestions as to how you can improve.

So what is the solution to criticism? If you are the one forcing others to feel ashamed of themselves, STOP. Make a conscious decision that rather than focus on the negative aspect of a person’s performance or attitudes, you’ll offer helpful suggestions from the get-to. If I’m painting our living room and making a mess in doing so, I would like my husband to say to me, “This is a tough job. Can I offer a suggestion that might make it easier for you?” rather than having him point out what a sloppy painter I am and then tell me how I should be doing it. If you are on the receiving end of criticism, the “OK” response is a perfect solution. When someone comments negatively on a task you are doing or a personality issue, a natural response is to defend and attack. However, this approach is rarely effective as it puts both parties on the defensive. Instead, simply reply with “OK”. This brief one-word response acknowledges the other person’s comment without agreeing with it or feeling necessary to engage in a debate about it.

It is important to remain emotionally attached to what the other person is saying, to listen without feeling, to be an objective observer. There is much that one can learn from a negative review. You can ask yourself: Did I make a mistake? Could I have done better? Did I give 100% of myself to the task at hand? If so, how can I improve? As for chronic (习惯性的) criticizers: It is important to set strict boundaries with them. Remove yourself from their presence when necessary.

In any event, one can learn to be “OK” with criticism and not allow it to negatively impact their life or relationship with the other party. Examine it for any potential truths, and then let it go and just be “OK”. 51. What does the underlined word “sloppy” in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Lazy.

B. Creative.

C. Careless.

D. Energetic.

B. They admire him. D. They appreciate his work.

C. They feel sorry for him.

52. What does the author want to show by using the example of painting? A. Nobody is perfect.

B. The art of criticizing. D. Her husband cared about her.

C. The value of suggestions.

53. What is the best way to respond when you are criticized by a person?



A. Just say “OK”.

B. Defend yourself. D. Simply say “Thank you”.

C. Ignore the comment.

54. You are told to ask yourself some questions in Paragraph 4 so as to . A, take criticism objectively

B. learn from others’ mistakes ? D. have more confidence in yourself

C. better present negative reviews

55. How should you treat people who always criticize others according to the author’s advice? A, Attack them sharply. C. Stay away from them.

B. Talk to them politely. D. Be open to their suggestions.

第二卷 非选择题(共35分)

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)


Louisiana’s top two youth volunteers of 2016, Stanley Celestine, 17, and Ashini Modi, 12, were honored in the nation’s capital for their outstanding volunteer service during the 21st annual presentation of the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards. Stanley and Ashini---along with 100 other top youth volunteers from across the US — each received $1,000 awards.

Stanley, a junior at Louisiana School for the Agricultural Sciences (LaSAS), is trying to decrease the rate of childhood obesity (肥胖) and improve the general health of all citizens in his community through an action he calls “Healthy Avoyelles.” Three years ago, Stanley formed a nonprofit mentoring (指导) program to help elementary students improve their studies. During that project, Stanley noticed that many young children in the rural, economically poor Avoyelles Parish were obese and had serious health problems often associated with being overweight. So he instituted a back-to-school festival to educate families about the health risks associated with child obesity, the many causes, and how to create a healthier lifestyle. According to Stanley, his health action has affected more than 2,000 children to date.

Ashini, a sixth-grader at Caddo Parish Middle Magnet School, set up a 1,500-book library at a local homeless shelter so that the children there could “explore, imagine and find the beauty of reading.” With the help of her family and friends, Ashini collected children’s books in her community from individual, schools, public libraries, a second-hand shop and a bookstore. They all went into a room called the “Reading Rainforest,” decorated by Ashini and her family. To further encourage kids at the shelter to use the new library, Ashini started a story time. Several times a year, she reads a book to the children and organizes a related craft project.

“By using their time and talents to better their communities, these young people have achieved great



things---and become examples to us all,” said John Strangfeld, chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial, Inc. “Congratulations to an exemplary group of honorees.”

56. When did Stanley find out the problem of child obesity? (No more than 10 words)

57. What does the underlined word “instituted” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? (1 word)

58. What is the purpose of the Reading Rainforest? (No more than 10 words)

59. What did John Strangfeld think of those volunteers? (No more than 10 words)

60. What can you learn from the text? (No more than 20 words)

第二节 书面表达(共1小题,满分25分)

61.假设你是高三学生李津,想利用暑假做兼职,但你的父母不同意,为此你感到很苦恼。请你用英语给某英语报社Advice专栏的编辑Miss Kind写一封求助信,内容主要包括: (1)你和父母所持的不同观点及理由; (2)请求对方提出建议。 注意:

(1) 词数不少于100;

(2) 可以适当增加细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; (3) 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。 Dear Miss Kind,

I am a senior three student.

Yours, Li Jin



第I卷 选择题(共95分)
