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《Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to-Period 3》练习题

Passage 1


Many children like collecting stamps. Stamp-collecting didn’t begin 1 1854. As time goes on, there are more and more kinds of stamps. These stamps are very beautiful and 2 . There are many wonderful pictures 3 them. And there are more and more stamps 4 . Not only children but also men and women collect stamps. In 1921, America began 5 all kinds of stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there are even 6 on stamps-collecting in school. People all over the world are becoming more and more 7 in stamps. Each picture on a stamp has 8 in it. It may be the 9 of a great leader, a famous scientist or a writer. It may be a beautiful bird or a fish. It may be an interesting place. Every stamp 10 us a story.

( )1. A. until B. more C. till D. any more

( )2. A. colorful B. boring C. small D. interesting

( )3. A. at B. on C. in D. by

( )4. A. albums B. collection C. collectors D. sellers

( )5. A. collecting B. sending C. selling D. taking

( )6. A. lessons B. shops C. books D. students

( )7. A. surprised B. interested C. interesting D. good

( )8. A. stories B. means C. meaning D. pictures

( )9. A. leg B. hand C. knee(膝) D. head

( )10. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks

Passage 2



Victor’s hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many 1 ,

like England, Canada and China. On his birthday, can you guess 2 people gave him? That’s right—stamps. Victor’s favorite stamps came from France. He had almost every stamp 3 1954

to 2018. He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition(版本). It was very 4 to find.

He 5 it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives(亲戚) to help. But 6 could find the stamp. It made Victor very 7 .

Victor also liked writing. He had a pen pal in France. His name was Phillip. They 8 to each other every month. Once Phillip’s mother gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Victor got the letter, he was very 9 . It was the 1974 10 edition stamp on the envelope. Victor was so happy. He told his sister, his mother and his father. “You see,” his father said. “You did find your stamp. So, it’s good to have two things in life—friends and patience(耐心).

( ) 1. A. world B. cities C. countries D. friends

( ) 2. A. why B. where C. when D. what ( ) 3. A. from B. for C. to D. of

( ) 4. A. easy B. interesting C. difficult D. popular

( ) 5. A. looked for B. found C. looked after D. looked at

( ) 6. A. anybody B. nobody C. everybody D. somebody ( ) 7. A. happy B. sad C. relaxing D. excited ( ) 8. A. visited B. played C. wrote D. talked

( ) 9. A. surprised B. sad C. quiet D. wild ( )10. A. special B. common C. difficult D. usual

Passage 3

Tom: Is that your guitar? Maria: Yes, it is.

Tom: How long have you been playing the guitar? Maria: About three years.

Tom: Cool, I love listening to guitar music.

Maria: Me too. That’s why I decided to learn it.

Tom: So, do you know how to play any other instrument? Maria: I know how to play the piano. Actually(实际上), that was the first instrument

I learnt to play. I started playing it when I was seven.

Tom: Really? So, do you still play the piano? Maria: Yes, I do. I’ve been playing the piano for 14 years now. Do you play a musical


Tom: No, I don’t. But I can sing.

Maria: Oh, how long have you been singing?

Tom: I’ve been singing since I was 13. I’m not a professional singer but I sing

at school concerts sometimes. Maria: Can you dance?

Tom: Yes, I can. I’ve been dancing since I was 10.

Maria: I’m a member of a small band. We’ve been meeting for about 10 months. Why

don’t you write us a short description of your musical experience? We’re currently (当前) looking for singers.


1. How long has Maria been playing the guitar?

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How long has Maria been playing the piano?

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. How long has Tom been singing?

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How long has Tom been dancing?

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. How long have Maria and Tom been meeting?

___________________________________________________________________________ 判断下列陈述正误,T表示正确, F表示错误。

( ) 6. Maria learnt to play the piano before the guitar. ( ) 7.Tom likes the guitar music. ( ) 8. Maria and Tom are in a band. ( ) 9. Maria only plays the guitar now. ( ) 10.Tom has been dancing longer than he has been singing.

Passage 4


A rich man asked a wise (聪明的)old man how to make his son give up his bad habits. The old man took the boy 1 a walk through a garden. He stopped suddenly, and 2 the boy to pull up a small plant growing there. The boy pulled it up 3 . The old man then asked him

to pull up a little 4 plant. The boy pulled hard, and the plant came out. “Now pull up that one,” said the old man, 5 a bush(矮树). The boy did his best, and pulled it up 6 . “Now take this out,” said the old man, pointing(指向) to a big tree. The boy put his 7 around the tree and tried to pulled it up. But he 8 . He couldn’t pull it this time. “It’s impossible,” said the boy. He was tired. “It’s 9 as your bad habits,” said the old man. “When they’re young, it’s easy to pull them up, 10 when they grow up you can’t uproot (根除) them so easily.”

( ) 1. A. with B. for C. in D. at ( ) 2. A. kept B. let C. made D. asked

( ) 3. A. hard B. easy C. easily D. sadly