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在中国古典诗歌中,月亮常常作为诗人触景伤情的媒介,是诗人宣泄内心悲苦的窗口。“举杯邀明月,对影成三人。” 明月传递着李白无法言说的孤独;“星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。”残月再现了杜甫颠沛漂泊的垂暮;“月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。”落月承载着张继科举落第的悲伤;“画图省识春风面,环佩空归月夜魂。” 月魂描画出昭君远嫁边塞的苍凉。相比之下,英语诗歌中的月亮形象要轻松、活泼、亲切得多。一个典型的例子便是鲍勃图克的诗,《月亮,我的朋友》——
My Friend, The Moon Bob Tucker
I see the moon with its round light, Is here again for fun tonight.
It seeks its playmates on the ground, For in the sky no one’s around.
It sneaks its light down through the trees, It’s moonbeams seem to light the breeze. And colors dance as cool winds blow, As it paints for us its famous glow.
在这首诗中,月亮被描绘成天真可爱而又淘气贪玩的小孩子,因为天空中太寂寞,无人陪伴,便悄悄从树梢上溜下,到地面上寻找伙伴。这种拟人化描写令人忍俊不禁.接下来,诗人用细腻的笔触,勾勒出宁静祥和的月夜——月光照亮了微风, 月色随风翩翩起舞, 月亮的清辉洒满大地。整首诗基调欢快,节奏明朗,给人轻松愉悦的感觉。
另一个例子是美国著名诗人卡尔〃桑德堡的诗,《孩子的月亮》—— Child Moon Carl Sandberg
The child’s wonder, At the old moon, Comes back nightly. She points her finger,
To the far silent yellow thing. Shining through the branches,
Filtering on the leaves a golden sand, Crying with her little tongue, See the moon!
And in her bed fading to sleep,
With babblings of the moon on her little mouth.
一轮明月高悬遥远的天际,清辉透过树枝洒满树叶,如同过滤过的金色沙子。这一切都让孩子感到万分惊奇,让他不禁大叫道,“快看月亮啊”,甚至当他睡着时,也在梦中喃喃自语,可见月亮对孩子的吸引力。这令人联想起李白的诗《古朗月行》 “小时不识月,呼作白玉盘;又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。”两诗皆以孩子的视角和口吻描写月亮,充满童真童趣。
而英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱的诗《致月亮》却没有这两首诗轻松欢快—— To the Moon Percy Shelley
Art thou pale for weariness,
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth, Wandering companionless,
Among the stars that have a different birth, And ever changing, like a joyless eye, That finds no object worth its constancy? AND, like a dying lady lean and pale,
Who totters forth, wrapp’d in a gauzy veil, Out of her chamber, led by the insane, And feeble wanderings of her fading brain, The moon arose up in the murky east, A white and shapeless mass.
在中国古典诗歌中,月亮也常常是世事变迁的见证,表达“永恒”这一抽象的概念。李白在《把酒问月》中曾经感慨,“今人不见古时月,今月曾经照古人。古人今人若流水,共看明月皆如此。”明月亘古如斯,相比之下,人生如此短暂;张若虚在千古名篇《春江花月夜》中,也发出相同的喟叹,“江畔何人初见月?江月何年初照人?人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。”江月年年如此,穿古越今,阅尽人世枯荣。然而在英语诗歌中,月亮常常被具化成人们所熟知的事物,平添了几分人间烟火气息。这一点在诗人卡尔〃桑德堡(Carl Sandberg)的诗集《天空》(Sky Poetry)中得以很好的诠释。桑德堡在这个诗集中写了许多与月亮有关的诗,从不同角度描绘了月的形象。
比如在Baby Face这首诗中,诗人写道, White Moon comes in on a baby face,
The shafts across her bed are glimmering. Out on the land White Moon shines,
Shines and glimmers against gnarled shadows.
在Two Moon Fantasies这首诗中,诗人写道, The moon is a bucket of suds, Yellow and smooth suds.
The horses of the moon dip their heads, Into this bucket and drink.
The moon is a disc of hidden books, Reach an arm into it.
And feel around with your hands,
And you bring out books already written, And many books yet to be written,
For the moon holds past, present, future, Thus an apparition related the matter, To him the disc meant print and printers.
诗人将月亮想象成盛满啤酒的水桶,黄灿灿,滑溜溜,月神的战马就在这个水桶中惬意的饮水。这一比喻十分新颖独特。诗人还将月亮想象成一盘看不见的书,书可以记载过去和现在,也将会记录将来,一如月亮,见证世事变迁,人世兴替。 在River Moons这首诗中,诗人写道, The double moon,
One on the high backdrop of the West, One on the curve of the river face.
The sky moon of fire and the river moon of water, I am taking these home in a basket. Hung on an elbow,
Such a teeny weeny elbow, In my head.
诗人用细腻的笔触,勾勒出宁静的月夜——一轮明月高悬于西天的夜幕, 明月的倒影在河水中泛着粼粼的微波。月亮如此美好,以至于诗人忍不住要把它装入篮里,带回家中。
在Milk-White Moon, Put The Cows To Sleep这首诗中,诗人写道, Milk-white moon, put the cows to sleep Since five o’clock in the morning, Since they stood up out of the grass,
Where they have slept on their knees and hocks, They have eaten grass and given their milk, ?
If the moon is the skim face top of a pail of milk Wondering not at all, carelessly looking. Put the cows to sleep, milk-white moon, Put the cows to sleep. 在挤奶工的眼里,月亮是乳白色的,就像是牛奶表面的奶皮,具有催眠的力量,让奶牛快快入睡,好方便他们挤牛奶。这一想象是纯真质朴的情感流露,充满了